There once was a Jigglypuff. Who was named Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff puffed his way to Jigglypufftown. There he met another Jigglypuff who was jigglying their puffing way to the Pufferia. The one Jigglypuff said to the other Jigglypuff "Jigglypuff, I am the Jigglypuff that all Jigglypuffs puff about on the puffing day of puffloween." The other Jigglypuff looked back at the Jigglypuff and said. "Jigglypuff, I am a puffectionist and I already know that you are the Jigglypuff that all Jigglypuffs puff about on the puffing day of puffloween." The other Jigglypuff was quite shocked to hear that somebody had heard of his epic tale. Then the Jigglypuff puffed up into the air and turned into a bowl of Coco Puffs. Then the other Jigglypuff took it back to Hogwarts and resided in the Hufflepuff house. To this day, we do not know what happened afterwards, but what we do know, is that there are 20 Jigglypuffs in the vicinity of Delware at this present time. That is all.
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12 years ago
25 Feb 2013 09:04 CET