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Broken dreams. Zootopia fanart

[Ukrainian] Art and Biro issue 1

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Rodney and Paws
Triumph, by Jonathan Goh
My second zootopia fanart, but now after watching the movie. That is excelent, made me cry, laugh, excited, and go out with a big smile.
Absolutely a great film.

This scene is my own interpretation of one of the more sentimental scenes on the film. No spoilers here.
Nick was my absolute favorite character.

cub 277,352, fox 248,495, furry 120,221, boy 81,095, fanart 51,835, zootopia 11,224, sad 5,372, room 4,272, nick 1,756, broken 1,060, scout 1,000, nicky 545, dreams 539, boyscout 107
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 9 years ago
Rating: General

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9 years ago
Nicely done!
9 years ago
Awww so cute! I honestly squeed when I saw cub Nick. I'm so friggin excited to see this movie!
9 years ago
awwww ;w; i can't wait to see this movie, your pics are always great love the little "campfire" and the bota bag hanging in the background ^-^
9 years ago
Poor Foxy~... It'll get better~
9 years ago
I cryed that moment too, but i cryed more when Nick is angry on Judy after the interview
9 years ago
T___T I cried a lot on many moments. But shh, no more spoilers, it has not released on USA
9 years ago
Ha yeah true ... I cried in lots of moments (and laughed more) for my point of view the best Disney ever made I'll just spend all my money on the licence :p (i have already the carott pen and the Disney Infinity 3.0 figure are already preordered)
9 years ago
Oh my... he's so adorable but he's sad...
9 years ago
saw that scene so adorable ;)
9 years ago
Why does EVERYONE ELSE IS THE WHOLE WORLD get to see this film before the U.S.?
9 years ago
yeah and im fucking PISSED about it.. apparently they make more money this way? some how
9 years ago
I suspect it has something to do with the availability of similar films. After all, we had Norman Of The North and Kung Fu Panda already this year and it would have been a bad move to release Zootopia the same week as either of those. Chances are those have either not been released in other countries or something similar.
9 years ago
Yep, I think that's right, because here in Mexico has not released Kung fu panda 3 yet, until March 11th
9 years ago
this was soooo good for me, I could relate a looot.
9 years ago
*hugs him*
9 years ago
Very nice drawing and Nick is my favorite character, along with Clawser hahaha
9 years ago
9 years ago
i can't lie, i cried in this scene D:
9 years ago
me too, I was watching it on 3D so my glasses were fogged
9 years ago
siii, para mi fue la escena mas conmovedora, .. ahunque tambien otra, la de la conejita despues de su primer dia como oficial  ... pero si, mas esta

y esta imagen refleja muy bien esos momentos ! .... awrr todo lo que debe pasar por la cabezita del cachorro despues de eco :'c
9 years ago
Hubo muchas, también cuando Judy regresa a Zootopia TwT
Puedo decir spoilers en español al fin los que no la han visto son de habla inglesa.

Y sí, precisamente en eso me enfoqué en esta imagen, que pasó después, esos momentos ya solitarios, de vuelta en casa, cuando uno quiere estar completamente solo y que nadie más lo moleste, después que a uno le rompieron esos pequeños sueños
9 years ago
I can't wait to see that movie! I already bought tickets and the movie hits the U.S. in two weeks.

So, there are sad emotional scenes and this is one of them? I'm even more interested!

I'll shut up now, great art, love how sad Nick looks, whatever the reason it might be.
9 years ago
Yep, I won't tell you anything, I really hope you enjoy a lot the movie because is excelent.
9 years ago
Awesome. I guess my only complaint is that Nick's a Boy Scout... come on, no offense but haven't the Boy Scouts been featured in enough movies and shows and whatnot? When I was a kid, I was Civil Air Patrol.

Okay, NOW I'm going to shut up! ^_^;;; Hope I didn't offend anybody.
9 years ago
Nick es absolutamente adorable y también lloré mucho con esa escena TT_TT no haré spoilers pero en verdad, como dices, es de las más emotivas y sentimentales de la película.
9 years ago
Sip, fue bastante emotiva, y es donde muchos de nosotros, como espectadores, nos pudimos identificar. A muchos nos han roto los pequeños sueños de esa forma.
9 years ago
Definitivamente... cuando un grupo o alguien mas poderoso destruye tus sueños por algo personal es terrible... Y también me identifiqué con eso.
9 years ago
You are just the best artist. Cannot wait to see this movie! :)
9 years ago
o///o of course I'm not, but thanks.
9 years ago
a mi casi se me sale una lagrima al ver esa escena :,D
9 years ago
Yo soy un chillón, soy bastante sentimental, así que no me aguanté las ganas. Y como las dos veces la he visto en imax 3d, se me opacaban los lentes.
9 years ago
Yo también soy bastante chillón XD, pero las retuve, epcepto por una que se me escapo XD
9 years ago
OMG this is so fantastic!  Thrilled to see Zootopia fan art from you!  Can't wait to see the movie myself
9 years ago
I hope to do more fanarts, if I have time. But that when the movie release on the rest of the world.
9 years ago
Fanart/comics/drawings/anything as long as you're doing more of any of it, I'd be happy <3  I'm SO jealous you've already seen it.  I've been waiting since I first heard about it this time last year for it.  Just got to find someone to go with to see it xD
9 years ago
...the movie isnt out stateside yet! damnit!
9 years ago
I'd love to say something about the movie but... I'll just settle for sending a pm to you.

Btw! Love the pic! It's sad but soooo well drawn!
9 years ago
Thanks! But awrrr I didn't want to see NSFW u__u
9 years ago
de hecho, me pasa igual.. antes de la película no me importaba o podía ver nsfw de nick pero luego de verla simplemente ingresó a mi sacred lista de personajes... tan solo no me siento bien con ello :/
9 years ago
Sip, me ocurrió exactamente igual, no podría atreverme a ver algo yiff sobre Nick, y menos como cachorro, y eso que soy mucho de gustar de yiff cub
9 years ago
nick de cachorro es demasiado adorable como para pensar esas cosas... para eso tengo una solucion .. dos palabras: Gideon Grey
9 years ago
jajajajaaja noooo, pobre Gideon!! XD
9 years ago
etto.. es lindo de cub a pesar de como se comportaba uwu
y de adulto me agradó su cambio con judy y en general nwn
9 years ago
This is one of the most awesome fanart i've seen so far! Cuteness overload <3
9 years ago
Thank you very much! I hope to do another fanart but when the movie release on the rest of the world.
9 years ago
La verdad es que me sentí mal en esa escena, quizás porque en parte me sentí identificado ^^U
9 years ago
Muchos de nosotros. También muchos niños, que me tocó oír por ahí algunos llantos. Es que fue algo bastante cruel pero que a muchos nos pasan, así es como nos destruyen nuestros pequeños sueños.
9 years ago
Cuanta razón tienes, gracias por contestar ^^
9 years ago
amazing art, loved both characters, I agree its a great movie!
9 years ago
Awwws pobresito. Acabo de ver la pelicula hoy si no me hubiera fijado mas en la imagen.
Muy bonito arte! Se notan el sentimentalismo de la escena
9 years ago
Muchas gracias, cachorro. Si, esta escena fue la que más me pegó. La película es excelente en su totalidad.
9 years ago
Wait, what?... (checks release date) March 4th.
(checks further)...35 countries get to see it before Disney's home country???
...Nick's a boy scout???
9 years ago
Here is no spoiler, you must watch the movie, is absolutely amazing!!
9 years ago
I've seen a few clips and I think the signs in the background are enough to make me buy the movie on Blu-ray as soon as it comes out. Lots of jokes hiding back there, including an ad for "Thigmo-Taxis", a very scientific term(minus the hyphen) for "the motion or orientation of an organism in response to a touch stimulus." Wow, the nerdiness is off the scale! Love it!
Also every single character looks so huggable.
9 years ago
Ohh poor nick...cute art :)
9 years ago
poor foxy :( I wonder what his mother did after those nasty "rangers" did to him...
9 years ago
-Doesn't know context and still wants to cry.-
9 years ago
When you see the movie, it makes ever more sense
9 years ago
I bet.
9 years ago
pobre Nick D8
9 years ago
Esa parte de la película casi me hace llorar
9 years ago
Yo soy un chillón, así que sí lloré
9 years ago
Seeing this probably helped me not cry when seeing it. I knew something heart wrenching would have happened so I took it as trigger warning :p.
9 years ago
Where's your first zootopia fanart?
9 years ago
9 years ago
He got raped in Zootopia soo cute XD
9 years ago
I teared up, not going to lie
9 years ago
Damn... this will be the BEST furry movie EVER!!
8 years, 11 months ago
Young Nick is so cute, and that scene was nightmarish.
8 years, 9 months ago
This whole part about Little Scout Nick will stay with me for ever. I absolutely loved this movie, but nothing got to me like this scene did. You could tell he was hurt for life from that experience. Your drawing captures him so well. He's thinking, thinking, thinking about what happened. Still wearing his Ranger Scout uniform playing the event over and over in his head.
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