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I'm steadily growing more and more disgusted with the misogyny and sexism here on IB (and in the furry fandom in general). That is all.
Viewed: 48 times
Added: 12 years, 5 months ago
12 years, 5 months ago
Cock all the way XD
12 years, 5 months ago
12 years, 5 months ago
Funny, I'm tired of all the yaoi and m/m despite my blocking the keywords people should be using for such images.

Especially love it when people leave it out and don't open keywords so people can add it for them.
12 years, 5 months ago
You do realize that misogyny is a MUCH bigger problem than yaoi, because it happens everywhere in real life? Hell, lesbians are fetishized MUCH worse than gay men!
12 years, 5 months ago
Wait, are you talking about pictures or peoples comments?
12 years, 5 months ago
12 years, 5 months ago
I rarely see any sexism or misogyny. I see people that seem almost TOO enthusiastic in their enjoyment of cub, but no sexism.
12 years, 5 months ago
...you're joking, right? You're fucking JOKING.
12 years, 5 months ago
What? You think I'd joke about this? I look at the comments of some of the pictures from the people I watch, and I don't see any comments degrading or offensive towards females.
12 years, 5 months ago
Well it's obvious that we have different ideas of what misogyny and sexism mean.

A lot of the heterosexual BDSM-related pics feature the female as the sub, because that's what society has taught us; that females are inherently submissive. THAT is sexism.

A lot of the M/F rape pictures feature the female as the victim, again because we are taught that they are inherently submissive, while males are more powerful. And rape = exertion of power.
12 years, 5 months ago
What pictures are you talking about? I rarely see any BDSM pics on here period. Most of the time it's either straight or gay, with a 40/60 mix from my POV. Then again I use the keyword block thing to block some stuff (like watersports and scat), so maybe I've just avoided it.

Also, I think the rape is more against guys than girls. Guys being raped is almost NEVER reported, because it's emasculating and demeaning for men to admit they were overpowered and violated, while women are more willing to make reports because there's far less perceived stigma. And when it comes to M/F rape, the common comment of being willing is more prevalent. And it's for the same reason you mentioned. Guys are supposedly more powerful, so obviously a women wouldn't be able to force them and it must have been consensual.
12 years, 4 months ago
.....you just disappointed the hell out of me with that comment. ಠ_ಠ
12 years, 4 months ago
What? What did I say? I'm just giving a different point of view on the matter we're discussing; is that wrong?
12 years, 4 months ago
You DARED to imply that one gender is worse affected by rape than the other (even though not counting prison rapes, women are raped far more often than men).

Not to mention all those times when a women does report rape, she's often not believed or told she was "asking for it", simply because of what she was wearing, if she was intoxicated at the time, etc.
12 years, 4 months ago
Ryu, I don't want to get into statistics because a large portion of any sexual assault/rape incidents against men (that aren't pedophilia or sexual abuse) aren't reported, for the aforementioned issues involving masculinity. With women rape is just as horrible and traumatizing, but while women being raped doesn't carry the stigma it did hundreds of years ago (where the woman was blamed or ignored), the stigma for males being assaulted/raped hasn't exactly caught up. It was actually a case in Criminal Minds where a male was raped.

Yeah, all of that is definitely terrible and wrong, no-one is objecting to that. But as I said, guys who are raped or assaulted also have similar issues. For example being emasculated, or in the case of a female rapist (very rare, but does happen), the women can always pull the same and say the male consented, or even worse was the one responsible. Look at it this way Ryu: a man and a woman both claim the other raped them. Who would you believe? Honestly and without idealism, who would you believe?
11 years, 9 months ago
(totally reviving an old subject >.<) I detest misogyny and sexism, (I'm a trans girl, and before I knew that, I often thought "what the hell, is this some stupid macho thing I simply don't understand?" and now, there's transphobia and misogyny and all kinds of stuff to witness) you're totally right when you say it gets thrown around a lot, ugh... Though, I'm curious on your opinion: I think victim-blaming is one of the most vile, disgusting thing a person can do, aside from rape itself, and have gotten in long, rage-inducing arguments with people who act like "it's sad, but she had it coming, wearing that skimpy outfit in that neighborhood" because the fact is, the rapist is the ONLY person that should be blamed (aside from additional blame to anyone who allows it to happen who could have prevented it), and it should be remembered also, "it's not consent if you make me afraid to say no." As a person who has rape fantasies and who, though being bi, prefers females usually, and prefers female subs more often than not, and that I get off to degradation, I play with my close female friends who like to be on the receiving end of such kinks, so, for example, I'd tell them they "deserve it" while roleplaying abusive rape scenes, as I often comment in a similar fashion on pics of rape (especially with cubs, due to their cutesy, soft, innocent appearance being a turn-on), sometimes. Of course, this is, I would say, not sexism in these situations, since, if I were into male subs (I am not, no offense to them, though sometimes a cuntboy cub will get me) I would be the same way, and in fact, that's also my kink when on the receiving end, from doms of either/ any gender: I LOVE (or would love, since I rarely get the desired reaction, that is, till recently, but only a bit that time x3) to be degraded, and treated like my purpose is to be a rapetoy or such (as long as the person treating me this way loves me dearly in some way, as a friend or more, and preferably I should feel the lovey vibes with the rapey ones), lots of rough treatment and such... this is probably TMI >///< but what I'm saying is, in an erotic setting, sometimes I wonder who is being sexist and who is just being a kinky, rapey dommy sort, while at the same time, I'm thinking "great, by being pervy and devious, I'm setting myself up to be judged as a misogynistic, would-be rapist creep" (then people get into that a member of any gender can can rape another member of any gender, then transphobia may get involved if the person knows it's coming from a trans girl, saying offensive stuff like "see?! 'She' is really just a cross-dressing tranny rapist misogynist man trying to justify HIMself with gender entitlement!" Luckily, this hasn't happened to me yet, and also, I'm slightly exaggerating the stereotypical MtF transphobia too often seen from our would-be feminist allies, since I consider myself a feminist in some senses) OKAY, sorry for ranting! ^^;; Anyways, I hope I didn't say anything offensive, and I'm curious about and would love to hear your opinion! :3
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