I have personally never had a problem with a artist returning with artwork after payment. but after a year of pestering and Emailing. I noticed this Extremely active artist in the community Ignoring my Emails, Notes and blocking me after I willingly gave him 80+ dollars for some $5 sketches and ebay auctions in the beginning of 2012 because he was short on money and needed help. So being a supportive buyer I forked some money over to help him in his time of need. I was promised to have the sketches in a few weeks to a month in which I was cool with it. But now here it is a almost a year. He has blocked my email, Notes, and any type of way I could message him!
I would be very leery about buying from this artist and surprisingly he is extremely active on many other sites.
He has two accounts you might know him as King_Cheetah AKA king-cheetah
Sadly I will probably never see the money. But I know I will never help him out again and I hope others will question commissioning him also.
Maybe I Will see him at a con and personally question him what going on..
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12 years, 3 months ago
14 Dec 2012 04:52 CET