And this more or less became Mika's new design. She's among a list of characters that may get used in the game's story. This portrait being something I started back in November 2015 and recently when back and quickly finished up.
Name: Mika Stellar Age: 18 Gender: Female Job Class: Edge Martial/Swordswomen Description: An Engineering student from "Sol City University" and a Member of "Stellar Guild", A traveling guild That's been in their family for generations. It was formerly owned by her and Dachi's late older Brother "Syanbu Stellar" before his death during a mission. Mika is an athletic, energetic young women with a love for the Sword Arts. Working to master her family's "Requiem Style" whenever she's able to, while studying to become an Engineer. She came to "Lucidia Island" with her friend "Valerie Gust" on vacation before finding her self volunteering to help out the local guilds along side "Valerie" with the current Phantasm out break. She hates it when others underestimate her abilities because of her size. And can have a bit a short temper at times when it comes to people who disrespect the Sword Arts in a world that has long since moved on to Spells, Mana Guns, and other fire arms. Often refusing to use Guns or Gunblades as a result. Despite her mother "Aurora Stellar" insisting otherwise. Mika mainly fights using swords, switching between different types of blades depending on the situation. Something, that her family's style encourages due to their desire to learn as much about other, now mostly abandoned, Sword styles and types around the world and integrate them into their own weapon designs and style, though she favors Sabers and single edge Short Swords the most. To compensate for her lack of range, Mika also relies on a small arsenal of Fire and Light Spells and attacks. While using Wind Spells to improve her movements and speed when needed. While using her agility and even stealth when needed to deal with enemies. She also makes use of a long sash she often ties to her swords to extend her cutting range.
Personality Tropes: At her best, she's easy going, fun loving, very protective of her friends and allies, and full of energy. At her worst she's prideful, competitive, hot blooded, and is often too attached to using Swords, Refusing to adapt fire arms and even Gunblades with the exception of her family's Air Ship "The Star Gazer" which does use cannons. Usually she's friendly, resourceful to an extent, Wise when it comes to tech, and very loyal.
Her brother Daichi Stellar will be drawn later. I'll post a early peak of it later in the week provided I can get to it in between commissions and finishing up the witches. He's actually not a new character but rather an old character named "Dash Stellar" from the old project. I gave him a new name, a new design, but personality wise he's not much different from the original concept I started back in 2007. Drawings of him can actually be found here on DA. I still have all of my old art up on this account.