Yeah.. I have one of these times again.
For a long time I was really happy with the art i produced. Don't get me wrong I am not whining here ala "baah i suck", but I feel I have so much more potential inside of me, that the stuff I currently produce bothers me. I feel I could do so much better, but I don't know -how-..
I think I draw well, I am also happy with how much I get paid for commissions - no need for me to jack the prices up. But I want to do -better-. I see so many kickass artists producing really hot pictures, and to be honest I get a bit jealous and ask myself "how are they so much better than me??".
I've been drawing for nearly 9 years now, and in the past year or two I have improved more than in the 7 years before that together. I guess I feel I "plateaued" again, and it bothers me since I still see so many things in my art that I could do better.
Art block? no. I don't believe in that. I can draw and produce quality even when I don't want to or don't feel like it, it became a second nature for me. to be honest, 90% of my art is forced and I didn't feel "motivated" to do it, in fact I don't ever feel motivated anymore, and I just draw. I'm ok with that, I like it better to draw 4-5 days for many hours than waiting for a surge of motivation and maybe doing content once every 2 weeks.
Anyway.. I wanna get better. I want to draw SEXY art. like instant-boner-causing artwork that you drool over and show your friends. I know I can do it, but I am getting a bit impatient with myself. I want to do it NOW >:c
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14 years ago
24 Mar 2011 00:57 CET