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Finally im home * collapses*

lol It was an interesting trip ^^ btw this might be a long journal just warning ya XD

Anyhoo yeah first the plane ride now remember me saying that it was my first plane ride so i was nervous as hell for it and a lil bit during it since it felt sooo weird to me and my lil brother which it was his first time on a plane too go figure XD ok joking aside it really was our first time on a plane i was fine after we were in the air abit

But my lil brother he was a lil on edge which is fine since first time on plane for him and all...anyway yeah oh the gum trick i kept hearing about Did Not Help Meh!!! weird right i mean it really didnt it still hurt and poped like heck but luckly i can undo the poping once it was through oh and when we were on the way back my mother forgot to give us the gum so that was interesting lol

Ok so we land in Long Beach CA it was beautiful <3 i just wish i was able to see some celebs while i was in LA I really wanted to meet Adam Lambert and his lover Sauli <3 beautiful couple oh i also wanted to meet tommy joe ratliff but oh well hopefully next time i can who knows...

Ok so we got our luggage and we went outside to wait for our ride to go to silverado which was where we were staying which took a while sadly i think that was one of the many reasons why i couldnt see much...Anyhoo yeah we finally got picked up and went over to my mother's friend's place where we were staying...

There place was hella small oh my god im glad it was only for the weekend because im not sure how much longer i could have took it there >_< ...ok really kitten and timm? *our two cats lol* they're play fighting already and we just got back last night *sigh* oh well...

Anyway where was I?...Oh yeah my mother's friends place yeah i mean there was an upstairs but it wasnt like i pictured at all in fact my mother even said our old house wasnt as small as this one soo i guess that means she might not wanna go back for a while lol ...*sigh*...Hey i loved being in LA maybe not the house i had to stay in but I loved being in LA when I was ok!!!

Yeah so we which in cludes me, my mom, and my lil brother had to sleep upstairs in the kids bedroom and me and my mother had their beds while they had to sleep in sleeping bags hah hah XD Anyhoo their beds sucked i mean we were able to sleep but we wanted our old beds back once we were sleeping there lol not joking the werent fun at all plus their watch and alarm clock kept going off in the middle of then night >_< ugh and the secound night the watch one i couldnt stop making the noise ugh oh and my lil brother's morning noises are even more annoying when he's right in the back of the bed in his sleeping bag oh the two beds the fronts are facing the wall so yeah...lol? XD

Yeah I had to get use to that for 2 nights but sunday was worth it in the end But my mother's friend kids were annoying lil brats oh my god not kidding they kept fighting with one another which resulted in being hurt one of them in the end or something geez which is why i couldnt go everywhere like i wanted so im sorry for fellow furs who might have wanted to see me for the first time...maybe next time it'll go better for me to be out and exploring ok again im sorry for any LA furs who might have wanted to see meh >_<

But yeah all that aside we were all able to get our shit together and go to downtown disney now im saying this now this was my first time being anywhere disney related besides the disney store in a mall somewhere so yeah dont judge meh D:< lol But yeah lik i said first time being there and in LA so i was like super happy :D when i was there and when i was in downtown disney omg it was awesome!!! ...well after the two boys of my mother's friends got through with their legos store -__- omg they took forever...but yeah we looked around and i loved going through the stores even though i wish i was able to get more than i did really but hey here's hoping i can next time X3

Ok ok so my most favorite store there was the disney store they had there at the end omg i was like a lil kid again no joke i gotten so lost at first in there XD but yeah i loved exploring that whole store i got few things which i'll jhave my mom take a pic of later on to post here what i gotten over the whole trip the only things i really which i was able to get was the baby simba plushie and keychain and the baby Hercules pegasus plushie too but i had to think of wait i think what i gotten at the time would only be able to fit in the suitcase lol which luckly it did whoo :D lol but yeah I really wish i was able to get those 3 things i mentioned as well *sigh* oh well maybe next time

Oh then after the walking around we went to rainforest cafe in that place...omg that place I swear I wish we had one here now sooo badly >_< I loved it there my mother got a few pic of us there so i should be able to get them and post them here soon woo :D lol

But really though omg now i know why you furs who've been there and have one near ya i can now see why you love it soo much its such an awesome place oh my god X3 not kidding I really enjoyed sunday even though all the crap that happened before the downtown disney trip wasnt cool it was still worth it in the end I really enjoyed myself there when i was over there Oh and my mother gotten a few things too shocking XD but really it was shocking though considering she didnt look happy being there with them but i think she had her loving the place moments lol

But yes i really wanna go back there...but only cause its LA X3 but really it was fun and worth the trip after all the crap happening and all And im glad to be back home kinda lol still thinking of moving back to my old town and all but yeah glad to be home and having internet and my phone working again...

Oh yeah did i forget to mention that their internet was off and my phone service sucked over there...No? Well yeah thats what happened there was no internet and my phone didnt have service there so yeah that part sucked which was why i could update intill now >_<....So im sooo sorry i was missing for those 3 days fellow furs i knew they had a computer but didnt know about the internet intill i got there which of course was shut off so yeah im sorry i didnt update here sooner guys >_<;;;

And again very sorry for any LA California furs wanted to see me like i said their kids being total pain in the asses is what did it soo im sorry about no seeing me :< Hopefully next time we can meet up and say hi who knows ok Very Sorry >_<;;;

*phew* ok i think thats about it...wow I think this was the longest journal i ever done lol really though wow....Ok im gonna go through my things i gotten over there XD bai bai for now guys X3

~Your glad to be home and back on here kitty artist Glitterbaby Kitty =^w^=
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Added: 12 years ago
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