I have 2 donation based comics on my site which get donations sporatically
these donations help sustain the site and allow me to add more features to them as well (such as a global logon with your facebook account which I'm installing)
so I'm asking for people willing to Sponsor $5 -$25 a month to help get more pages out of these comics: http://yiffox.com/Afterdark/ (NSFW) Yiffox's behind the scenes sexual episodes in his comic
$25 in donations gets a new page and would like to do a new page weekly (make me work beetches)
so anyone wanna pledge to be a: All Sponsorget fursona name listed and Higher Sponsorafter donating for six months get additional bonuses
UNOBTAINIUM Sponsor- $25 a month toward either comic + bonus of being in group picture for yiffox or TMNT + Pinup of your character and fav character from comic
PLATINUM Sponsor- $20 a month toward either comic + bonus of being in group picture for yiffox or TMNT + Pinup of your character and fav character from comic
GOLD Sponsor- $15 a month toward either comic + bonus of being being in group picture for yiffox or TMNT
SILVER Sponsor- $10 a month toward either comic + bonus of being in group picture for yiffox or TMNT