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i must make a confession.


i do lack diplomacy. i am blunt and brutally honest. and most of all, i am incredibly emotional and temperamental. MEA CULPA.

i need to understand times changes, people "softened" notably, that is not bad, nor good, is just the way things are now. and i must try and adapt to it, cus i just can't fight the entire world, i am a 47 years old obese guy...i can't even fight an angry cat. much less the entire internet.

so, i post this message to all my followers and watchers and customers, I'LL TRY MY DARN BEST TO BE A BETTER, MORE POLITE PERSON, I'LL TRY TO BE MORE FRIENDLY. i will reduce the vent/rant journals (specially if they are about issues with customers) because apparently, that scares people. THAT WAS NEVER MY INTENTION, from now on. ill keep those issues between the customer, me, a joint and a bag of doritos :)

I WILL BE MORE PATIENT WITH CUSTOMERS, EVEN THOSE THAT DEFY THE LIMITS OF PATIENCE, i must understand that some customers just cant explain what they want. we are creating something out of thin air, and even with tools like live chat and screenshare, sometimes, customers just cant express their idea properly, specially when customers have some sort of impediment or condition (i always respected my customers with ptsd, ocd and many other conditions, but, i must try a little more, patience is a virtue, and virtues demand dedication.)

IF I OFFENDED YOU, I APOLOGIZE. i am blunt, i am incredibly blunt, i was raised to be honest rather than diplomatic. it has benefits, but it also has flaws, sometimes i do say things i do not mean, also, english is my second language, and i kinda stink on it. so, sometimes, what i think in spanish, translates to english on a different tone or emotion. spanish speakers tend to be very direct on what they mean, while english speakers think more of what they say before saying it...the point is, IF I SAID SOEMTHING THAT OFFENDED ANYPONE, I APOLOGIZE.

TO THE PEOPLE I BLOCKED AND BANNED FROM MY GALLERIES. sorry. things happen. i will not ask you to contact me again, i can't force people to talk to me, even if to ask for an explanation or reason for a bad or incorrect behavior from me or him. bridges were burned. BUT I AM OPEN TO GIVE A SECOND, THIRD OR FOURTH CHANCE. if you choose to. nothing forced.

ILL BE A BETTER ARTIST, i know i have been below my average in terms of art. i know i can, and must, be better, so i promise to try.

there it is, instead of posting a list I WONT DRAW, i am posting a list of things I MUST DO TO BE A BETTER COMMISSION ARTIST AND PERSON ONLINE. hope you understand i am simply human, and as such, i am meant to fail, and say things i don't mean, and mean things i don't say. i will fail every now and then. and i will try my best to learn from those mistakes. just try and cope with me, i promise it will be worth it.

anyways, back to work. thanks for being there. thanks for stay awesome, thanks for tolerating me :)
Viewed: 26 times
Added: 18 hrs, 12 mins ago
17 hrs, 18 mins ago
So you've made it clear to me that I wasn't a problem customer, and I appreciate that, but I did decide a while back I wasn't going to get any more commissions from you, (though now I'm more open to it.) There are some journals you've since deleted, so I can't reference them to be accurate, so I'm going to have to just try to remember what was in them.

The first one was the one where you decided you were no longer going to do porn. You used some wording I've seen before, either... "growing as an artist" or... "being more professional", something like that. I had no intention of trying to stop you, of course, but when an artist does that, I kinda get the impression that we, as commissioners of furry porn, never mattered, or.. we were just stepping stones or something, or at best, the artist is giving up a piece of themselves that nobody wants to see gone because they believe that's what they're expected to do. They're expected to go into a business that doesn't allow them to be themselves or they get fired. Soulless or bust.

It was the journal after that where I kinda decided to stay away though. You posted a passive-aggressive journal about how you'll do porn because it was loud and clear that's what we're here for and we won't buy anything else. I'm all for being honest and speaking your mind, but it sounded a lot like you were blaming us for having to do something you really didn't want to do. Even on the surface, without the passive aggressiveness, it just wouldn't have felt right to commission someone who doesn't want to do that kind of work. It would feel like I was forcing you.

I kept watching you though, unsure how to feel about a lot of things, except that you didn't really want to do what I would commission you to do.

" sometimes, what i think in spanish, translates to english on a different tone or emotion. spanish speakers tend to be very direct on what they mean

Everything else aside, I'm curious about this. I took two years of Spanish, certainly not enough to translate things myself or hold a conversation, but I don't remember thinking it was blunt. Maybe we didn't get far enough for that, but just for my own curiosity, would you mind giving some examples of this? Some Spanish sentences that translate more bluntly?
16 hrs, 44 mins ago
well. it's more like we say things english speakers may consider more like an offense, for example, in venezuela, we call people n$$ro affectionate, while americans consider the n word taboo. things like that. frankly, post examples would be dangerous, but, the n word is one. latinos are also very  hard spoken, not necessarily vulgar or rude, but, we do not sugar coat things as english speakers do.

as for  working with me again, ENTIRELY YOUR CHOICE, WHATEVER YOUR CHOICE IS, ILL RESPECT IT. as for drawing porn, yeah...that was a terrible thing to say, specially when some of my best customers, are customers of sfw content. AND WHO AM I TO POINT FINGERS AT PEOPLE FOR ENJOYING PORN FURRY ART? i mean...it's  like working at mac Donald's and berating people for eating there cus it isn't healthy.  i was under a lot of pressure back then, many things happening at the same time, and i managed the situation very poorly. and hurted the only people that actually gave a damn  about me, as an artist and as a person, MEA CULPA.

and again, IF WE DONT WORK AGAIN, OR WE DO WORK AGAIN, ENTIRELY YOUR CALL. i know i had it coming long ago. sooner or later, my lack of manners was going to bite me in the ass. and bite me in the ass it did.

16 hrs, 18 mins ago
Oh I understand the N-word thing. It may SEEM to mean the same thing, but but our histories are different in that regard. "retarded" for example wasn't a slur before it took on a whole other meaning of its own. It just meant "slower", but people changed its meaning over time to mean "unbearably stupid" instead, so the original intent of the word was lost, and for people who were actually mentally challenged, a different word had to be found to separate it from the new derogatory meaning. It's all in the history. Language is weird like that. Same word in different countries can take on whole other meanings in both places over time.

But back to the porn thing, I know you see it as my choice now, but whether or not it was "the right thing to say" isn't what I'm concerned about now. Question is, if I were to commission porn in the future, would I be forcing you to do something you don't really want to do? And if that's the case, you'll take the commission but you don't really want to, I don't know what the right choice is.
16 hrs, 2 mins ago

yeah, as i said, i am old school, and i still have some of that stupid,  PORN IS SOCIALLY INCORRECT AND YOU MUST HATE IT, mindset. also..latino....our double morals when it comes to what is ok or not is huge.

15 hrs, 28 mins ago

Honestly I think you just being yourself. And honestly there's nothing wrong with that. I think it's common to get frustrated at time to time especially if you are dealing with any situation that can push you that way. I understand I understand what it feels like sometimes the deal with individuals that can be a little bit complicated to deal with.  and at least in the country that I am with how the mind frame that people are. It can be frustrated to try to please everyone. In general I learned a long time ago you can't please them all. So I don't even try. I pretty much stick to how I want to do things. And if someone don't like it it's just the way it is. I usually just ignore anyone that tries to make me frustrated or be a troll. I think your artwork is great honestly I think it's great. And I think that is what makes you who you are. And people have to accept that. And when they do make commissions to you they should accept your rules and policies. And if they can't accept that. Then I wouldn't even bother to be commissioned with them. But I do understand too times are tight. And I understand that. Sometimes you got to take on customers that you hate. But in hindsight I think in general you keep on being you. You keep on producing great work. And just ignore the haters. And you will be just fine. I don't think you are a deuce ball or anything like that. You have a great heart and you just trying to do the right thing. Be encouraged and keep on being you. That's all that we can ever do is be ourselves.
14 hrs, 53 mins ago
thanks :)
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