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Lifting Cub Art Ban

I've updated my rules and will allow cub art to be commissioned going forward.
You can check out my commission rules here.

Note that such work will only be exclusively posted on Ink Bunny.
In the future, I'll be making a pool for such content.
I have a few rules on cub and I'll expand on that in a later document I'll link here soon.
Viewed: 87 times
Added: 3 days, 22 hrs ago
3 days, 22 hrs ago
3 days, 22 hrs ago
Have fun dude maybe in the future I'll lend one of mine to you, I was on the fence about this myself but finally decided it's just lines on paper and I like drawing cute things with a naughty edge and getting that art too
3 days, 21 hrs ago
It ~is~ ....

it ~IS~ just "lines on paper."

Glad y'all are finally coming around.

America is one of the FEW countries left that hasn't tried to make FICTIONAL cartoon drawings "illegal."

Sadly -- Canada, France, UK, Australia, Switzerland and Italy still consider even fictional cartoon drawings to be on the same ethical and moral and legal level as csem of a real existing human person.











Censorship of Artwork is evil.




"You ask, What makes it worth defending? and the only answer I can give is this: Freedom to write, freedom to read, freedom to own material that you believe is worth defending means you're going to have to stand up for stuff you don't believe is worth defending, even stuff you find actively distasteful, because laws are big blunt instruments that do not differentiate between what you like and what you don't, because prosecutors are humans and bear grudges and fight for re-election, because one person's obscenity is another person's art. Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost."


3 days, 18 hrs ago
you may wanna brush up on US law. some states are starting to do that
3 days, 18 hrs ago
Texas. Yeah.

I literally put the Rev Says Desu video about that in my comment that you are replying to.


However, I suggest skipping to around the 9:40 mark.


3 days, 17 hrs ago
Sorry, but I get the feeling that you didn't really click any of the links, or watch any of the linked videos.


"The CPPA is not unconstitutionally vague. Persons of ordinary intelligence can discern whether a depiction is virtually indistinguishable from a photograph of a Real Person engaged in explicit conduct.The question is whether a reasonable unsuspecting viewer would consider the depiction to be of an actual individual under the age of 18 engaged in explicit activity."


Only the brain-dead Twitter Crusaders & Pixel Protectors with a specific Anti-Art / Pro-Censorship Agenda would claim that Tails The Fox, Klonoa The Cat-Rabbit, Buster Bunny from Tiny Toons or Kit Cloudkicker from TaleSpin all look "indistinguishable from an actual human person."

Fictional Bipedal Talking Cartoon Animals are in fact -- non-existent. Fake. Imaginary. Just Pretend.


"Congress intended for both prohibitions to reach a narrow category of material ---- depictions that are "virtually indistinguishable to the unsuspecting viewer from un-retouched photographic images of An Actual Person engaging in explicit conduct."

"Depictions That Are Virtually Indistinguishable From Depictions Of Real Children Engaged In Explicit Conduct Are Unprotected By The First Amendment."

But if it looks like a Cartoon Fox or a Cartoon Wolf? Nobody cares....

The Texas Bill, from how Rev Says Desu describes it in that video, seeks only to enforce existing laws against hyper-realistic A.I. generated images -- or "deep fakes" intended to mimic the likeness of a real person.... (watch Rev's video).


18 U.S. Code § 2256


"Identifiable Actual Person."

Here is what 1 U.S. Code § 8 defines as an "actual person"
and it certainly is not a "Cartoon Fox With Two Tails."




Virtually Indistinguishable -- nearly impossible to tell apart from an image of a Real Person.

Rev Says Desu literally brings that part up in the video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paVX3OfLoLE -- 9:40 time stamp.


And Dragoneer referenced the exact same laws back in 2006 when Fur Affinity was debating on whether or not to "Ban All Cub Art."



Dragoneer even tried to push back against the Anti Cub Art Puritans who very much were in favor of the Cub Ban being proposed at FA, hoping instead to implement a "Tags and Blacklist System" similar to what e621, Ink Bunny, and pretty much every other decent Furry Art website has....

He didn't want to push "bans of specific art tropes" -- rather, he wanted to add Tags and Blacklist to Fur Affinity so that individual users could choose for themselves what they do or don't want to see.




A competent Tags And Blacklist system will always be the better option. Especially since Mods at FA seem to move the goal posts every couple of years.



As for the Texas Law, as long as it ONLY GOES AFTER HYPER-REALISTIC A.I. IMAGES, and not hand drawn cartoon drawings that look nothing at all like a Real Person, then whatever, it's fine I guess. Still better than the Law In France that nearly put poor Bunny Bits in jail / prison.



3 days, 16 hrs ago

This video is also good too.


Video is by "Otaku Spirit"

I think -- for now -- we are safe.

I think -- for now -- ain't nobody going to jail / prison for having a copy of Sheath & Knife by Harmarist, or Oh Brother by Wolfblade, or the old SoftPaw Magazines. None of those comics or stories contain any images of ACTUAL people.


3 days, 9 hrs ago
America is one of the FEW countries left that hasn't tried to make FICTIONAL cartoon drawings "illegal."
 is why i replied. i thought the links were laws and things from the other countries you mentioned. So i looked at all links after. that said, the Gov. of IL is pushing for cub too
3 days, 8 hrs ago
"i thought the links were laws and things from the other countries you mentioned. So i looked at all links after. that said, the Gov. of IL is pushing for cub too."

That's lame as fuck. Texas and now Illinois? LOL.

These fuckers are tryna pull a France on us.

It's the Bunny Bits Situation, The Home Game™

Now you too can get arrested for drawing a naked fictional cartoon bunny rabbit.

Roll the dice -- and take a space, and hope the Leopards won't eat your face!

3 days, 19 hrs ago
works for me XD i adore cub art and your art styles is already adorable.
3 days, 14 hrs ago
eeeeeeehhh.... D:
3 days, 12 hrs ago
Looking forward to eventually seeing that stuff from you :3
3 days, 12 hrs ago
So what made you decide to lift the ban?  Money? Personal interest? Interesting decision. Hope to see how it plays out.
3 days, 11 hrs ago
Personal Interest.
3 days, 6 hrs ago
Huh. Did not know that about you.

Well, always nice to see new artists join the degenerates. ;P
3 days, 8 hrs ago

Because it's Panty Ranger's constitutional right (assuming they are from the States) to draw whatever they want to, so long as it does not resemble any actual person in real life. Even if it will upset many Twitter Users who are incapable of telling the difference between Fiction & Reality. Even if it will agitate and aggravate the "Fiction Cops" and the "Morality In Fiction" purity cultist freaks. You know the ones... they like to scream "problematic!" at everything they don't like.

Because if someone rants at you that your drawings are "problematic" -- the weak course of action is to quit drawing those things and apologize for ever having drawn them in the first place. But the STRONG, BOLD, REBELLIOUS course of action is to draw even MORE of it just to piss those people off.


Because letting someone else CENSOR & DICTATE YOUR ART AND STORIES is dumb.

Unless they are paying you for it -- they do not get a say in what you do or do not draw.


3 days, 6 hrs ago
I know that... that doesn't answer the question though. But he responded so it's fine.
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