Hello and what not to the vary few furs that will read this, but whatever. I will be getting some art and recording software here in four to six weeks, when my my little lovelies start flowe... Well thats besides the point lol. But i hope I can star coming up with some original art, I'm kinda in a slump right meow, and havent had any ideas in months. On the other hand my, guitar playing has really taken off, and are band is starting to sound great! Also! FURRY DUBSTEP by yours truly, F1L7hY FoX(thats me! ^.^) i kinda got this like flux pavilion sound mixed with cookie monsta's filthy bass and ALOT of 8 bit. Well, i might post somthing here soon(like anyone but vier sees my art lol) see ya next time ;3
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13 years, 10 months ago
05 May 2011 22:17 CEST