Got the email last night, as I'm sure most of you Apple Saucers did. Tera is going F2P. The reactivated my account because I was an early adopter. Collector's Edition, too, I believe. But the game didn't have the draw I felt it should for the price, and so I cancelled my subbie in favor of MoP.
Well, Free is a good price3 for Tera. I don't know how dedicated to it I can be, since it's going to be supported by a cash shop, which means it will probably end up Pay to Win, but since I won't have to pay for it, I can keep enjoying the game for now.
In other news, to those of you who also play WoW, the official Furry guilds are on Bloodhoof, both Alliance and Horde side, and both are just as active as each other (with Horde being a bit more active because it's been around longer). They are the Order (Horde) and Legion (Alliance) of the Claw. We've been taking in some new furs lately, so if you want to join up, now is the time. Both are Level 25 guilds (Level 30 progression doesn't seem to have been implemented, yet), and have active players, and even a few raiders (though officially we're just doing LFR because active raiding screwed up the guilds a while back and end up destroying the high end tier back in Wrath). Still, we won't stop anyone who wants to gear up with us and then move on to harder-core raiding guilds. There are a few progression guilds here, too.
Or just stop by. I love helping people who ask, and I have a wide range of alts at different character levels, so if you want to quest, dungeon run, whatever, I'm usually available. Just open up a /who window and search out guilds. "of the Claw" works well for whichever side you're on, and it's easy to remember.
See you there, or in Tera. Either way!
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12 years, 1 month ago
10 Jan 2013 21:07 CET