It was better than Season Four at least, although that is not saying a hell of a lot. It was really uneven. Really, there was that one stretch from Party Pooped to Made in Manehattan where the show felt brilliant like Season Two again (take out Do Princesses Dream of Electric Sheep, and it would have been the best five-episode run since the middle of the first season), but beyond that there were only a couple good episodes, a few middling ones, and several shitburgers.
It was better than Season Four at least, although that is not saying a hell of a lot. It was really
The problem of the show that authors pump oil from it. It became boring. They cannot stop it. I don't find new characters and villains interesting. Also, I hate authors for this equal shit (like, equal bronies against bronies that not for equality, I'm more than sure that this war isn't over yet). I liked three first seasons more. Fourth is fine, but after wathcing 11 episodes of fitfth... I just said "Enough". I don't like it anymore. I like only characters. Btw, in "Lesson zero" we could see how their friendship could be ruined in really easy way: because her friends couldn't support Twilight. That's it.
The problem of the show that authors pump oil from it. It became boring. They cannot stop it. I don'
Yeah. It did not help that they kept doing stupid world-breaking shit like reforming Discord and making new princesses. HURR Daring-Do is real now! DURR Two more Equestria Girls movies! Equestria was full of possibilities and surprises like Middle-Earth or Arrakis before they turned it into a playset.
>11 episodes
You just missed out on Canterlot Boutique and Rarity Investigates. If you never watch the show again, it would be a pity to miss those two. At the risk of overselling them, they are "Suited for Success" good. Even /pone/ likes them, and we hate everything. The rest of the episodes, though, you are not really missing anything significant by not watching them. In fact, by no means should you ever watch the season finale. Trust me.
Yeah. It did not help that they kept doing stupid world-breaking shit like reforming Discord and ma
Idk about Discord and Twilicorn. Actually, I like Discord when he's a real villain, also, I like him being less goofy on some fanarts. Welp, may be authors tried to say that you have to give second chance (don't forget, this show was supposed to teach kids love and frienship). I couldn't watch them because there were no translation for next after 11 episodes (i'm not englishman), so I lost interest to continue watching it really fast, and I didn't really want to do it. But, I liked "The lost treasure of Gryffonstone" and episode with yaks (I forgot the name :'d). Might be I'll watch episodes with my fav marshmallov pon. And yeah, I spoilet final episode. And I knew that Starlight was offended just because her friend got fucking cutiemark and leaved her. If I'm not mistaken, of course. Also, the worst part of season - Moondancer. Twilight's recolor. Nothing more to say.
Idk about Discord and Twilicorn. Actually, I like Discord when he's a real villain, also, I like him
I am with you. Discord was much better as a villain. The writers have a bad habit of taking cool villains and making them into weak good guys. Oh my god. They actually did that to Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara was the best bad guy in the series, and they turned her nice. So weak.
I could not find any dubbed episodes, but I did find a page with subtitles in case you ever find yourself interested in seeing the two dress horse episodes.
Bitch characters are the best :'D well good characters are good too but characters like Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon are badass. Thanks for the video and such an interesting conversarion.
Bitch characters are the best :'D well good characters are good too but characters like Diamond Tiar