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An Experiment Gone Wrong? Part 9
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Wristan's Gallery (24)

An Experiment Gone Wrong? Part 10

An Experiment Gone Wrong? Part 11
Keywords human 108575, oc 79368, monster 25371, undertale 10274, toriel 3016, skeleton 2791, asriel dreemurr 2753, goatmom 780, frisk 642, asgore 455, male/male/male/female 416, goatbro 108, goatdad 44, catbot 5
You both emerge from the barrier and the scenery left Asriel wide eye breath taken away. You just let him take it all in. Happy that he finally gets to see this after being behind the barrier for so long. You did feel bad that you had to replace the barrier, but if it wasn't there you're sure more harm then good would have came out of it. You think to yourself, "Maybe one day everyone in the underground will get to experience this together. In fact I want to make that happen, but there's still to many dangers for that to happen right now." You look back over at Asriel as you see tears streaming down his face, but a wide smile accompanies them.

You take your arm and put it around Asriel,"Its nice huh Azzy." He just nod to what you said. He was just unable to find the words to describe the view before him. You guide him over with you and take a seat at the edge of the mountain side. Nothing further was said for the rest of the time as night fell and you both look up at the stars. You pull out your phone and look at the time as you see how late it was. "Hey Azzy I think we..." as you look over you see Asriel head resting on your shoulder, eyes closed, and sleeping peacefully. You were torn between waking him up or getting back home.

You decided to let him have a bit longer and you can carrier him back to let him continue resting. You take your phone and take a picture to capture the moment. You set it to your screen image, "Thanks Azzy, if I'm every away from home this will be nice to remember you by. Not like I'll every forget you, but your just so cute right now." After another hour you slowly and carefully pick Asriel up as you stand up. He stirs a little, but then settles back to sleep. You just take your time walking back and enjoying the time you spent with your brother.

As you get home and you walk in Toriel was waiting there and is about to say something, but sees you carrying the sleeping Asriel. She smiles and just nods as she understands why you were both a bit late. You carrier Asriel to the bedroom and put him down on his bed. You draw the covers over him, "Sleep tight Azzy" you whisper and kiss his forehead. You look over at your old bed and smile to see Frisk also sleeping comfortably. You walk back out of the bedroom and into the living room sitting down on the couch. Toriel comes over to joins you as you do.

"Welcome home my child. I take it Asriel and you enjoy your time together." as she looks at you with a warm smile. You nod in response, "Yeah, I don't think it could have gone any better. I'm sorry were a bit late though." She shakes her head, "Considering how peaceful he looks I can understand you taking your time getting back." You look down as your expression saddened, "What's wrong my child?" "I'm just hoping you and dad don't let this be a one time event. I know how worried you get when you are unable to follow and don't know how were doing, but the happiness on Azzy's face brought me so much joy. I'm going to start working with Jim and Alphys tomorrow to least make it possible to allow communication through the barrier. So please allow Azzy to enjoy this, because I hate to see it torn away from him after one time."

Toriel wraps her arms around you, "I understand my child. I wouldn't want to do that anymore then you do. I'll talk to Gorey to at least allowing this once a week for now, until we find a solution to call through the barrier." You hug Toriel back, "Thanks mom, It mean a lot. I promise that we'll at least walk back in and check up after an hour so to not worry you both." You then sigh again, "I also have something else to tell you. It was just recently I found out, but I wanted to wait and tell you once we had a moment to ourselves." You explain about how Asriel had attained your abilities for healing and speed even after you've return the rune stone to yourself. That your unsure if it's a permanent deal or temporary. How you like to train and practice with Asriel outside the barrier.

She has a very brooding look on her face before she speaks up, "I'm not sure that I'm okay with allowing this. Having both you and Asriel just being on the other side of the barrier is one thing, but training him how to use abilities and with the probability of getting seriously hurt. I think we should leave this matter to discuss at a later date." You just nod in understanding and give a little chuckle, "Azzy said pretty much the same thing about it. We talked it over and he's worried just like you are. Though I don't know how long things will stay quite. I feel that Dualality won't stay quiet about the matter of me still being alive and I need to be ready for the worse case."

Toriel looks more concerned, "Are you saying that they'll be coming after you my child? Won't the barrier keep them out?" You look troubled yourself as you reply, "We've learned that the barrier isn't the most reliable safeguard and we should be ready for anything. I feel that they'll be looking for a way to get through the barrier and if that happens then I don't want to be caught off guard like the first time it happened. Though this next time they may have more of a threat then men in power armors and soldiers with guns. That facility Jim was at contained some really horrible hidden secrets even he doesn't know about. That worries me a lot and I couldn't find any entrances to these location. That's how well hidden they are."

Toriel is grabbing delta symbol on her robe and you knew this news was making her more worried, "I'm sorry mom, I know there's already a lot to deal with. This is why I have a hard time telling you and Dad about stuff like this and I end up keeping it secret. I just don't won't to see you like this, but end up doing so anyway. So I rather you know now then find out the hard way." She give you a weak smile , "I know my child. I appreciate you telling me and being honest, but you're right it is unsettling and does worry me. We have a lot to plan and work towards. We'll just take it a day at a time and hope we're prepared for whatever may come our way. For now though I think it's pass your bed time and you should get some sleep."

You yawn and the giggle, “Yeah that's probably a good idea. I don't want to sleep to late and you should also get some sleep as well, but I know dad is going to be home soon. I'll see you in the morning.” You give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as you make your way to the bedroom. You hear the front door quietly shut as you enter the bedroom and knew Asgore just got back as you hear Toriel say, “Gorey dear, we have some matters to address.” You shut the bedroom door and then remove your clothes putting them in the clothes hamper. You transform into your cat form and hop up on Asriel bed. You snuggle up next to him as you curl up closing your own eyes as you drift off to sleep.  

A lot was talked about the in the morning. First and foremost was getting a signal through the barrier. Jim did make the rune stone so had some knowledge behind magic. Though Alphys also had some idea and you acted as an in-between relaying information between the two of them. The device was machine with barrier rune inscribed on them. No one was a hundred percent sure how it all worked. Hell it shouldn't work and you thought it was the barrier just allowing it in the first place. The barrier runes on the device were more there to protect it then to allow it to work in the barrier. The more you all thought about it all it did was give everyone a headache.

Regardless it still took a month to make. Asriel and Frisk spent more time together while you worked on this.  Frisk was feeling more at home now. She still dealt with bad memories of her past, but everyone talked and comfort her during those moments. You decided since this whole communication problem had been solved it was time to get back to training. You manage to get Asgore and Toriel to allow you to teach Asriel how to use swift-step. Which was going poorly, you and Asriel went face first into the dirt more time then you wanted.

You both sat there panting, hurting, and covered in dirt from practice. Asriel looks at you, “I don't think this is going well. Did you have this much trouble when you first used swift-step?” You just smirked at him, “Yeah, just be happy the worst you have done was meet the ground. I hit steel walls leaving an imprint of my body in the wall.” Asriel face scrunched up and winced at that, “So how did you get the hang of it?” You just laughed, “Hahaha, Got tired of running into said walls.” Asriel followed in laughter at what you said, “Hahaha, Guess we haven't gotten tired of eating dirt yet then.” You both gave toothy grins got up and were off.

The training is paying off and in about two month Asriel manage to get the basics down. You were getting closer to hitting dummies while attacking with swift-step. You both needing a break at this point, “Hey Azzy?” He looks up at you taking a quick swig of water from a bottle, “What's up Bro?” You walk over and grab a bottle yourself, “Have you used that lightning spell I taught you since I was gone?” He shakes his head, “I never got around to it. I was emotionally in the dump when you were gone and even our magic lessons weren't going so well.”

“I think it's time to restart those lessons. You remember the incantations?” Asriel thought about it, “It's been a while, I think a refresher would be helpful, but why are you wanting to do lessons on magic all of a sudden?” You walk over and put a hand on his shoulder, “Well one, knowing how to cast different type of magic will help in further training excersise. Two, I'm tired of swift-step training and want you cast lightning at me.” As you chuckle and walk away Asriel just looks at you with a confused look, “Wait, you want me to do what?”

You recap the bottle of water and toss it to the side, “Cast lightning magic at me while I dodge. I want to work on training my reflexes.” Asriel is just dumbstruck just standing there blinking. You wave your hand at him and sigh, “Azzy, you okay? Look I need to practice dodging incoming attacks. I got kind of shot up last time I got into a fight and I like to avoid that as much as possible.” Asriel shook his head, “B-Bro that's... I can't do that to you. It's bad enough when we come home covered in dirt, but this might be going overboard.”

You shrug, “Well never said this training was going to be easy Azzy. Anyway lets get you back to being able to cast the spell again, work on control, and then we'll move on to shooting lightning at me.” Asriel hesitated a lot about wanting to do this, but you got him to practice the spell which didn't take to long to get back down. The next part took Asriel about two weeks practice to get control down pat. You were getting ready for the next part, but Asriel looked tense and stood there with as he looked down at the ground.

You sigh and walked over to him, “Azzy you looked really tense and worried about doing this. Don't worry I've been through a lot and I can take a few hits no problem. Just give it a shot and if after one time you don't want to do it again we'll stop. I can always have Undyne throw spears at me or something.” You pat his shoulder and shake him a bit as re-take up your position. Asriel sighs and cast down a bolt at your location. It misses and you know he wasn't trying. So you thought maybe a little motivation might help. “Tell you what Azzy if you put some effort into the next one I'll teach you the fire spell next and then how to cast both as the same time.”

His eyes light up, “Wait really? You'll teach me how to do that. That would be so cool and to learn to combined both magics...” You laugh at his excitement, “Whoa, whoa, let not jump to far ahead. First how about you manage to...” You were suddenly cut off as you barely had time to react to a bolt of electricity striking down in front of you suddenly and see a mischievous grin on Asriel's face. You return it with your own. As the day went on Asriel was getting better and you were feeling the electricity tingling through your fur as his aim improved.

You heart is pumping from shear excitement and exhilaration of it all. This felt wrong and you knew you shouldn't be teaching Asriel to use magic to hurt anyone, but you were getting lost in the thrill of it. Maybe a part of you just felt happy to have someone to practice with or maybe you were more of a masochist then... You shake your head at these thoughts, but it distracted you attention enough as lightning strikes you as your muscles spasm. You topple over, face planting into the ground, and just lay there twitching on the ground. Asriel looks horrified at what just happened and runs over.

“Bro I'm sorry, oh my god please say your alright...” He flips you over and you cough a little. “Nice hit Azzy, guess I shouldn't be thinking while I'm in the middle of avoiding magic.” You sit up, singed a bit and fur smelling burnt. “Well I owe you a magic lesson I believe, but I could use a bath. I think I should avoid mom when we get back as not to worry her.” Asriel looks ready to break down into tears, “Azzy I'm fine, I was caught off guard, but otherwise just a little singed. Come on don't fall apart on me now. Aww, come here.”

You pull him into a hug to comfort him, “Besides the smell of burnt fur I'm intacted.  Look, lets call it a day. I think you need a break from all this. If you want to stop training with me I understand? It seems this is getting to you emotionally and I don't want you to force yourself to continue if you don't want to. I can always do...” He shakes his head, “N-no... I... I want to help you, but... it just looked so horrifying... s-seeing you like that. I-I really t-thought I hurt you.”

You just pet the back of his head, “Nah, heck my healing took care of anything serious. So I'm a little ruffled and mostly in need of a bath.” You hear your cell phone ring next to the cooler you brought with you. “Opps, think we're over due for checking in. I should really answer that.” Asriel pulls away still sniffling a bit and you grab your phone. You were of course right, that it was Toriel asking if everything is alright and telling you that dinner was ready. You look up at the sky and the sun was setting.

“Sorry mom, we'll be home in a few. We lost track of time. Yeah were fine, dirty like normal, but otherwise fine. So we'll need to wash up before we sit down at the table. Yeah, love you too.” You hang up the phone and pocket it, but it falls to the ground as you notice your pockets were destroyed. “Well guess these clothes are done for. I'm not even sure mom can fix them.” Asriel was still looking misty eyed and rubbing his nose. You walk over and slip your cell phone into one of his pockets.

Then you put an arm around him, “Come on Azzy, you really don't want mom seeing you like this. She going to worry something serious happened after I just told her we're fine. Come on we can take a bath together if that makes you feel better.” You get a mischievous smile on your face as you notice a bit of a blush. You walk up behind him and nom his ear lightly. He lets out a bleat and looks at you with coy grin, “B-Bro, t-that... your not helping... and I...” He was shuffling his foot in the dirt a bit, eyes downcast.

You just hug him and rub his cheek against your own, “Your so cute when your embarrassed you know that. At least your mood has improved. Are you feeling better?” He give a slight nod still blushing, “W-We should get home or m-mom will wonder what's taking so long.” You give him a pouty face, “Aww, but I want to hear you give those adorable little bleats you make some more...” He just pulls away from you covering his face with his ears to hide the growing blush on his face. You just giggle and make your way over to pack up the gear you brought.

You see him sneak a peak from time to time and just giggle some more, “You going to stand there hiding behind your cute little ears or you ready to head home?” He lets his ears go and walks next to you still somewhat blushing, “You know Azzy we need to work on your shyness a bit. I'll be glad to help you with that. We can practice tonight in bed and Frisk can judge us on how much progress were making...” and you lost Asriel as he already took off on you. You just smile as you make your own way back home. You decide to let him stay ahead of you, sure he know swift-step now, but you could beat him home if you really wanted to.

Asriel got to the bathroom first and the door was locked. You knew you went a little overboard on teasing him, but it was fun and he did forget about the whole hitting you that lightning attack. You also felt he needed time to calm down. You make your way to the bed room and see Frisk laying on the bed reading a book, “Hey Frisk, how's your day been?” She shrugs, “Been studying, there's not much to do while your both out training.” Now you felt bad and sit on the bed, “Frisk, I'm sorry we haven't spent a lot of time together. You know Azzy needs a break and so could I. You want to do anything special tomorrow?”

Frisk sits up putting the book down on the bed as she finally gets a look at your current condition, “Oh! Are you okay? What happened to you? Your fur and clothes are all singed.” You just look down realizing your still a mess from being struck earlier. “Well Azzy and I were practicing magic. Well I got distracted which lead to me getting hit when I should have been focusing on dodging. Don't worry about it. It looks worse then it actually is.” Frisk just takes her hand and wipes a bit of dirt from your face, “I still don't fully understand why you both doing this. Is it alright if you tell me why your going to such measures?”

You sigh and look up at the ceiling as you begin to tell Frisk the events of the lab and how you ending up down here. You didn't go into details of your battles in the lab, but just that you've fought a lot. How you were found by Toriel and Asriel. A shorten down version of events that happened while being down here. About how there is an organization named Dualality that was responsible for you being the way you are and they maybe coming to finish the job from three years ago. That you were doing this to protect everyone.

Frisk looked lost in thought after telling her everything, “Frisk, Are you okay? I'm sorry if that was a lot to take in, but that's why me and Azzy are doing this. We're doing this so if we need to...” Frisk looks at you as she interrupts, “You shouldn't have to be doing this. You're only two years older then I am and yet your doing what adults should be worrying about. Shouldn't Toriel and Asgore be the ones to protect...” This time you cut Frisk off.

“Frisk it's not that mom and dad don't want to help and protect us. It's just the magic they know only affects a person Soul. It doesn't do physical damage, when the machines and power armors were down here their magic was ineffective against them. I've thought about teaching them human magic, but something doesn't feel right. I get this nagging feeling when I think about it, but with Azzy it's different. Range attacks would be best suited for him. Since monster bodies are made mostly of magic they're more prone to injuries from physical attacks. So being able to keep his distance would be best. I may not always... ”

Just then Asriel walks only in a towel, he's about to rush out, but sees that both of you look a bit down, “Bro, Frisk, What's wrong?” You tell Asriel what you've told Frisk and even he start feeling down, “Oh... I...” Asriel was a little lost for words and you sigh again, “Look I'm sorry Azzy, Frisk, I didn't mean to make things dreary, but Frisk wanted to know why we haven't been around. She must have felt lonely for the last three months only seeing us when we got up in the morning or when we come back for dinner. We should take a few days to relax and be here for Frisk. Then we'll come up with a schedule to have some time to do other things.”

Asriel comes over, forgetting he's in a towel, and sits on the other side of Frisk, “Frisk, I'm sorry if it felt we haven't been around a lot.  Do you want to want to take a walk after dinner? I hope your not feeling cooped up and spending all your time inside. I guess we haven't been the greatest brothers for the last few months. I think we should try and make up for that.” Frisk just smiles at Asriel, “That sounds nice and I'd like to take a walk after dinner. I haven't really had a chance to see much of the underground since coming down here.”

Frisk then looks at Asriel and touches the fur on his chest, “I always wonder if it was softer then the rest of your fur...” Asriel was surprised blushing like crazy and you just chuckled at the situation, “I...Um...s-should get...um...dressed...” He jumps up and grabs some clothes. Then bolts back to the bathroom. Frisk looks confused, “What was that all about?” You just burst into laughter at the situation that just accrued. Frisk looks at you unsure what was so funny and all. As you calm down and you look at the quizzical look on Frisk face, “I'll tell you when you get older.”

She now looks annoyed, “What's that suppose to mean? I'm only two years younger then both of you.” You chuckle again, “Yeah, Jim sort of told me things I shouldn't have been told, when I asked him about more playfulness I've been feeling. I don't think your ready for that yet, hell Azzy isn't ready for that. He's a mess with these types of situations. I think we should all should enjoy ourselves while we still can.” With a sly smile on your face you head to the bathroom. You walk in and Frisk hears you say, “Hey Azzy.” Followed by a bunch of racket with a flustered, but clothe Asriel running back into the room.

You say with a chuckle before shutting the bathroom door, “I'll take a rain check on our bath together Azzy.” Frisk just looks on still trying to figure out what is happening, “Asriel are you okay? Did Broderick do something?” His face turns red and he shakes his hands out in front of himself, “N-n-no e-everything i-is f-fine. B-Bro was j-just...” Frisk got up and walks over, “Then way are you so agitated? Also I heard a lot of noise from the bathroom, did something fall over?” Asriel just couldn't handle this running out of the room with his ears slightly over his face covering his deep blush. Frisk looks down the hallway at the fleeing Asriel and hears Toriel ask, “Asriel are you okay? Why is your face so red?”

The tormenting of Asriel was held off for the rest of the day. You all had dinner and manage to take a walk to show Frisk some of the nice spots in the underground. You got to the waterfall where you went to see the stars that were made with magic. You visited Temmie village where you found Frisk was allergic to them for some reason, but was okay around you and Asriel. You moved on and showed her the echo flowers. Took a boat ride, ran into Sans, and had an exchange of puns which Frisk groaned at. You look at your phone and saw it was getting kind of late.

You three headed back to the house talking about varies things. Frisk telling you a bit more about her life and the few good things. She did like going to school when she did attended, but when teachers started asking about some bruises she was pulled and home schooled by her parents. That's at least what her parents told the school they were doing which was further from the truth. She mainly stayed in her room while they were at home and seldom came out. If they were both out of the house she would use this time to grab the discarded newspaper and try to keep up in world. The last thing that drove her to leaving was when they had a huge fight and then both of them at some point came in and blamed everything on her.

“They ended up hurting me and throwing object in my room at me. By time they were done my room was destroyed, items scattered throughout my room. I snuck out at night, I grabbed a flashlight and a pack of crackers. I made my way towards Mt. Ebott. I didn't even know the hole that I dropped down was there when I was exploring a side cavern. My foot snagged on a something and I fell. When I awoke I saw someone enter the area I was in and well the rest was as it played out.” Asriel gave Frisk a hug and you clench you hands hating what her parents did. It just reminded you of them and you lost a bit of control of your anger as electricity surged over you.

Your claws dug into hands as blood dripped down to the ground. Frisk and Asriel were looking at you worried and scared, “B-Bro you okay? You l-look more upset then you should be.” You come to your senses still a little angry, “Sorry Azzy, Frisk, it just brought up bad memories. Frisk sorry I scared you again. Azzy could you take Frisk back home and tell mom I'll be home in about thirty minutes.” Asriel nodded, “Sure Bro, but where are you going?” You just look at him and he sees your eyes have changed, “I need to let off a bit of steam.” before he could ask about what you meant, you had already ran off. They both looked worried about your sudden display of emotions.

“Asriel is Broderick going to be okay?” Asriel smiles weakly, “I-I'm sure Bro will be fine. He just needs some air and a moment to calm himself.” You went outside the barrier and pull out your cell phone as you called Jim number. “Hey Brod, it's kind of late. Is there something I can help you with?” you grip the phone a little harder, but being careful not to break it. “Yeah. Jim, if I send you a image of someone and their name could you track down their parents?” Jim's voice was concerned, “I could probably come up with something, but why this all of a sudden?” You just respond, “I just have to return something to them and it's important.”

About fifteen minutes and sending the image with the name to Jim he sends you an address. “You know Brod this child went missing three months ago. You wouldn't know anything about it seeing as you have a picture of them and all.” You just reply, “Maybe, I have to go Jim and thanks for the help.” You hang up and head to the address you got. You unlocked the door and look around finding no one was home. This was fine with you. You walk back out and snap your finger as the house burst into flame. “It's more then you deserve losing just your house, but I don't think Frisk would be happy with me if I took your lives. Honestly you don't deserve that anyway. Rather see you suffer just like you made her suffer.” After a few minutes standing there you hear sirens in the distance as you dart off and head back home.

You were in the forest area below Mt. Ebott. You still were seething and punched at the ground as gravity in the area shifted around you and trees were crushed and forced underground leaving a clearing in the wake. You look up a bit shocked as your anger beings to subside. You didn't realize you had used any magic, but you did always have a little issue thinking straight when your emotions got the better of you. Which is why you always a struggle to keep things in check, the reason you worried about being around anyone sometimes. You knew this was only a fraction of what you could do. You never had the need to go all out, but feared losing yourself to the power you had.

It was frustrating at time trying to balance your emotions, which was why your family helped keep it from spiraling out of control.  “Hopefully Azzy won't be to mad at me about the change in scenery.” You were beat, not physically, but mentally having to deal with thoughts from your past. You head back home and walk in. Toriel went to greet you, but you hurried past and got to your room before she could say anything. You changed into a cat, but you didn't feel you should be by either Frisk or Asriel. You pull open the closet and slip inside. You carefully shut it and hide out behind a pile of assorted toys and boxes as you curl up. A few tears come forward as you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

In the morning Asriel wakes up groggy and rubs the sleep from his eyes. He looks over to see Frisk still sleeping soundly and then looks around his own bed. As he does he notice you weren't there on the bed.  He gets up and looks at the floor noticing your discarded clothes lying in a heap. Asriel goes over to pick up the clothes and notices that both cell phones still in your sweatpants. He starts to worry a little more as he move over to Frisk's bedside shaking her to rouse her from sleep.

Frisk gives a slight groan of annoyance, but is concerned seeing the look distress on Asriel's face. “Asriel what's wrong? You look upset about something.” Asriel looks back at the pile of clothes and at the two cell phones he's holding. “Frisk, you didn't see Bro come in last night did you? When I woke up he wasn't in bed and...” Frisk just interrupts Asriel, “Have you checked to see if he just got up before you. He may be out in the kitchen with Toriel waiting to have breakfast...” before Frisk could finish he left the bedroom and Frisk gave a little sigh as she got out of bed.

Asriel was now in the kitchen and saw Toriel, but you weren't there. “Mom, have you seen Bro? Did he came home last night?” Toriel turned around and saw the worry look on Asriel's face. He looked ready to really start panicking soon. She walks over to comfort him, “He come in last night, but when I tried to say something he hurried past me before I could. He did look a bit troubled by something, but when I got to the bedroom and looked in I saw his clothes on the floor. I didn't want to disturb anyone and just thought he went to sleep. Was he not with you in bed this morning?”

Asriel shook his head now seeming more upset between your strange behavior last night, clothes being left on the floor, Cell phone not being put up properly, and not being in bed was really getting to him.    Asriel eyes were darting back and forth as he was trying to think where to look. He then felt arms reach and wrap around him from behind, “Asriel, calm down.” He heard Frisk say, “Your not helping yourself getting so worked up. Since his clothes are on the floor I'm sure he's around somewhere and Toriel saw him came home last night. He can sleep in a wider range of areas since he can turn into a cat. So take a few deep breathes and we'll start looking for him.”

Asriel closed his eyes and calmed himself. “I'm sorry mom, Frisk, I worry when Bro isn't there some times. I'm just afraid he'll leave again like last time and that this he won't come back. Also seeing his clothes and cell phones left like that really made me think that, but your right he might be some where else in the house.” So Frisk, Asriel, and Toriel all start sweeping though the house for you. Being able to turn into a cat they had to check any area you could possibly squeeze into.

You could hear them searching for you through the walls. You just thought about sneaking out of the house, but you open the closet slightly and see Asriel looking under his bed. You really weren't in the mood to interact with anyone right now and just wanted to be left alone. You could have easily swift-step as a cat out of the house, but you needed one thing and that was your cell phone to call Jim. You needed to talk to someone else at this moment. You knew you should talk to you family about, but you needed to sort your thoughts out first.

You saw Asriel heading towards the closet. You leap up to the upper shelves and hide out in a box. The closet door burst open and you hear Asriel rummage through the various items where you were. He couldn't reach the upper-shelves without some help. You see him leave the room and you had a feeling that he was going to get Toriel. You leap down and make your way over to the bed where you cell phone was left by Asriel. You manage to grip it awkwardly in your mouth then make your way under the bed. You felt he wouldn't look in the same place twice.

You hear Asriel and Toriel enter the room and see boxes placed on the floor. You had what you needed, taking the phone back in your mouth, and swift-step out of the room. Making your way to the front door you look around to see if it was clear before you shift back to normal. You take the phone laying on the floor into your hand and you open the front door to leave. As you were leaving you hear someone approaching and catch Frisk out of the corner of your eye. You make haste and hurry out the door, but Frisk did see sudden motion of the door closing, “Oh please say that was just my eyes playing tricks on me and I didn't just see the door shut. I need to tell Asriel.” Frisk hurries off to the room.

You were in an alleyway in the nearest city behind a large garbage bin staying out of site. You didn't have your hoodie or anything for that matter. Just the outfit Jim made you. You take the cell phone and dial the number. It rings for a while and finally picks up to a groggy sounding voice, “Hello?” “Jim, It's Broderick, I was wondering if I could come by... I...I really need to talk to you about stuff. It's just... not something I want to talk about over the phone.” you finish as you hear typing on the other side of the phone. Then hear Jim say, “Yeah, everything is in place. I'll be waiting.” You hear the line go silent knowing he hung up.  

You make your way to the building, but realize you don't have your keycard. You just text Jim to let him know that you forgot it and he just replied he'll leave the door unlocked for you. You get there in about twenty to thirty seconds and enter the building. You make your way to the room Jim is usually at and walk in. You see him typing away at something, but once the door opens he stops and turns to face you. “Yo Brod, What's going on? Hell you didn't even take time to get dressed or anything. Something must be bothering you if you...” He was caught off guard as you suddenly run towards him wrapping your arms around him and begin crying.

Jim looks at you with a puzzled look and was trying to comprehend the situation at hand. He then just reaches down and wraps one arm behind your back and the other on your head stroking up and down to comfort you. “Brod, did something happen?” Jim didn't get anything, but more crying and you just trying to bury your head further into Jim's shirt. It was becoming more soaked with your tears and Jim just decided not ask anymore questions. It look like you really needed this and he continued to comfort you to the best of his ability. “Shh, just let it out and we'll talk about it later. Take all the time you need.”

As you continued to cry Jim picked you up and set you on his lap. Though after about an hour you seem to have drifted off to sleep still gripping his shirt and your head leaning against his chest, but even through all that you had manage to keep yourself from turning you back into a cat.  Jim held on to you with one arm as he pulled out a little gun looking device from his lab coat. He pressed it gently to your neck and pulled the little trigger. Your arm went limp as the injection took effect. Jim still held you there as he pulls out another item and places it on your chest.

Then typing a few commands on the screen, “Morning Drysi, It seems the kid has been through a tough spot lately. Can you tell me what's been happening?” Text appears on screen as Jim's face looks pained, “That bad huh. Poor kid, did he at least tell his family before...” Before he could finish more text appeared and Jim just sighs, “I'd better give them a call. Good thing he brought his cell phone with him.” He pulls up the contact list and calls Asriel phone, “Hello?” “Hi, we haven't talked before, but I'm sure you've heard about me from Broderick. This is Jim, I just...” He got interrupted, “Do you know were Bro is? Is he there? How were you able to...” Jim jumps in, “Whoa, whoa, Calm down. Yes, Broderick is here and I'm currently using his phone at the moment to let you know.” Asriel give a sigh a relief at least knowing where you are, “Is Bro okay? Can I talk to him?”

“He's asleep at the moment and he really was broken up about something when he came in here. My shirt can contest to how drenched it is. I promise to have him call you once he's awake. I don't know why he came to me and why he felt he couldn't talk to his family about the matter. I'll try and help him sort it out. Asriel, I'm sorry that he worried you so much. Did he say anything to you before heading here? Do you know anything that could have upset him so much.” Jim already knew, but he didn't want to give away what he knew. Asriel told him about how you talked to Frisk about your past and Frisk did the same. That hearing Frisk being treated that way by her parents must have triggered memories of your past.

Asriel tells about you needed to let of a bit of steam and you'd be back in thirty minutes or so. “Well that confirms the call I got from him last night. Is there a child by the name of Frisk staying with you?” It was quite for a second, “Yeah, why?” Asriel responded. “I got a weird call from him yesterday about them. Sent me a picture and name. Wanted to know an address and then that was the end of the conversation. I just checked up on today's news and apparently that address belong to Frisk's parents.” He heard a gasp, “D-did...was...he didn't...” Jim spoke at this moment to put his worry and fear to rest.

“No, it seems the two who lived there weren't home. The only thing that happened was the house was set ablaze. From what you told me it seems the events of his own parents along with hearing about Frisk's got the better of him. I'm just glad it was the house and no one was hurt, but it explains his sudden need to come here. He's been through a lot, I'm sure he wanted to say something, but felt unsure how to approach the situation. I mean telling his family he went out, set fire to a house, and possibly wanting to kill Frisk parents isn't easy to talk about. I'm sure he just got overwhelmed by the whole ordeal. Is there anything I can tell him for you when he wakes up?”

Jim heard sniffling and sobbing feeling bad having to be the one relaying all this, “C-could you...t-tell B-Bro to come home. T-that i-it's okay. We'll t-talk i-it o-over and w-we l-love h-him...” His voice cracked and gave out as you heard someone else take the phone, “Who is this? What is this about  Broderick?” It sounded like an older lady and Jim figured it must be Broderick's and Asriel's mother, “Is this Toriel? Hi, this is Jim. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset Asriel like that. I really just wanted to call and let you know he's safe and he's currently with me. He's asleep right now, but as soon as he wakes up I promise to have him call you. When Asriel calms down he can fill you in on what I just told him. It involves a matter with Frisk parents, but no one was hurt.”

Toriel was worried, but being able to talk to Jim for the first time made her happy, “Jim, It's nice to have a chance to talk to you. Broderick has told us so much about you and really looks up to you as another father figure. You've also taught him a lot while he stayed with you. He really has come to love science, but we don't have a lot to offer in forms of books. Though does spend time with Alphys when not training talking about different theories. Could you tell him to come home once he's up and we'll discuss anything that is troubling him. That we're just happy to know he's alright and we love him.” “Of course, I'll let him know your all worried about him and I'll get him back to you once he's up.”

The call end and Jim sighs, “You really put me on the spot. I don't even get to talk to my own family that often and I'm calling to make sure your family doesn't worry about you. Brod you need to stop putting them and yourself through such turmoil.” Jim sets the phone on the surface of the desk and using his other arm to support you takes you to what was your bedroom during your stay here. Laying you down on the bed he walks over to a computer in the room. Pulling out the chair and taking a seat he brings up a program on the computer, “Drysi, can you still hear me?” Text appears the screen, “So are you still able to hold back how much magical power he can tap into? Any other damages I should know about?” The screen goes blank, “For now, but he's learning more everyday. How's sis coming along?” He looks back seeing a small shadowy form, “Well I see your able to take some physical form. Don't push yourself to much. She's not ready yet and it's still going to be a year at the least. Are you going to be okay til then?”

The form gives a nod, “I'll hold out, he need me to and I'm going to make sure they get to meet even if it takes everything I have.” Jim just shakes his head, “I hope it doesn't come to that. I really want you all to be together, but I know how much Dualality messed up. I'm sorry I can't do anything to fix what they did to you.” It was her turn to shake her head, “Ever since I came to meet him I knew we'd only have a short time together. I'm surprised I was able to come back after the first time, but when I felt the love from Asriel how he wanted Broderick to survive I struggled to take shape again and then joined with him. I felt bad knowing the link and bond I just created was going to bring misfortune, but I believed he'd find a way to make it right. Though I wish so many didn't have to die to make it happen.”

Jim takes his glasses off pinching the bridge of his nose, “They're doing better then when they were alive, we're all in the same situation, but at least any hold over them is gone. I just hope I can be so lucky, but I rather be able to be with them again. Though if at least they're safe I can live...” She interjects, “ You shouldn't give up so easily. Your doing this for him because you believe he'll find a way, right?” Jim replaces his glasses, “I am, but every day I feel if what I'm doing is trying to stop them or just a selfish old man trying to protect his family. In the end am I any better then the ones who did this to him?”

The little form head droops looking down, “Are any of us helping him? It's bad enough he's preparing himself for a fight against Dualality, but dealing with the internal battle of emotion within himself. I want to tell him everyday that he's not to blame for what his done so far. Just a kid that wants to protect the little happiness that he's barely hanging on to. That these last three years despite all the hardship he has went through he is still able to smile and laugh. Though he's holding a lot of this in for fear of what might happen. Which is making the bond between us weak. Which is why I still can't talk to him directly, just send him feelings, or slightly alter his actions. This device is the only outside communication I have, but he has to be like this.” She motions to the bed. “We can't let him know to much or we'll never have a chance to meet.”

Jim just nod, “Yeah, we should wrap up here. I don't want this putting much more strain on you as is. He'll get to meet one day, in fact I hope it will be a day we can all celebrate and you'll both be united as you should be. Keep watch over him when I can't.” She just nods as her form fades back inside you. Jim gets up and takes the device from your chest as it crumbles. “This is another part of the reason it so hard to talk like this. These devices are so hard to make and once used they end up like this. Though if a true bond is formed it'll make these devices pointless.” Jim just walks towards the door looking back, “Sleep tight Brod, we'll talk later like I said. I've got work to continue in the mean time and Fa'risma needs some attention too.” Jim dims the lights and then walks out as the door as it shuts.  


by Wristan
human 108,575, oc 79,368, monster 25,371, undertale 10,274, toriel 3,016, skeleton 2,791, asriel dreemurr 2,753, goatmom 780, frisk 642, asgore 455, male/male/male/female 416, goatbro 108, goatdad 44, catbot 5
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 1 month ago
Rating: Mature

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