Ugh! Another annoying day at work, leaving the strange pink fluffy alien creature exhausted and in her usual aches and pains from a result of it all! Well, at least she gets to meet a bunch of other creatures and even other aliens from many other planets. A good benefit of living on such a populated world as this. Well, for now she lives here at least. Creatures from all sorts of planets, galaxies, all over really, come here at some point to do some trading. Occasionally the strange pink fluffy creature, known as Hally, even encounters friends of hers.
Today, was one of those days. She had to go through the bazaar to get to where she currently resided, a simple place with hardly much in the way of style, the nice thing about her home is how close it is to the ocean. The bazaar was closest to the nearest spaceport, makes sense! The strange pink creature got a couple eyes turning back towards her, there is after all, none like her! That, or they're just staring at her ass, it didn't matter! She tended to abscond clothes pretty often, so when she worked or got out and about she had to wear something. So it ended up being some rather small things, she wore a small pair of rather... Short shorts. Black in color, it suited her coloration! And a purple over the shoulder shirt, as in, just one side constantly showed her shoulder, and the fact there was as usual, no bra. She smiled as she went by the stalls, all sorts of wares were sold here. The smells of the strange foods grilling and being cooked all around the place assaulted anybody's nostrils, compelling one and all to come to sample their goods. Tiny samples, that leave you wanting so much more. You could hear the calls of the owners of these stalls, “Come on, try some!” “Don't you want something nice and pretty in your home~?” “You definitely need a new toy! Guaranteed to please your woman! ” Whoa, what? Well, there is all kinds after all. She usually paid no mind, those massive purple ears swiveling this way and that as she tried to hear familiar voices more than the random ones that assaulted her so. She'd catch one, one she didn't expect!
A high pitched, very feminine voice was calling out over the crowd behind a stall. This stall was decorated in a different manner than the other ones, more as in the space behind it was filled to the brim with water, tons of strange creatures and vials hung in front of it in little containers. Not to mention racks filled with dusty old tomes, well, there he was for sure. Luun, the insane little dolphin-like alien that traveled absolutely everywhere and never, ever, settled down. In any way. The feminine male was yammering away at passerby's catching countless numbers attentions as he sold weird thing after weird thing. The pink alien was making her way right on up to him, She grinned knowingly as a customer just waltzed off with a familiar bottle filled with a pink fluid. “Still selling your weird little concoctions, Luun?” Hally would smile as she finally had made her way to him, the dolphin had... Strange markings, moved in ways that would be impossible for any normal dolphin... Or anything with bones, really. Twisting, turning, sometimes floating out of the water and grinning upside down at passerby's and right now, that same grin was pointed at Hally. “Of couuuurse, why not? Huh? It's more fun to see how people react to this stuff, besides, it never lasts long! Usually... Sometimes... Okay, it varies person to person! How are you, Hally? Well? Good! You look tiiiired.” He kept yammering for awhile, and Hally knew she'd have to interrupt him at some point, but she did find it funny how he could just keep going on about anything. Finally she spoke up, “Luun, you know Hally doesn't take any of your things anymore, not after the last time it turned Hally into a big bubbling gloop of slime!”
The dolphin known as Luun looked rather offended, bringing a fin right up to his own chest as he just let out a scoff, those big vivid orange eyes looking right at her with an obvious feigned look of sadness. “Now, Hally! You know that's neeever done on purpose! Besiiiides, you looked absolutely adorable!” He paused for a moment, turning to look at a passing customer who he waved over, and within what seemed near a blink of the eye, he had convinced them to buy a random book and sent them on their way with more gold in his... Well... Water bowl? Hally gave a sigh, just puffing her cheeks out. “It's not worth being a slime for another week just for your amusement, Luun!” Again, Luun turned to her, giving that winning smile of his. “Sweetie, sweeetie! Pleaaase, we've been friends for years and years, and it's never anything really bad! Come on, got a new thing right here that would fix up your aches just fine!” He'd flick his tail out of the water, the ends of it actually... Strangely stretching out on one side to grab and curl about a strange circular vial behind him. Hefting it in front of the pink alien and shaking it about. “This one won't even do anything to you! Every little critter who's bought it has said it works wonders! Instantly!”
Hally didn't look too convinced, she'd raise a brow at the dolphin, every time he spoke it seemed to compel her to do what he asked. He had a way with words that was, without a doubt, purely unnatural. It could be said in such a cruel way, and she'd still feel the desire to do what he said. The strange marine alien just stuck out the end of that forked tongue of his, riddled with piercings all along it. “Come on, will even give it a quick swig to show it doesn't do a thing! You could even mix it in with that tea you so enjoy!” Hally let a short laugh, “If you're that certain, go on! If it doesn't do anything, Hally will buy it from you.” Luun let that big grin grow right over his face once again, another strange tendril shooting from his seemingly solid body to pop the cork right off the potion! Flicking it over and giving a quick gulp, the strange glowing blue liquid pouring right down his throat. Only one gulp... And he'd cork the bottle back!
Hally stared for a couple moments, and she'd sigh. “Fine, you've gotten Hally to pay you aga--” “Nope! Nuh uh! Not this time, we've been friends too long after all, it's on the house this time! Besides, got places to be, people to study, creatures to observe. Ingredients to gather!” “You mean from having sex with everything?” Hally interrupted him rather suddenly after having taken the bottle in the middle of his monologue, the dolphin once again gave a look of feigned offense, “Hally, pleaaaaase! It's for science, studying! Knowledge to be gained, after all!” Hally just gave a chuckle, shaking her head as she began to walk away, catching the sound of the strange critter just going right back to selling his wares... So much for leaving, but he does as he does, whenever he really wants to.
Hally finally made it home, and as per the usual she'd just close and lock the door to the small abode, let a soft sigh and wiggle her way right out of her shorts and top! Giving a grunt as she just threw them to the side, these aches! She walked further into the small home, a couch in one corner and a book on a stand near it. It didn't seem like there was a TV here, a strange silver slab was on the wall though and she'd just say out loud, “Channel 57, please...” A couple blinks from the tab, and a confirming beep and a screen flickered right in front of it. A documentary of sorts was playing, as usual on this channel, it was about animals. She liked that...
She walked in, her new purchase in her paw, and she'd just place it on the cabinet nearest her kitchen. She always had tea ready, aaaalways. She'd pop open the fridge, coming open without a single sound at all, and grab the nearest jug of the drink she enjoyed most. Placing the jug on the counter and reaching for the mug nearest her, she poured herself a glass of the wonderful mix, the mug doing it's work and heating up the tea instantly. Aaah... She lifted the mug to her lips, sniffing in the scent of the already heated tea. She almost downed it right there, but a quick pain in her leg reminded her of the aches from a tough work day. Right, the potion!
She'd walk right back out, grabbing the potion from the shelf she had placed it in and sitting herself onto the floor. She placed the mug near her, using her claws to help get hold of the annoying cork before she just popped it out again! Old fashioned thing... Luun always liked the old stuff. She looked at the liquid, shifting it about in it's container and watching the little details and pictures flow about inside of it. Such a crafty 'phin... Something in the back of her head told her not to drink it, but the pain in her legs told her to seek any relief she could. Luun is one of her greatest friends, and he might be insane and honestly a complete slut. But, she did know he wouldn't harm her. She'd grab up the mug again, holding it near the potion and tilting it over, letting the liquid begin to gently pour into the tea she adored so, watching as the liquid turned the drink a soft shaft of blue as well... That should be enough... If it ruined the taste of her tea, she'd be mad.
She placed the uncorked bottle back on the shelf, and brought the tea to her lips, taking a soft sip at first to taste the concoction. It tasted normally! Excellent! She chuckled and downed the hot tea rather swiftly, her forked tongue flicking out from her lips to lick what remained of the liquid from her lips and chin. She tried to get up, her paw holding the mug still before she spotted something right on her paws. Yelping as she dropped the mug suddenly, it didn't break of course, and simply rolled away. Were those... Webbed paws? She tried once again to get up, only to realize... Well... She shouldn't trust Luun.