Laughter was being had inside Conner’s household. The folf had brought round his wolf wife Eamane. They were both talking and laughing about a whole bunch of things. They have both been married for some time, and yet they never seem to have boring conversations. Conner always enjoys Eamane’s company and vice versa. As they continued to talk, however, Conner started to get a bad feeling in his stomach. “Are you alright, Conner?” Eamane asked the folf, who seemed to be in severe pain. He just replied with a groan.
He then started running upstairs as fast as he could, heading straight for the bathroom, and closing the door behind him. All he could feel was pain in his stomach. He didn’t feel like he was going to throw up or had something that needed to come out, just pain. As he groaned loudly, he started to feel his body start to shrink in size, as if he was shrinking. He then started to hear his groans start to increase in pitch. It was from that moment that Conner was soon turning back into a young folf.
Eamane then knocked on the bathroom door, “Conner?” she asked, “Are you alright in there?” Nothing could be heard. However, there was the sound of the door being opened. Coming out was a far smaller, and most imporantly, younger Conner. Eamane was obviously in shock, as the folf was an adult just a few minutes ago! The folf cub let out a small giggle as he looked up at the still shocked wolf. She rubbed her own eyes, pinched herself, everything, but it was all real.
Conner then decided to go and have some fun while he could. He started by sliding down the stairs, like a slide, on his buttocks. Eamane looked in slight horror as the now three-year-old slid down the carpet covered staircase. Eamane ran down to try and stop the folf from causing any more problems, but right now, that was the only thing going through his mind. As he headed into the living room, he grabbed the remote control for the television. All Eamane did was try and pull it away from Conner and saying quietly “No”. Despite this, Conner continued to be a mischief.
Conner then started unplugging the television and started playing around with it. Eamane’s eyes widened and pulled the folf away from the outlet and out of the living room. Afterwards the folf then headed into the kitchen, which contained a whole bunch of sharp knives. Obviously, Conner picked one up and started swinging it around, as if he was in an epic sword duel with an invisible foe. To Eamane though, this was another thing to stop before any of them gets hurt. She waited for the right moment and took the knife away. Did this stop the folf cub though? Nope! He headed outside, straight into the shed. The wolf sighed and chased after him as she saw him with a screwdriver. She, again, pulled it away and put it back.
The folf then had enough. He walked slowly back into the house, looking down at his footpaws the entire time. He looked upset, but so did Eamane. He was a whole bunch of trouble since he left that bathroom! As the folf sat on the living room sofa, he put his arms on his legs and his head in his paws. Eamane followed him and knelled down to his level to give him a stern talk.
“What you did was very naughty, young man” she said, acting very much like a mother. “You DO NOT go around touching those kinds of things ever again. Do you understand, mister?”
Conner let out a small mumble. “What was that, mister?” Eamane said, with the same stern voice.
Conner then said, louder and more clearly “Yes. Sorry.” He then started to cry, now feeling very sorry for his unacceptable behaviour. Eamane couldn’t just watch the cub folf cry. She gave Conner a big hug and said “It’s okay”. The folf felt a bit better after the hug and sniffed, wiping away his tears. Eamane then looked at Conner and said “Let’s get you to bed, hey?”
Conner nodded, then Eamane picked up the folf and carried him to his bedroom.
She rests the young folf on his bed, and tucks him in. The folf pointed at the top of the room, of which contained a pile of old children’s books, all which haven’t been touched in years.
“Which one do you want to read?” Eamane said as she moved her finger down the books, Conner shaking his head at the ones he doesn’t want to be read and finally nodding at the one he does. Eamane picked up the book, sat next to Conner on his bed and started reading it to him. Conner then started sucking his thumb as he was being read the story before starting to doze off.
Just a few pages in and the folf was already asleep. Eamane smiled and went to go and give the folf a kiss goodnight, but he then started to turn back into his older, normal self. All the wolf did was smile and kiss him on the forehead and whisper “Sweet dreams, Conner”
She then slowly and quietly exited the room, leaving the folf to sleep.
He was still sucking his thumb.