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An experiment gone wrong? Part 7
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Wristan's Gallery (24)

An Experiment Gone Wrong? Part 8

An Experiment Gone Wrong? Part 9
Keywords human 108577, oc 79373, monster 25371, undertale 10274, catboy 3443, toriel 3016, asriel dreemurr 2753, goatmom 780, asgore 455, papyrus 412, skeletons 210, san 124, goatbro 108, male/male/male/male/female 95, goatdad 44
Human, original character, Undertale, Asriel, Asgore, Toriel, chara, SansYour now back at Mt. Ebott and stand before the barrier that leads to the entrance of your home. You walk though the barrier with your bag slung over you shoulder. It seems like not much has change. The wall still damaged from when you punched it that one time, but everything else was unchanged. You walk up stair and not really paying attention run into someone and you fall to the ground on your rear.

“HEY WATCH WERE THE...” They suddenly stop yelling and as you look up you see a very wide-eye Undyne, “HOLY SHIT!! YOUR BACK!! Everyone thought you left for good.” She grabs you by your shirt, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT EVERYONE WENT THROUGH?!? I swear I should beat the hell out of you for what you put them all through.”

You just chuckle, “Yeah, its good to see you as well Undyne. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, but I indirectly hurt mom and Azzy. I couldn't deal with facing...” She cut you off, “So you thought running out without explaining or at least saying something was the best option?” You shake your head, “No, I'm not going to excuse myself from what I did Undyne. If punching me helps you feel better then go for it, but I came back because I do love everyone.”

Undyne just lets you go, “I would, but I probably wouldn't her the end of it from her majesty. It been gloomy enough down here without adding to it, but you should really go see everyone. Well... what are you waiting for. GET GOING!” She turns away and you swear you saw a few tears. You just smile and head towards your home. You stop by the garden on the way and see it hasn't received as much care while you've been gone.

You see the watering can, fill it up, and tend to it a bit. “Dad must be feeling really down if he neglecting his garden. I hope they forgive me, I didn't mean to run out like that, but who knows how bad things would have gotten if I didn't leave.” After about an hour you continue back on route. Looking over things, “Man things do seem less cheery then normal. Well I'll do what I can to help turn things around. I'm going to have to visit Gaster, Papyrus, and Sans later. We can ketchup at Grillby's over some burgers.”

You now see your home in front of you and your heart is beating faster from being anxious of seeing everyone after so long. Even when you were out and about for that year you still came home everyday. You got to the door, hand on the door knob, and you turn it quietly making your way in. Scanning about the room you didn't see anyone and you make your way to the living room. Toriel's chair was empty and the house looked as though it needing a little cleaning.

“Man, mom really let go. well I guess I could clean up a bit if I don't find anyone is home.” You went into the kitchen and see dishes in the sink, but nobody was around here either. You decide on checking the rest of the house, but seems everyone is out. “Well I can make a surprise welcome back party for myself. I can set out stuff and hide out as a cat. Then jump out to surprise them all. I'm going to be smother in hugs and they're never going to let me go or I'm going to get scolded by mom literately.”

You clean, dust the house, and pull out ingredients to make a cake. “Since I didn't get one for my birthday I'll make one for the occasion.” You weren't the best as cooking certain food, but you did learn to make a decent enough cake among a few other things. You made the frosting and the apply it to the cake after letting it cool a bit. You put out plates and forks at each location. Then head back to your room to put away your clothes and remove the current ones your wearing.

“They'll just end up on the floor anyway when I change to a cat, better to put them away for now, but seriously I feel like I'm currently wearing nothing. This outfit Jim made is amazing. I'm going to have to ask next time how it works and if he'll need to personally fix it if it get damage.” You made you way back to the kitchen and change to a cat, jumping up so the you were on top of the refrigerator and open a cupboard above it. You hide inside and curl up keeping an ear out for anyone coming home.

You must have dosed off for a bit as you hear the front door shut. You get up and stretch as you peak your head out. You don't see anyone and decide to stay low. You hunker as far to the back of the fridge as possible. You see Toriel enter the kitchen looking confused as she notices the cake on the table. She just stands there blinking for a bit and the Asriel walks in looking at the cake.

“Mom, did someone bring a cake over while we were out?” She looks down at Asriel, “I'm not sure, it also looks like someone cleaned the house as well, but why would someone do all this? It's not anyone birthday or any special occasion I'm away of.” You giggling and then they see the note on the table that reads, “Look at the fridge” they both look towards the fridge as you pop up, “Meow.” you vocalize your presence.

Both of their eyes are wide by the sudden appearance of a purple looking cat wearing a purple-silverish outfit. You jump down and land on Asriel head as you paw at his head fur before hopping to the floor. You shift back to yourself as you stand there with a goofy grin on your face, “Hey mom, Azzy, I'm...” You didn't even get to finish as you feel two sets of arms wrap around you and tears are felt on you face and neck. You couldn't help but smile as your own tears join in.

Though it was more from reuniting with your family and the happiness you are feeling. You sure it was mostly the same for both of them. You hear the front door, “Tori, Asriel I'm back...” you hear something clatters to the floor. Then feel another set of large arms wrap around everyone. Your still smiling and just accepting the loving hugs from those you missed so much. Any regret or reason that led to the six month of being away were forgotten for the time being. The only thing at the moment is happiness of being together again.

You manage to turn your head to see, Undyne, Sans, and Papyrus standing in the kitchen doorway. Sans gave you a grin and winked. Undyne gave a thumbs up, and Papyrus was trying to maintain as dignified pose, but was failing as he had tears rolling down his face. You just smiled in the direction before closing your eyes and letting the warmth envelop you. You lean your head against Toriel and whisper out, “I'm home, I love you all, and I'm sorry.”

It took awhile, no one wanted to let go, but you thought it was time to move forward. So you turned back into a cat and wiggled out of the embrace. You turn back once you are clear of everyone. “I know I left you all without explaining anything. I understand if your angry and hurt about my sudden departure. When Sans told me that it was me that caused you both to fall ill. That it almost killed those I care about most I was overwhelmed by so many emotions that I wasn't thinking straight.”

You take a breath as everyone listen to you, “I went out to find a man who's name I found in the laboratory data I acquired. I didn't have much to go on, but he is the lead researcher behind what made me and the rune stone possible. I spent two months outside his house and for a while I felt I was getting nowhere. Then my patients paid off and a van pulled up and I waited until they left the house hours later. I followed them to a facility and snuck in.”

Asgore spoke up, “Why would you go to such trouble? We could have tried to find a salutation here for you. You didn't even let us try to help you.” You look down,

“ Like I said, “I wasn't thinking things through” so I did find the man and it was very... well he was different then what I thought he be like.” Toriel chimed in, “He could have been dangerous my child and he works for the organization that put you through all this in the first place. Gorey is right that you should have at least try to talk to us about it first.”

You sigh, “I know, I'm getting to the reason that even if I stayed it would have put the entire underground in possible risk.” Everyone was looking at each other, “Kid was it really that bad. I know something happened, but we had a cure.” You look at Sans, “It would have help a few, but I don't think we could have made enough if we had an outbreak. It was my bodies immune system targeting monster and causing your bodies to attack yourself from inside out. I couldn't stay I had to find a better solution to the problem.”

Papyrus jumped in, “I THE GREAT PAPYRUS, DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WOULD DO THIS?” You take a seat at the table, “Well Papyrus the experiments that changed my body were the cause. The scientist at that laboratory did a shoddy job and left some of my genetic alteration   incomplete. So in turn my body was slowly degrading and certain area's of my body were in short my immune system went on the fritz and was doing stuff it normally shouldn't.”

Asgore was now filling a kettle and starts boiling water, “I don't think anyone in the underground could have done anything. The man at the lab, Jim, he told me how bad things were and I only had about a year to live before I would die.” You hear Toriel take a sharp intake of breath as she puts her hand to her mouth. The look of pain in her face as Asriel move next to you look of worry.

“Well to set everyone mind at ease I'm not in danger of dropping dead. At least not anytime soon.” You see faces relax a bit, but now everyone decide it was time to take a seat since this may take a while. “To summarize this, Jim could possible fix this, but it of course came at its own risk. The damage was quite bad and even though he knew how to fix the problem the damage might not be reversible.”

Asgore brought over tea for everyone as he takes a seat himself, “Jim and I spent the last six month together. He treated me like a son and I felt I had another father in my life. When the treatment was completed we had a hard time parting. I wanted to be with my family here, but I didn't want leave what felt like a new family up on the surface. We have a way to keep in touch, but it was still heartbreaking.”

“I don't understand Bro, if he's such a nice human why would he work for such bad people? Why not bring him back with you? Your face was downcast, “I'm not sure why, he said, “He made a bad decision when he was younger”, and as for bringing him with me that wasn't an option he seemed to have either. I feel this organization is keeping him against his will and as much as I like to help I worry that I'll just make it worse.”

It was silent for a few minutes, but Asriel spoke up again, “Bro, what's up with the whole cat thing?” You couldn't help to chuckle, “Well when the procedure was complete I woke up like that. I was freaking out and thought something went wrong. Jim explained that it was normal and this was one of the things that was messed up. So if they didn't rush things at the the original laboratory I was at then the whole turning into a cat would have been something I would have had from the start.”

You spend more time explain things, telling everyone about Jim, and the time you spent over the six months. You all got around to eating the cake you made and nothing remained of it. It got late, Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne got up to leave. “Well kid I think me a Pap should be heading back home. You should drop by so we can ketchup more and no pussyfooting around either.” Papyrus added, “AND I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL HAVE YOU TRY MY NEW SPAGHETTI RECIPE.”

You just shudder at this and wave goodbye with a wary smile. Undyne stops and turns back, “YOU AND ME TRAINING TOMORROW. NGAAAAHHHHHH!!!” as she run out. You sigh, “Man I really hope Undyne isn't serious about that... Wait this is Undyne of course she is.” The house settles down now that everyone has gone and it was just you, Asgore, Toriel, and Asriel. “My child what is that your wearing?”

You look down, “Oh, this is something Jim made me as a gift. It basically an outfit that can adjust itself to me and also when I change into a cat it also keeps me from being naked once I change back. Otherwise my clothes would fall off me and It would be really embarrassed about changing back without any clothes.” You blush a bit at the idea of that happening.

You look at everyone, “It nice being back and I look forward of sleeping in my bed. Waking up in a lab for the last six months really brought back some bad memories. I manage though, but I think if I had to eat anymore ramen I would go crazy. I missed your cooking mom and dad I tending to your garden on the way in. Please go spend some time on it. It really made me sad seeing it like that and mom I'll help out around the house if you like.”

They both smiled, “That's okay my child, I shouldn't have let things get that way, but it was difficult having to...” You got up and gave Toriel a hug, “You don't have to explain, I just want to help make things right and see everyone happy again.” Toriel return the hug, “It feels as though the last six month have been a bad dream that we finally woke up from. I'll make some dinner and you smell like you could use a bath.”

You blink and lift an arm taking a sniff, “I guess it has been a bit. I was out for a week and the month before I got engrossed in lab work.” Toriel looks down at you and raise a hand producing a flame, “BATH! NOW!” Your ears stand at full alert, your fur standing on end, your tail is puffed out and sticking straight up. You run towards the bathroom while Asriel is giggle at the situation she just glares at him, “Your next Asriel.” You hear him say, “AWW, but mom.” before shutting the bathroom door behind you.

You sit in the bath, relaxing, and realize how you missed doing so. Your fur was going to be a nightmare to deal with, but your okay with that. Your going to have to try out some magic tomorrow and get back into the swing of things. Maybe that training with Undyne would be helpful after all, but your going to need to hold back a lot.

After your bath you make your way to the bedroom and put your special outfit back on and get some clothes out. Asriel comes in about twenty minutes later looking a little annoyed as his fur seem to be giving him some trouble. Getting up you give your brother some help with some of the fur on his back. You found Asriel really cute. You think that if you told him that it would make him feel really uncomfortable, but you did miss the feeling of his fur. Maybe tonight you could curl up on him as a cat. You grin at this idea as you finish up with Asriel.

You put an arm around him and swirl a finger on his cheek while giving him a mischievous grin. Asriel looking at you uncomfortable, “B-Bro are you okay?” You quickly give his nose a kiss and laugh as Asriel blushes bright red, “I missed you Azzy. We have a lot of catching up to do and I still owe you that promise for a sunset.” he nods still feeling slightly embarrassed at the sudden affection.

You see him just standing there in his towel and you open the dresser draw. You grab a green with yellow strip sweater and you toss at him as it lands on his head. He snaps out of it shaking the sweater off and then looking down at it. Then he looks back at you. “Are going to go to the table in your towel or are you going to get dressed. I don't mind either way, but mom might disagree with me.” You wink and stick out your tongue at him.

He smirks and picks up the sweater and puts it on. Then he make his way over get get the rest of the clothes he needs. He's about to remove the towel, but sees you with a wide grin staring at him, “Umm... Bro could you... not stare at me like that. Are you sure your okay? Your acting really weird since you got back and I'm starting to wonder if he didn't mess with you during the procedure.”

You giggle, “Nah, I think Jim just rubbed off on me a bit. I don't think he's the type of role model mom would like me to be around. We were always messing around, but he taught me so much. I think mom is going to have to re-evaluate my education, but that can wait til later.” Asriel is still looking at you as you sigh and turn around, “Alright I'll stop looking. Your such a mood killer.” You close one eye and stick out you tongue.

You still sneak in a peak and giggle. He turns around quickly and you just stand there hands behind your head whistling. Asriel finish getting dressed, he grabs the pillow off his bed, and sneaks up on you while your back is turned. Lifting the pillow he brings it down as hard as he can, but doesn't feel it connect. He looks up to see you on your bed, “Azzy that's not sporting at all. Sneaking up on me from behind.”

You giggle still having your hands behind your head and you wink at him. He tosses the pillow and it connects with your face and as it slides down you have an deadpan look on your face. Then you reach down and throw your pillow at him. Asriel dodges, but you leap at him and tackle him the floor. You put him in a headlock and give him noogies, “Ack, okay I give up, I'm sorry Bro.”

You stop and he looks annoyed, “You messed up my head fur and I had it how I liked it to.” You just rub your cheek to his, “Sorry Azzy, I'll help you fix it later, but it might just go to waste since we'll be going to bed soon.” You nibble his ear a little and he let out a bleat as he blush, “B-BRO!” You get up running laugh all the while heading towards the kitchen. Asriel slowly rises to his feet. He gives a snort and starts to laugh himself following right behind you.

Dinner was everything you remembered and more. After eating nothing, but noodles mostly over the last six months this was a nice change of pace. You teased Asriel a little more creeping your hand to pet his tail at the table. His face went so red as he tried to hide it behind the table. Toriel and Asgore both looked at him and asked if he was okay. He just gave a nod as he looked over at you. Your just smiling away eating your food and pretending not to notice.

You let up on him for the rest of the night. Anymore and you swear he was going to pass out from all the extra blood rushing to his head. You both head to bed for the night and you waited til it was dark in the room. You leap off the bed thinking to yourself, “Now that I turn into a cat during the night it seems like a waste of a perfectly good bed.”

You leap up and curl up on Asriel chest. He's startled at the sudden weight on his chest and reaches down to feel the fur on your head. He realizes that its you and taking the claws on his fingers gently scratches the top of you head around your ears. You lean into it and begin purring. Asriel snorted trying to stifle a laugh as he  puts his other hand over his mouth. You smirk, but don't really care. After all you did to Asriel today he deserves to get back at you somehow.

That was the best night of sleep you had in a long time. You look up and Asriel face also looks peaceful. You carefully roll off and make your way to the door. You leap up and manage to turn the door handle. Walking out you head to the kitchen and see Toriel at the stove making breakfast. You give a low yowl sitting next to Toriel on the kitchen floor as you rub your eyes with your paws.

She looks down to see a still sleepy looking purple cat looking up at her, “This is going to take some time to get use to.” You think to yourself, “That's what I said, and I'm the one who's the cat.” You go back behind the counter on the other side and change forms. “Morning mom, you know that's the exact same thing I said when I first was told about the whole cat thing.”

You both chuckle, “Did you have a purrfect night sleep my child? We were really feline the emotion the other night. Mew really took us by surprise.” She chuckles as you groan for a second before chuckling yourself. “That was Hiss-terical bad, you've been hanging around Sans to much haven't you.” She pulls out here cell phone, “We got him a cell phone and we been texting each other on a daily bases.”

You just face palm, “Your kitten me. Now we're in for claw-ful time.” You see her chuckling and texting something on her phone. Asriel walks in, walks up behind you, and scratches behind your ear, “Morning Bro, you sure were a pawful yesterday. I seem to have found your weak spot though.” You just lean back against him, “Its pawsable, but I think I know a few of my own.” Toriel chuckling and still texting while cooking breakfast.

“I think we made enough purr-ns for now. Anymore and we might end up having a bad time.” You reach back and gently bring one of Asriel ears forward as you gently nibble on it which makes him stop messing with your ears as he bites his bottom lip. You let go of his ear and giggle. You did feel a little more playful then you have in the past. Your going to need to ask Jim if this a side effect and if it just temporary or this was going to be a long term situation.

You ate breakfast and then went about the usual of studying. You were right and Toriel saw that things seemed to easy for you. She'd have to spend a couple of days coming up with some new material for you. You went to practice magic with Asriel and were able to give form to your monster-type magic now. You mixed the two types of magic creating a flame sword with electricity surrounding it and the  the edge of the blade seem to distorted the air around it.

Asriel was blow away at what you made with magic. Sure he manage to make a sword with a rainbow like blade, but this was different elements mixed together. That it is a mix of both magics together. It was stunning to look at and then you let it dissipate. Asriel looked a little disappointed, “What wrong Azzy, I hope your not wanting to learn that, because it's really difficult and a little draining. If I didn't have things straightened out by Jim that would have zapped me dry, but it only took about half my magic pool.”

Toriel you could tell was impressed, but also looks confused. “My child, I sensed two types of magical energy. Was that what I think it was?” Something always comes up before you got to tell Toriel or Asgore important matters, “Yeah mom, Azzy taught me the basic behind using monster-type magic which allowed me to take back my rune stone.” She had a look of concern, but also look of relief.

“I'm happy for you my child that you were able to do so, but I'm a little concerned that you had Asriel teach you magic and not myself. Is there a reason why you didn't come to me?” You shrug and shake you head, “Not really mom, I first needed to see if it was possible to even learn. Afterwards I got so wrapped up focusing over the four months I practice in trying to return the rune stone to me. I was going to tell you afterwards, but then both you and Azzy became ill. It just kept getting pushed to the side. I'm sorry, but I'm willing to have you take over now of course.”

She comes over resting a hand on your shoulder, “I think we need to stop letting stuff keep getting pushed to the side. From now on I'd like to know about anything new right away. Can you please try to make this happen my child.” You nod, “Yeah, I think I'm finished with secrets, but some of them are going to be harder to tell you and dad. I've do need to tell you something about the laboratory, but I need a little bit to be in the right mindset.”

Toriel bends down and hugs you, “Of course, I understand it has been difficult for you to tell us everything. We'll continue to support you and when you feel ready let us know. ” You hug her back, “Thanks mom, its been a long bumpy three years, but I shouldn't be holding anything back anymore. I did kind of teach Azzy a little magic in return. Remember when you came out and I said, “I was showing him how I can make a thunderclap with my lightning magic” I was actually teaching him how to cast Lightning magic.”

She pulls you back looking you in the eyes smiling, “I knew that you two were doing something with how nerves Asriel looked when I came out. Though I didn't know monster could learn human magic.” You nod, “I found a passage in a book at a museum that look old and it show a monster with images of a human teaching a monster magic. I think that it's a rare forgotten art that got lost over the years, but Azzy was able to do it of course the first time it went wild and hit me.”

Asriel is blushing in embarrassment, “I hope that it didn't hurt you to badly, but I did wonder about your hair when I saw it.” You laugh, “haha, Yeah it tickled mostly, but it sure did make my fur stand on end. Though after ten tries he succeeded in using it, but now I'm able to tell the difference between the two. I  see that monster magic attacks a persons Soul while human magic is more physical damage.”

Toriel thinks about what you just said, “So then those machines that came down would be unaffected by our magic, but old...human magic would be effective against it.” You nod, “Yeah, but if it wasn't for the power armor you could have taken down the human soldiers just fine. I sure you could have done enough damage without destroying their Souls to knock them out. Though maybe you and dad learning some new magic would be good just in case, but hopefully we won't have to put it to use any time soon.”

She agrees to this, but wants to have all of you sit down tonight and talk it over. You all call it a day for magic training and decide to go to Snowdin to buy some candy. You put Asriel on you back and swift-step to the small town. You see Sans and stop to chat with him. “I'm going to wait inside while you talk to Sans Bro. It's to cold to be standing out here for to long.” You give a nod, “I'll be in as soon as I can.”  

“Hey kid, how's things been treating you?” You shrug, “Not bad, how's things been at the Laboratory? Is Gaster working on anything new?” His eyes go dark and his face is pained. “Sans you...” You were interrupted, “Kid how do you remember Gaster?” You looked confused, “What do you mean? It's kind of hard to forget him. He set up the cell phone system that we use, you both ran test on me and taught me a lot. He also invented the Core...”

Sans's left eye erupted with blue with magical energy and you took a step back. You've only seen this once, but knew that something you said must have upset him, “S-Sans I'm sorry. Whatever I said please just calm down. Did something happen I should know about? Let's just talk this out, if you want we can keep it between us, but please just relax.” Sans seems to come to the realization that he let his anger get to him.

His eye went out, but his eyes were still dark. He grabbed you and took you to a door on the side of the house. He unlocked the door and pulled you inside re-locking the door once your were both in. He pulls you down the stair, his grip  getting tighter and you felt that it would leave a mark for a second once he let go. Once at the bottom he took you over to a futon and released his grip using the force to make you fall back onto it.

“Why are you able to remember Gaster when everyone else doesn't? Even Papyrus doesn't remember him and he's family. Yet you retain everything up til you left. WHY?!?” He seemed to be getting angry again, “Sans what happened to Gaster? Why are you saying everyone forgot him? I can't answer question unless I understand what is going on.” Sans takes a deep breath and then slowly turns around.

“There was an accident involving the Core three months after you left. We were running some new algorithms to see if we could increase the overall efficiency of the magical energy that the Core generated, but something went wrong and the Core was going critical. Gaster ran towards the Core telling us to stay inside, but I didn't listen. I went after him, Pap was trying holding me back, but I got free. Most of the catwalks leading to the other side of the lava pools below were gone. Gaster manage to stabilize the Core, but the platform under him buckled and gave way. I watched him fall, but his body seemed to phase and distort. He then vanished. When I came back out everyone I mention Gaster to didn't remember him.”

The news hit you and now you knew what caused him to be so upset, “Sans I'm sorry I didn't know. He's done so much only to have everyone, but you and me to forget.” You stand up and slowly make your way over to him. His eye glows blue again, “WHY DO YOU GET TO REMEMBER HIM OVER PAP?!? YOUR NOT EVEN FAMILY AND YET HERE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT HIM! IT'S... It's not fair.” You see tears forming and you reach out pulling him into a hug. The damn broke inside him as everything he's been holding in all this time came pouring out.

“Sans I don't know how to fix this, but I can at least help you by begin a good friend and be there for you like you both were for me. As long as we both remember him he won't truly be gone. I can send Jim any of the data on what happened and maybe we can all figure out what happened. If you ever need to talk about him or need someone to comfort you let me know. I'll drop whatever I'm doing for you, okay?”

Sans normal white dots are back as he just gives a nod, “I-I'm s-sorry k-kid, I-I d-didn't mean t-to g-get mad at you l-like that. W-when you said G-Gaster's name I... s-something just snapped. I-I should h-have been happy s-someone else remembered him b-besides me.” You just shake your head side-to-side, “Don't worry it. I've been through my share of hardships and did things I wouldn't normally do. So I'm not mad or angry at what happened and of course I forgive you for it.”

It takes a little bit, but Sans finally sits down on the futon with you. He pulls out a photo with Papyrus, him, and Gaster in it. “Sans isn't it odd that the photo still has him in it and the research he did seems to still be in the laboratory. Though it's just like his name and person seems to have disappeared. It's like he's not completely gone...” Sans interjects.

“Yeah, I thought about that to. He seemed to vanish, but he wasn't destroyed by the lava below. It's like he was erased from everyone, well almost everyone, but evidence show otherwise. It feels as though he's in limbo, shattered between space and time, but I don't know how to reach him. I want to found out if it even possible to bring him back, but I pale in comparison when it come down how genius he was. I would appreciate any help on finding out what happened to him. I'll get the data from the lab. Hopefully I can avoid Alphys and not have to explain what I'm doing there.”

You both sit there on the futon, you put an arm around Sans, and he starts chuckling. You look at him wondering what's so funny, “What's so funny Sans?” Sans just looks up at you, “Well kid, here we are down in a secret lab that I have. Sitting on a futon and your comforting me as you are. I just though it was funny how this organization that made you is suppose to be “evil”, but such a kind person came out of that. Evil organization makes a gentle in-fur-ior weapon and drops it down here.”

You chuckle, “Yeah, I guess it really does ruin your track record when you do the reverse of what you are shooting for. I like to think my purrsonality had something to do with it. Though I don't mind sitting here with you like this. You a true bonefied fur-end to me and I wouldn't change that.” You both look at each other and chuckle. “Thanks kid, it mean a lot helping me through this and all. I need to get back to work before Papyrus has a bone to pick with me.”

You both get up and make your way out of the secret lab. You head inside Sans's house to find Asriel has dozed off on the couch. You go over, put an arm around, and pull him close to you. He stirs, his eyes slowly open, and he looks at you. “Bro? Did I fall asleep?” He then notices your arms around him and bolts up trying to pull away. “B-Bro what are...” You just cut him off as you pull him back towards you, “I'm just feeling claw-fully cold and thought you could warm me up. Your fur is just so soft and your smell nice.”

Asriel is just blushing madly at this, “B-Bro this i-isn't... w-we shouldn't b-be...” you giggle at how flustered he is and then taking the arm you have wrap around his neck put him in a headlock and then noogies his head a little. “Azzy your getting worked up over nothing. It's cute seeing like this, but I'm just spending a moment with my brother after being gone so long.”

You let him go as he's rubbing his head at bit. He looks a bit annoyed, but then just grins, “So you and Sans took a while. What did you both talk about?” You lean forward a bit hands in your lap, “Just talking about the past and trade some bad puns. Then we both were feeling chilled to the bone and Sans had to get back to his job. I came to check up on you since I did kind of leave you hanging for a bit. I hope I didn't make you feel bonely.”

Asriel just gives you a little playful shove, “Nah, So where should we go to now? Keep looking around Snowdin or is there someplace else you'd like to visit?” You put a finger to your chin, “I think I want to visit the ruins. Take a trip down memory lane and see where this all started again.” Asriel looks at you, “You do know that the ruins are still off-limit and no one is suppose to enter. The guards are still posted outside the entrance.”

You shrug, “Not like anyone will see us coming. I like to think were older and wiser then before, but we keep doing stuff we shouldn't be doing. So guess we haven't changed to much, but I have a feeling we should be there today. I don't know what it is, but maybe it's nothing other then nostalgic feelings.”

You leave Sans and Papyrus's house and then have Asriel piggy back on you as you run past the entrance to the ruins.

by Wristan
After being away for six month Broderick returns to Mt. Ebott and finds that things have been neglected. Also Broderick hears about more bad news while he's been gone.

human 108,577, oc 79,373, monster 25,371, undertale 10,274, catboy 3,443, toriel 3,016, asriel dreemurr 2,753, goatmom 780, asgore 455, papyrus 412, skeletons 210, san 124, goatbro 108, male/male/male/male/female 95, goatdad 44
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 2 months ago
Rating: Mature

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