Hm, what can I say about myself? Well, the basics are probably best.
I used to draw and sketch quite a bit, and my DA has those old drawings. I haven't had the time or desire to pick up the pencil again lately, likely because even if I did I wouldn't be able to share it without a scanner or camera of my own. So, I've graduated to writing instead, preferring short-stories and things I intend to be full-length novels if I can ever finish them. You might see the odd poem out of me if the mood strikes, but poetry really isn't my thing.
I make no guarantees about when I release one chapter or another. I can't count the number of half-finished novels I've wrote myself into a corner on, or otherwise lost interest as continuing it became more and more of a hassle and job. Writing is my hobby, not my profession.
Can't really think of much else I could mention, least at the moment. So, Cheers!
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12 years, 4 months ago
14 Oct 2012 21:55 CEST