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Small rants

First one:
Having a fursuit stolen sucks. As a fursuiter, I would be very angry if someone stole any part of my fursuit. However, I'm getting a bit tired of seeing this show up on EVERY furry site. I know putting the word out is key, but there's also a thing called over saturation, and we're reaching that point. It seems like everywhere I turn, there's a new post about it by someone who just found out.

Second one:
I read the commissioner's journal, and honestly, he is a tad whiney because he's been waiting for 19 months. Somebody call the waambulence. Sorry, but tough shit. There are people who wait years to get a fursuit. I waited close to two years for mine. I paid for Osiris in May 2009, expecting him to be ready by June 2010. I didn't get him til January 2011. I was pretty much dying of anticipation waiting for him, and I got to pick him up at FC 2011 in person, so I got to meet LatinVixen. I have heard of people waiting for 4-5 years to get a suit from Scribblefox. Hell, I've been waiting for over 5 years for a picture I ordered from Ayame-emaya in 2005. I waited 2 years for two pictures from MaxBlackrabbit that I ordered at FC 2010.

Third one:
I try not to sweat the small stuff, but sometimes people bug me. I've known about a comment made by someone a year ago that still urks me every time I end up reading it. I find it funny how people hide behind anonymity in order to attack you, rather than having a pair of balls and coming right out and saying it. I find it even funnier how jealous people seem to feel the need to pull someone who worked for probably 5 years on a story that was original (3 if you start the date in 2006, but from all the manuscripts I found while my parents were moving, it's probably earlier, sometime in high school, so at least 5 years). Just because I make references to other furry comics doesn't make me a Mary Sue. And if they actually did something with their life than wallowing in jealousy, they'd probably get noticed by others. And if they got out of their parent's basement, they might actually end up meeting a lot of the either now famous or still famous furry artists. Then again, that takes something called effort, which apparently this person doesn't have.

Final one:
Why is it that the best TV shows are produced in the UK or are not on main stream TV (ie NBC, ABC, FOX, and CBS)? Have we really lost our creative edge or are we satisfied with mediocrity? Anyone else remember well written, whitty TV shows like Fraiser or Wings? It seems if you want good quality TV, you either have to watch BBC America and the HUB (well, their original programming at least, not the re-hashed crap they brought from other networks, like GI Joe Sigma 6 or GI Joe Renegades). It just seems like most shows now are either poorly done remakes of old shows from the 70's and 80's, ripoffs of much better TV shows made in other countries, dubbed anime, or spinoffs from much better shows. Have we really lost all our creativity? Or are we so contempt with mediocrity that we have become neophobes?

Final one (sue me, I have one more):
Why do people think Cam Newton is good? He's nothing more than this season's Tebow. He's a mediocre quarterback on a mediocre football team. He's not all that different from David Carr. He's not all that good at his job. Of course, they'll blame the offensive line, which is one of the problems, I won't lie about that, it's the same problem they had in Houston. They'll blame the coach, which was a problem with Houston. And honestly, they haven't done a thing to build an offense around Newton, which is something Houston didn't do with Carr. But here's the thing, and don't be surprised when this happens, WHEN Cam Newton is traded, not if, he will end up like Tebow and Carr, being second string to a much better QB, if not eventually leaving the league.
Viewed: 30 times
Added: 11 years, 4 months ago
11 years, 4 months ago
"Why is it that the best TV shows are produced in the UK or are not on main stream TV..."

See the many rants on the "Dumbing down of America".

From my N.of 49 perspective and by the polls, Americans (and Canadians by extension) don't want good TV, they wan't reality shows. Even the news is getting bumped to specialty channels in many areas of the country because people have the three-monkies-statue, "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" attitude. They don't want to think, they want to be led by the collar and told what to think. And if you "...think different, you're a radical" (that was a quote from one of our politicians).
11 years, 4 months ago
you know what show i miss? Full House and Family Matters.....those were great
11 years, 4 months ago
I watched Family Matters every so often, didn't watch much Full House, but it is generally accepted that most quality TV shows came out in the 1980's and early 1990's.
11 years, 4 months ago
i loved Family Matters.......and it was even better to find out that Steve Erkal was played by Jaleel White the same voice of the original Sonic the Hedgehog

and yes, best shows were out in the late 80s early 90s
11 years, 4 months ago
Full House was a quality show??!?!?!?  Uh ... Ooooo kay ... *steps away slowly*
11 years, 4 months ago
um yeah it was it had lessons and taught you valueable things when you grew up with it like i did lol
11 years, 4 months ago
Maybe I was "too old" for its target audience.  I actually preferred "Punky Brewster" and "Small Wonder" to the likes of "Full House."
11 years, 4 months ago
sppose you were i was a little kid when full house and family matters came out i loved those shows.....the shows you mentioned i never heard of till my adult life lol but i looked them up and hey were still good
11 years, 4 months ago
Wow, that is a lot of hours on working with a fursuit, then again I guess it's also because the artist working on it also has a life to take care, such as needing a job to get the money to get the material's and using what time they have left for carefully making it or for them self.  This is just a guess by the way, since I have no idea what the person does and was just a basic idea of how one's life can be very busy.
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