* Always couple (mm/ff/mf) * Always have heart-shape on their body * Yandere mode is called Distort-Lovesongs. Their eyes color will change, more than that their heart shape will be a "heart broken". And their personality,too. As you know: Yandere. >.>
if you want a one of those species, pre-made or custom, You can contact both of us & we will try to create a lovesong for you based on what colors or looks you want
You agree that if you own one of those closed spceies that:
You may not copy, trace, steal or claim the species as your own You may Re-sell these but no more than what you originally paid for You may use them in your: art, commissions and use them however you like as long as you do not break any of the rules above
Optional: You May as well consider crediting the creators of those species as it help us both spread them around & making them more successful which helps us a lot on continuing creating more of them.
...So basically it's a fox with a different design for the tail and a "Do not use" label that can only really be protected under an honor system...?
I'm not trying to criticize you on their creation, they look quite adorable, but I can never take calling something like this a "Closed Species" seriously. That would require an original design comparable to Furball's Kaisura, the Sergals, RyuujinZERO's Avalii, maaaaybe Bethesda's Kahjit and Argonians if the originality of their culture and backstory is taken into account.
Though, to your credit, it is more original than slapping two species together into a hybrid and calling it a Closed Species (Dragon-Orcas?) or replacing the head with a GBA and doing the same (I think the person called those "Glitch"....and from memory the design of the head was similar enough to a GBA that legal action becomes a possibility for the creator).
My point is, there's really nothing to keep others from using it other than making a fuss and hoping they stop or people hound them into stopping, and if it's not site admins doing the latter on their site, then that falls under CoC violations for harassment almost anywhere.
...So basically it's a fox with a different design for the tail and a "Do not use" label that can on