I've been bored.Friends are going on vacations,taking internet breaks and just ignoring my PM'S and comments.This is happening in the masses. People on steam have also been randomly removing me. The FUN servers i play on Gmod,Tf2,and L4d2 have all been shut down but one TF2 server One of my VERY good friends has just decided to randomly stop talking to me,I've been trying to contact them and I see he's active but just not talking to me.Dunno why.
On the bright side My newborn Nephew's are doing fine. Killing Floor has once proven a good game when bored. Tax Returns,NEED I SAY MORE? Im over my UT infection.FINALLY My birthday is in a couple of months I have a new hat.Its awesome Found a couple of awesome people to RP with in my spare time that are actually cool people.
I just uh...thought I would give Ya'll an update on my status.
And please,I beg you Add me on skype,steam,or MSN I'll list my info now