Oh, so that's what millet is! For me it's always been 'those bird seed things in pet stores that you hang in cages' and I actually thought they were artificial :) (Don't ask me how I thought they were made, though)
Also, pretty cockatoo -- did you extend your family?
Oh, so that's what millet is! For me it's always been 'those bird seed things in pet stores that you
That's actually a lutino cockatiel! The cheeks give away what bird that is. While they both have the crest, only cockatiels have the bright red/orange cheeks!
And I wish! Cockatiels are some of my favourite bird. Sadly they require a bigger cage than I can afford right now... I would love to adopt one one day though!
That's actually a lutino cockatiel! The cheeks give away what bird that is. While they both have the