I haven't been on here in a really, really long time. College has started again, and a combination of Minecraft and Tumblr has consumed most of my free time.
I'll try to get back to business here, but the aforementioned time-consumers and the amount of general misogyny and blatant cishet male privilege (seriously, how often do you see a picture in which a straight male character is made the submissive, instead of a female, a gay male, a herm/male-herm, etc.?) have kept me away from this place. Yes I understand it's porn, shut up.
Yeah, go ahead and bitch about me being a "feminazi bitch who just needs a good lay", the furry fandom is just as sexist as practically any other fandom.
Also the "R" and "D" buttons on my keyboard are broken. FML.
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12 years, 5 months ago
16 Oct 2012 04:33 CEST