Hehehe. Okay, I couldn't help myself. I don't actually speak French all that fluently. 0:3
So this morning I posted my second image, and I don't know what to expect yet! Of course I have so little exposure so far (IB wise, not clothing wise - w-) but it's still exciting. I wonder if every artist goes through this in the beginning -- Do I have any messages?? Has anyone seen my work?? Does everybody hate me yet!? D:
I thought I'd use this journal to talk a little bit about me by way of introduction!
So while I'm totally brand-spankin'-new to all this artistry stuff, it's not the first time I've had a talent out for public purview - I'm also a musician! I play lots of things with strings, but mostly the violin. *squeeek.*
Thing about that one is that I'm actually pretty good, but I remember how it was at first. I remember my very first recital, and feeling all that same fear before I actually stepped up. Will I be booed? Will I be laughed at? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea *gulp*!
I mention that feeling because that's a bit how I feel right now - putting my drawings on the interbutts for everybody to see. I don't know a whole lot about the Inkbunny community, yet - I'm hoping it's as easy an audience as my first recital's audience! x#3 - but before I put this drawing up, it's exactly the same feeling. Am I making a mistake? Is it too late to stop now? Should I hide??
With my music performances, I've had years and years to gather a sort of metric to gauge myself, and now it's no sweat. I know my abilities and I know I can deliver, with lots of momentum of positive reinforcement. I don't have that yet with my art yet, but I'm SO excited to see where it goes! (Since my starting audience isn't my mother and other immediate family members this time, I wager not so ... optimistically positive. x3)
Anyway, that's all from me, for now!
Passez une bonne journee! (heehee~)
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11 years, 11 months ago
14 Apr 2013 15:33 CEST