Final version of the new colaboration with :iconabluedeer: based on Cérès' World ! This time it's all about mystical celebration and tributes to the Gods !
It's winter now and all that people are wishing for food not to be missing. That's why near the campfire, the shaman and some ritual dancers started performing a dancing ritual to praise the gods and ask them for their blessing for this winter not to be a tough and rude one. Begging for hunters' blessing too. Hunters are coming back and they were successful on their hunt, now the shaman and dancers are starting to thank the Gods for their blessing. Near them all, a cute couple enjoying the shaman and the dancers' performing are giving each other some personal blessing, rubbing their noses on an adorable nose-kiss. And one last villager is just admiring all this beautiful excitement.
New YCHs colaborations probably to come later in the year !
Beautiful mystical scene was drawn by the highly talented abluedeer abluedeer. Gracias for you help and work señor ! ^^ Characters are their owners. Scene is based from ceres_world you can find the comic on here :