I would like to formaly apolagize for any raging towards my fellow artists. I rairly have the time to post my O.P. of the stuff I make on SL, It's not cause I'm too lazy, or don't have permission. I just forget to point out who gave me the insperation, and how I got permission from them. So untill I get a scanner I will not be posting anything but stories and jeornals. Thanks for pointing out my greavious errors. It gets under my fur when people try to hide behide rules to explain why what I did is wrong instead of saying it right out. So once again I apoligise to any one affected by this. I verry mutch enjoy the artwork shown on this sight. Renderd or screanshotted. So After today I'll be taking a temperary hiatus untill I can get a decent word program and scanner.
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11 years, 8 months ago
19 Jun 2013 16:47 CEST