[Meme] I Cost $428.50 a Night!
Natural Hair Color:
[ X ] Brown - $10.00
[ ] Blonde - $7.50
[ ] Black - $1.50
[ ] Bald - $0.50
[ ] Other - $5.00
Current - $10.00
Eye Color:
[ X ] Brown - $5.00
[ ] Green - $10.00
[ ] Blue - $15.00
[ ] Hazel - $7.50
[ ] Other - $1.50 (Black Eyes)
Current - $15.00
[ ] Over 7' - $20.00
[ ] 6'8? to 7' - $17.50
[ ] 6'0? to 6'7? - $15.00
[ ] 5'5? to 5'11? - $7.50
[ X ] 5'4? to 5'10? - $8.50
[ ] Under 5'4 - $9.50
Current - $23.50
[ ] 50 to 56 - $17.50
[ ] 46 to 50 - $15.00
[ ] 41 to 45 - $12.50
[ ] 31 to 40 - $10.00
[ ] 26 to 30 - $7.50
[ X ] 21 to 25 - $5.00
[ ] 19 to 20 - $2.50
[ ] 0 to 18 - $10.00
Current - $28.50
Birth Order:
[ ] Twins or more than twins - $75.00
[ ] First Born - $32.00
[ ] Only Child - $25.00
[ X ] Second born - $15.00
[ ] Middle child - $10.00
[ ] Last Born - $10.00
[ ] third born - $55.00
[ ] fourth born - $30.00
[ ] fifth born - $40.00
[ ] sixth born -$21.50
Current - $43.50
[ ] I did like once - $40.00
[ ] Only Holidays or Occasions - $25.00
[ ] Sometimes - $21.50
[ ] YES - $20.00
[ ] only weekends - $30.00
[ ] Every other day - $5.00
[ ] Once a day - $1.50
[ ] I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$ [[back to $ZERO]]
[ X ] No - $60.00
Current - $103.50
[ X ] perfect vision $40.00
[ ] need/have glasses/contacts but don't wear them $20.00
[ ] No correction $10.00
[ ] Glasses $5.00
[ ] contacts $2.50
[ ] Surgical correction -$10.00
Current - $143.50
Shoe Size:
[ ] 13+ - $30.00
[ ] 12 and a half to 13 - $25.00
[ ] 11 to 12 - $40.00
[ X ] 7 to 10 - $50.00
[ ] Under 7- $45.00
Current - $193.50
Favorite Colors (two):
[ ] Green -$75.00
[ ] Red - $60.00
[ ] Black - $10.00
[ ] Yellow - $47.50
[ ] Brown - $30.00
[ ] Purple - $22.50
[ ] White - $40.00
[ ] Aqua - $35.00
[ X ] Orange - $30.00
[ X ] Blue - $30.00
[ ] Pink - $10.00
[ ] Other - $50.00 (Gray)
Current - $253.50
Letter your middle name(s) start with:
[ ] a-f - $5.00
[ ] g-k - $17.50
[ ] l-p - $30.00
[ X ] q-u - $35.00
[ ] v-z -$25.00
Current - $283.50
Bedroom walls- select all that apply!
[ ] white - $11.00
[ ] green - $33.00
[ ] black - $11.00
[ ] purple - $22.00
[ ] orange/red/yellow - $33.00
[ ] blue - $22.00
[ X ] other - $35.00
Current - $318.50
First letter of the person you last talked to
[ X ] a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i - $10.00
[ ] j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r - $5.00
[ ] s,t,u,v,w,x,y, - $20.00
[ ] z - $25.00
Total: $328.50
Did you use a calculator to add it all up?
[ ] Yes $0
[ X ] Nope- $100.00
[ ] some- $75.00
Final Total: $428.50
Viewed: |
15 times |
Added: |
12 years, 5 months ago
25 Oct 2012 01:57 CEST