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Random Story of the (bi)Week!!!

In order to keep me more productive and creatively open, I am going to start doing more short stories that are under 2000 words. This has been a huge issue for me since even when I try to keep things short, I still write a lot.

What stories will I be writing?

I do not know! =D

This is where you all come in. In the replies of this journal, and this journal only, give me your ideas, themes, and stories you want to see me write.

I will randomly choose a post at the start of every two weeks and will post a short on that post's suggested subject within that two weeks. I hope to kick this up to weekly if all goes well.

The stipulations:
-Please keep in mind that these are to be stand alone short stories. So nothing to epic or overly detailed please.
-Please refrain from suggesting anything TOO abnormal in the fetish department(subject of scat is a main one). As I state in the commission details, I am very open minded but there are somethings I will have a hard time writing about. At least in the context that you want it to be in. If your reply suddenly 'vanishes', I most likely deleted it. Take no offense, and simply post another idea. Or just ask me in private if it is something I will write before posting.
-You may copy/paste  another person's request if you like their idea. DO NOT spam the same idea over and over. I will block you if you do this.

If you make a donation to me, PM me your info or leave your IB name with the donations comments. I will count your post an extra time for every $2 donated, thus increasing your chances to have your idea picked. EX: $10 donation will count your post 6 times instead of just once. Do keep in mind my stipulation with certain extreme fetishes.
Once that suggestion is made, I will subtract a vote submission and allow a new suggestion for following the next pick.(but not right after your win, to keep things fair)
EX: you donated $10 allowing you 6 votes. Your suggestion gets picked. When you make a new suggestion, you now have 5 chances of it getting picked. Then after that gets chosen, it goes down to 4.
If you do make a donation and play this game, do send me a pm to remind me.

I will chose on every other Monday, so give me all your inspiration  =3
Viewed: 158 times
Added: 10 years, 10 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
Cubs (between 7-13), female, lesbian, mouse, squirrel, bunny, swimsuits, dresses, panties, crotch ogling and fondling, fun, naughty, silly, tasty wetness, plenty of vaginal exploration... :) No rape/NC, please. :)

Is that enough? ;)

10 years, 10 months ago
Not sure how you feel about NC/Semi-NC situations, but... I'll suggest something!

cub, bestiality, NC/semi-NC for kinks/theme

General idea would be...

A female otter girl between 10 and 13 years old is chased through a park or alleyway by a large dog of some sort (non-anthropomorphic) and has her skirt/panties torn off while trying to get away, at which point the dog gets other ideas and has his way with her. Bonus points for knotting and her having to gather herself up afterward and try to get home without anyone seeing her in her shameful state! Extra bonus points for her being a virgin before the encounter!
10 years, 9 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
Once upon a time I heard,
About a strange and scary bird.
Who'd take you off to distant places
Then leave you there with different faces.

10 years, 10 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
Oh for the love of......

I drew your one and single number...... out of ten. One number.

Okay, let me see what I can do with this.
10 years, 10 months ago
Have fun. ;D *wink*

Also can't wait to see what you come up with. Really!! :D

And I DO mean HAVE FUN!  :D
10 years, 9 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
Ok... about X years into the future, the Skin Trade is now a respected and lucrative business, and there are now multi year courses for them... We focus on a high school freshman Vixen (Red fur, black paws, and white face, belly and tail tip), who is tricked into enrolling in the freshman course- which requires 24/7 Nudity, and full physical openness: posing for pictures, fondling, and sex acts. Full Intercourse is allowed if she shows signs on being aroused. Course Work, requires the various sex positions, and documented open practice. The final catch is that she can opt out of the program, but only after the end of the semester, fail the "Course" and she fails the entire semester. I hope that wasn't TOO much of a premise. >w>
10 years, 9 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
Wellllll, you could always go with the cliche locker room/ musk/ hypnosis theme? m/m of course :3
10 years, 8 months ago
10 years, 10 months ago
To save his people a young otter boy must journey to the far side of the
Great Sea to find The Mermaids Eye,an object of tremendous power.
What no one told him is that the last mermaid is still using it!

Just something else off the top of my head. *note the clever use of otters this time!* ;D
Anyway..for your next story session.   Have fun if it's drawn. :)  
10 years, 10 months ago
hmmm.... I likes. I will not include it in the next drawing though since you miraculously won last time. It'll go into the pool for the one after.
10 years, 10 months ago
I totally agree. But I'm glad you like it. :)  
Can't wait to read the next story you come up with. :D
10 years, 10 months ago

Two male opossums staring at each other silently for extremely long periods of time, thinking silently to themselves monologues about philosophy, in views that outright oppose each other, while neither is even borderline normal in rationale.  Then, suddenly, they make sweet bifurcated-penis love.
10 years, 10 months ago
" while neither is even borderline normal in rationale

You just opened up the flood gates with that one statement.
10 years, 10 months ago
All the more reason!  The logical oddity is interesting and lets you express your creativity, originality, and own conflicting internal views or represent others' in a parody manner.
Then sex.
10 years, 9 months ago
I like a lot of intellect and thought in my sex.  =3  Just what a character is thinking in one paragraph can hash them out more, and faster, than ten chapters of events.
10 years, 9 months ago
Oh, also, how I go about donatinin' to increase my chances?
10 years, 9 months ago
Donations are through paypal, so an account will be needed through them. Sorry for any inconvenience that may cause, but its the only way you can donate to me.

Here is how to donate for a person through InkBunny if they have one set. on the top of the user's page, under the Inkbunny header and bars, there is a thing with a smiley asking if you want to "donate to this Member". Click it and enter the amount you wish to donate(or follow this link to my donate page https://inkbunny.net/donate.php?user_id=558 ) and then hit 'Pay Now'. Please read any specific instruction the person might request when donating. upon hitting the 'Pay Now' button, you will be taken to Paypal where you can sign in or sign up. I suggest signing up before doing any of this if you are not signed already. Less confusion.

I will send you my email for paypal in a PM if needed.
10 years, 9 months ago
$2.69 sent.  =3
10 years, 9 months ago
been added the extra slot. Thanks for contributing =)
10 years, 9 months ago
In a world where furries follow animalistic instincts, a fox is hunting a 10-12 year old cub bunny bathing in a lake. He waits until she's done, grabs her, and takes her to his home, where he rapes her. He's quite nice about it, and avoids hurting her. When he's about to kill her to eat her, she reveals that her life is horrible, and she actually sort of enjoyed it.

Feeling sympathy for the girl, the fox decides to let her free, captures her tormentor(s), and rapes her(them) in a much less nice manner.

Possibilities that come to mind: having the first cub participate in the rapes of her tormentors, and having her join the fox in the end

10 years, 8 months ago
  Sisters of Mercy.   ;D

for later consideration. ;D *wink*
10 years, 8 months ago
I been listening to them again thanks to a certain movie.

Hey! You already have a suggestion that has not been chosen yet. No Sisters of Mercy for you!

http://youtu.be/obzPPeHgHRQ  the comments XD
10 years, 8 months ago
*nods but winks* I know..but I can't help it. :D My head explodes with ideas,sometimes too many. ;D Actually I did that because that song has infected me and WON"T LET ME GO! *that's not a bad thing though ;D *
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