Maybe you're here because you forgot what it meant to do things because you could. To have dreams and share them. Before you came here..anything was possible. For some..their happiness and worth became branched on numbers and silent figures. Who enjoyed this, who disliked that..and words could build and destroy our perspective of hope. For some of us..favorite bars and likes became our only comfort to feel alive as if we never existed at all. Statistics, validation...reward..became objective.
..and you're better than that. Some day I want you to take the chance on doing something just for yourself. For holding open a door for someone regardless if they say thank you or not. For creating artwork or writing poetry, being inspiring, finding joy and sharing it with others without the expectations, without the need for rewards..without making compassion an investment. Maybe you will and maybe you won't..I believe you can. I can wait my whole life on that and I'd never think it was a waste..