Arrival and Departure:
Getting there day 1 and leaving day none! Well... actually, leaving the last day. Don't think I'll want to though :<
Staying at:
A hotel!
Mode of transportation:
I'm takin a plane there, and travelling by yote after that :p
Room Share:
With a yote!
Major Plans at the Con:
I'm hoping to hug my first fursuiter! And cuddles, gotta get some cuddles in :p But yeah, really, I want to hang out with a lot of the peeps I chat with online, and meet a bunch of others too. Oh! And I want to go to Frolic and dance with a bunch of hot guys I barely know. Didja get all that, Santa Paws?
Who Will I be with:
Definitely a yote, and a wuff! And another wuff, maybe? I don't know. Who wants to hang out with me? :)
I wish I had one :< But I'll wear someone else's if they let me :p
Attending parties?
If I get invited to any! Who's having a party? :3
How best to find me?
I don't know! Twitter maybe? This is my first con so be nice! X3
Sure! Why not? I've yet to be really drunk in public, so let's pop that cherry! :D
Nope. But if you're hot enough I'll still give ya plenty of kisses~
Of course I'd like to get a hug! But... please don't smell bad... or be greasy gross... I'm a nice guy, but I will push you away if you're a nasty... erhm... thing.
Everyone has freedom of speech, right?
My gender is:
I am how old again?
Touching me:
Uhm... where? Why would you want to touch me? I don't mind getting tapped on the shoulder or anything, but if you're grabbin' mah butt you better have a reason for it ;)
Can you buy me a drink?
Pffft yeah. I'll <3 you for it too~
Can you give me money?
Sure! Just shove it in my pants :p
Can you snuggle with me?
If you can hug me, and I happily hug you back, then snuggling's not out. But it never hurts to ask if you're not sure.
How tall I am:
I'm 5'6" and NO YOTE, 5'6" doesn't mean BITE SIZED. *huffs*
"You look pissed... Can I come up to you?"
Well, I sure hope I don't look pissed at all during the con! :O
Am I nice?
Pfffft, am I nice. Think about it: have you ever not had a nice drink of root beer before? I'm like that~
Am I cliquey?
I dress semi-nice and try to look good. Is that cliquey?
"Can I stalk you?"
Just follow up that question by asking yourself, "Am I hot?"
"If I see you, how should I get your attention?"
I dunno... Go "Ari! AAAAARRRRIIIII!" And if that doesn't work, try "Yo sodapup!" Usually one of those will work. There's always walking up and saying hi, or tapping my shoulder. *shrugs*
"Can I take a picture of you?"
Umm... it really depends on who you are. Some people I'd be fine with this, but unless I've told you otherwise, please ask first.
"Can I steal ya away for *censored*?"
Just ask yourself that "Am I hot?" question, and then woo me~ Trust me, it's a lot harder than it sounds. A few special people get to steal me away, and they already know who they are, so if you're not one of them, you might have to work for it ;3
Do I want any commissions?
Actually, I do want to get a badge or few. Again, this is my first con, so I need a guide for all this X3
Alright, there ya go, fuzzies. Like I said before, it's gonna be my first con! I'm excited but really nervous too >.> So I'll definitely be wanting to hang out with a bunch of people. Oh, and Frolic! I want to go to Frolic too :p
If there's anything else you're curious about, just ask me and I'll respond as quick as I can :)
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12 years, 2 months ago
09 Dec 2012 19:00 CET