Hey people! I was thinking about a movie: "The Hunger Games". I really like that movie so I thought about a little group project ^^
I wanted to make a poster... or something like that... Cuz my bedroom's wall is too white, and besides I wanted to make a project with my dA friends.
Here's the idea: I'll write the names of the characters that will appear in the poster and you will choose one of them. Then you'll draw him/her (you can find the references for the outfits on google, or I can send it to you if you want). YOU SHOULD COLOR THEM DIGITALLY, IF POSSIBLE. And we'll decide the poses together^^......
Now I want lots of partecipants.. so the poster will be full of characters! ^^!
When I'll have the number of the partecipants I'll tell the characters!!! ALL THE PARTECIPANTS CAN JOIN UNTIL 20th OF JUNE!
Ok, then!!!!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11 years, 9 months ago
18 Jun 2013 18:39 CEST