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This disgusts me more than anything else right now

Liberals and pedos are up to no good: http://www.greeleygazette.com/press/?p=11517
Viewed: 77 times
Added: 10 years, 10 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
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10 years, 10 months ago
ok theirs no sugarcoating this, why do they not think having sex with children is wrong. Why do they think they could get legal rights for doing something that is not ok.
10 years, 10 months ago
Well, one day it could be legal.
10 years, 10 months ago
that scares me to think they might let these sickos do this too.
10 years, 10 months ago
I know. If i see somebody touch a child sexually, I don't give a fuck what the law states, they're going 6'0'' under.
10 years, 10 months ago
It annoys me that they equate the relationship of two consenting adults to forcing themselves upon a non-consulting minor.  Why not have people argue "I get off on killing people, so my sexual orientation of murdurer should be respected and legal"?  What is the difference?
10 years, 10 months ago
there is no difference, when are people gonna learn its wrong to put a child into sexual situations like that. It messed them up psychologically due to molestation.
10 years, 10 months ago
Oh, I am sure they know what they do to children is wrong.  
10 years, 10 months ago
I don't think they ever would protect pedo's in this country.
10 years, 10 months ago
I hope for everyone's sake they don't!!
10 years, 10 months ago
I read that article. It's definitely weird and challenging.

But what "liberals" are you talking about? The APA = Scientists = Liberals? Is that what you're saying?

Or are you referencing the Democrats blocking the Republican's non-science amendment to the bill in question? I figure that no politician has any business substituting easy rhetoric for real science.
10 years, 10 months ago
actually psychiatrists aren scientists...psych is considered a soft science by us real scientists o.o
10 years, 10 months ago
I hope you're not trying to justify fear-mongering laws, here. I don't think you are, but it could be misunderstood that way.

Beyond that, you have a very fair point. The human brain is way to complicated for us to truly understand, let alone the consciousness inside it. And psychology is still infantile and in-development as a practice, let alone a science.

But that's still kind of beside the point. Humanity needs experts on human behavior and the brain. In America, the APA are  those experts. They study and debate this stuff all the time. Because even though they aren't necessarily scientists by the strictest definition, they care about solving the puzzles of human suffering.

No one should be promoting human suffering, period.
10 years, 10 months ago
This really screams "repeal gay rights before you are forced to marry your kids" as a scare tactic. Surprised I've yet to see it on snopes...
10 years, 10 months ago
And if so, was it funded by FOX News / Republicans as another anti-gay smear campaign?
10 years, 10 months ago
Who knows. Just seems flamebait to me.
10 years, 10 months ago
LOL but what if the child is conscious and wants that? But I'm not with or against this move, just made me laugh because this reason; anyway, I think I'll just go. :P
10 years, 10 months ago
Anti gay Propaganda
10 years, 10 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
I really, really, REALLY don't want this to burst into flames... please take this as a question for debate, not for screams of indignation. Anyone who frequents and/or supports and/or participates on the InkBunny site would, it seems to me, not be in much of a position to scream against pedophilia ... at least in the sense of art, fiction, role play, etc. that exists here. This is NOT a condemnation, as I too am a participant of this site. My own work does not include underage characters, but it could, and very easily.

The biggest point here, and in the realm of zoophilia, is a question of consent. "Furries" are sentient and intelligent, able to state quite clearly, "YIFF ME!" If we speak of children under "the age of consent" -- itself, a slippery and fluid term with no universally agreed-upon age -- we're questioning the ability of said child to consent to sexual contact. Lack of consent constitutes rape, and thus the charge itself should not be "pedophilia" but rape. I completely admit that this will appear to be verbal hair-splitting (to use a term in Judaism, "pilpul"). However, remember that words define reality, not the other way around. Therefore, properly, a pedophile is not a criminal per se; if he rapes, he is a criminal in the same way as any other non-consensual sex would be defined.

Just as drawing a picture of a cub having sex with an adult is not by definition "child pornography", having the desire for sex with a child is not a crime. Until Minority Report becomes reality (may all deities forbid!), thoughts are not actionable as crimes. A tort is an act, not a document, not a thought, and not an expressed desire. It's a tightrope here, and all on this site who enjoy those cub pictures and stories owe it to themselves, and others, to consider this idea carefully. Perhaps there but for the grace...?

TL;DR ... sorry for the length. Peace to all; hoping only for thoughtful conversation.
10 years, 10 months ago
Pedophiles have kinda been asking for this before gay rights.
10 years, 10 months ago
The first comment on the article page:

"Part of the Muslim brotherhood agenda is to get pedophelia downgraded in this country to a non crime status, this is their way of life, groom and then destroy Lil boys lives through sexual abuse. They teach their Lil boys that this is an HONOR, how could be raped by a grown man when you are a small child and honor? Its sick and the bible warned us these things were going to happen. No it is up to us, the people of America to stop it. Our government supports it, we must stop it. NOW."

Is this a satire website?  
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