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Relationship Meme

because I still need to do something :P

stole this from

1. Who eats more?
Me... yeah, but not muuuuch more.... still more >///>

2. Who said “I love you” first?
Oh gosh.. I think that must have been me but he didn't hesitate with his reply x3

3. Who is the morning person?
Morning person? what's that? me is a kitteh, I live at night, and he is a wolf. you get it, don't you :P

4. Who sings better?
I sing like a cat, obviously.. it's beautiful, at least the moon always says so x3
sooo, I'd go with him but I don't really know to be honest xD

5. Who’s older?
I ish older, some little years, but it's not that much

6. Who’s smarter?
well, he always say I am due to my marks and stuff but I don't think I'm smarter. I'm interested in things and watch lot's of documentaries and stuff but I always forget things so it doesn't matter. he mostly has good marks at the school he does and I'm proud of him and I think he is a smart wolf :3 <3

7. Whose temper is worse?
THAT is easy to answer.. I am a calm guy (no honestly, I am, this is no joke or so)
he has a short temper x3

8. Who does the laundry?
well, we always do together. always gotta go upstairs under the roof (I wish we had our own washer) and yeah, we always go together

9. Who does the dishes?
That's changing, usually we take turns. works fine mostly ^^

10. Who sleeps on what side of the bed?
I sleep on the left, he on the right. I sometimes (well, mostly) come to bed later and the TV is on that side. I watch a bit of TV before sleep (I usually can sleep better then)
also he can't sleep when it's too light and when we stay up too long the light is bothering him. the right side is protected by a wall and the window doesn't reach that corner

11. Whose feet are bigger?
I'm not sure. I think they are pretty close even though he's smaller than I am

12. Whose hair is longer?
right now his. I tend to let my hair just grow and grow untill it's too long and bothers me (about mid-neck, not longer than shoulder) and then I cut them which was recently. he hasn't had a cut yet and he cuts less than I do (mine get pretty short then)

13. Who’s better with the computer?
hm, not sure, might depend on what it's actually about. but neither of us are really good with them. we can work with them, we can play with them, we don't know much about the deeper details I guess

14. Do you have pets?
sadly no. we couldn't have them in our appartment and we couldn't afford them but we wanna have some in the future. he especially wants a dog, I a cat so we'll have them both together x3

15. Who pays the bills?
he does. sadly I don't have a job right now >////<
and we're luckily supported by daddy and some friends :D

16. Who cooks dinner?
usually I do. I'm fine with that ^^

17. Who drives when you are together?
the train driver does xD

18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
uhm, we don't. we wish we could but we can barely survive TT_TT

19. Who’s the most stubborn?
we can both be pretty stubborn. but since I hate conflics I tend to give up faster xD

20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
I hate to do that but he doesn't hate that. he ISN'T wrong, EVER! xD

21. Whose family do you see more?
they are all too far away but chances are big that over the time we'll mostly see his sister who is veri cute and... well, fun to be with ^^

22. Who named your pet?
no pet.. I dunno, most likely each will name one as long as the name is acceptable

23. Who kissed who first?
I'm not sure, I think it was.. both together at the same time? xD

24. Who asked who out?
asked out? hm, well I was invited to the gamescom as my birthday gift (or so) by him and so it began I guess (after some other things happened at that time I was more than happy that I had him and I guess in the end it was furtune that he was there for me)

25. What did you do on your first date?
go to the convention? I dunno, did we have an actual "date"? we went to eat some ice cream and then called that our first date so I guess that's it x3

26. Who’s more sensitive?
Physically I am. I'm veeeri ticklish (he's too but not as much) and he LOVES that. he's more sensitive emotionally I think :3

27. Who’s taller?
I am, like 10cm or so

28. Who has more friends?
He has. definitely. I have.. I think 3 actual RL friends

29. Who has more siblings?

same I'd say. I had a brother but he died. now we both have a sister each

30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?

no-one I guess. we both decide on different things, we both are hard on things at times but it differs and mostly we do things together, so yeah, no-one
Viewed: 47 times
Added: 11 years, 1 month ago
11 years, 1 month ago
nett, wobei die letzte frage auch anders zu verstehen ist. ich meine kommt schon: ihr seit verliebt, Hormone und so Zeugs wer braucht da schon Hosen ? ^^
11 years ago
is was dran x3
aber wir sind keine karnickel xP
11 years, 1 month ago
That was a fun read. Thanks for sharing. =3
Wish I was close enough to be a RL friend. X3 [hugs]
11 years ago
I wish that too *hugs back*
I know for sure we'd be if there wasn't the distance
Hopefully the future will give us more opportunities
11 years ago
[cuddles softly] <3
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