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(politics) FINALLY!!

Republican voters are starting to realize that their party doesn't represent them.

*opens arms*

Welcome to the fucking club
Viewed: 99 times
Added: 5 days, 1 hr ago
5 days, 1 hr ago
As an independent voter how so? I will say there are things I don't like (DOGE, and Tarrifs chief among them) but their are good things going on (finally securing the borders, all the pork jobs in the government are going away, less harsh taxes being proposed, and trying to end the kerfuffle in Ukraine) I say more good then bad has come from it so far, but things can change either way considering we are still very early in, not even the first 100 days.
4 days, 23 hrs ago
I hate to tell you, but that's not an independent perspective. Reexamine your sources, find out where their money comes from. I guarantee you they're not on your side.

edit: Also I guarantee you Trump could open up the border and your sources would still say he's tough on the border. Biden deported more people than Trump did in his first term within the first year, and just this month Bastion almost got shipped off to Guantanamo. Bastion didn't come in illegally, and he's not an isolated case BY FAR!
4 days, 17 hrs ago
1 day, 1 hr ago
The border appears less secure now.


Regarding taxes, in the best economic times in this country the tax rate on the richest people was 91% in 1960 and the economy was booming. Now it's 35% and folks are living paycheck to paycheck.

I say we need MORE harsh taxes. In the age of hundred billionaires, they can afford it.
22 hrs, 40 mins ago
I do agree on the last bit, people who afford it, loke billionaires should be taxed more
20 hrs, 9 mins ago
Arrests are not a good indicator of border security. Terrible in fact, since that seems to be the metric both Biden and Trump are concerned with. They want that number high so that they can say they're securing the border, but they don't care who gets hurt. ICE detention centers have become big business, profiting on how many immigrants they can hold, legal or not. This is exactly why Bastion was arrested, and it's exactly why border politics are bullshit.
20 hrs, 1 min ago
Fair point. Shoulda clarified that.

I guess it's kinda hard to determine how often a crime* happens. Not sure how experts track that. Those breaking the law don't typically let scholars or government numbers dorks know what they did. They just keep it a secret from us.


*Technically crossing the border without permission and overstaying visas are civil offenses and not crimes. But you say toe-may-toe, I say toe-mah-toe.
19 hrs, 40 mins ago
Oh they're not prisons! (sarcasm) ICE makes it a point to say that their centers aren't punitive, despite all evidence to the contrary. In theory they're only supposed to hold people who are flight risks or don't show up for their court dates, but even if you're being kind to the Bush administration (and I wouldn't), it's a complete waste to create an entirely new agency for just that. But I can't see it as anything but deliberate design that there's no mechanism to deter them from just holding whoever they want, for whatever reason they want (or no reason at all in the case of Bastion), and so they do just that, and make a lot of money off of the taxpayers in the process.

if you wanna talk about pork jobs... funny "new media" doesn't seem to want to trim THAT down, it's only the agencies that help regular people they want to cut. Funny how all the "fraud and abuse" seems to be happening in those and not in Musk's Space X program despite how the cuts seem to go directly to Space X. And I'm sure he's using that money responsibly...
19 hrs, 19 mins ago
" DanielBunny wrote:
even if you're being kind to the Bush administration (and I wouldn't), it's a complete waste to create an entirely new agency for just that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Democrats take the lead on creating the Department of Homeland Security and putting immigration enforcement in it?

I also think Bush is the scum of the Earth* and I don't think they waterboarded him to force it through or anything, but I'm not sure it was his idea.

Again, IIRC.

*Though he did do a lot against AIDS in Africa. A corrupt, ignorant war criminal who destroyed the economy in a way that we haven't recovered from, but credit where it's due.
16 hrs, 41 mins ago
First I've heard of it, but I wouldn't bet against it, seeing as they really seem to love giving the Republicans what they want in exchange for... head-pats?
5 days ago
Well I'm not surprised since both political parties suck and only care about the .00000001% (i.e. the corrupt elite)   As things such as securing the borders (which at this point is completely pointless as people will find a way into the country one way or the other and any effort will just be a flimsy band aid that will crumble and fall apart over time , end up wasting more tax payer money and end up causing more problems ) , eliminating the "pork jobs" in government ( which I call bull crap on because the powers that be would simply hide that kind of spending though shenanigans such as using taxpayer money to continue to fund / subsidize  failing / corrupt companies such as Elon Musk's Space-X  and  the military industrial complex) and trying to end the war in Ukraine (which in itself is nothing more a money making machine for the military industrial complex which supports both sides of the conflict ,  being just the 21st century version of the Crimean war and the fact conflicts in that region is nothing new (the Russian - Chechen conflicts and the South Ossetia wars in the 1990s and late 2000s for example), my response is that I / we seen this movie before (Regan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr , Obama , Trump and Biden) , politicians come in , make "changes" and try to convince people that there's been more "good things" that came out of said changes than bad until later down the road when people realized that those so called "changes"  only made things bad (or even worse).
4 days, 23 hrs ago
Scapegoating is all they have at this point. That's the part I wish people would really wake up to, it's the oldest political trick in the book and people are still falling for it. Blame the immigrants, blame black people, blame the gay people, blame the trans people, blame the furries, blame the trans people and immigrants again, don't look at all the money we're stealing from your grandparents, look at the genders and skin color instead. So sick of it. Project 2025 crap is being implemented one by one, DID I NOT FUCKING SAY THEY WERE GOING TO FIRE FEDERAL WORKERS AND REPLACE THEM WITH LOYALISTS?! Even the National Weather Service isn't safe, and damn it, I've seen the difference in their forecasts being WAAAAAY the fuck off, like 10 degrees off or more. Pork jobs, sure.. some of us like to know when our pipes might freeze. Now we got several Republicans calling for national porn bans, how bout that? Who could have predicted that the agenda they bribed Trump and the Republican party to implement is getting implemented? HMMMMM!!!
4 days, 22 hrs ago
The only fucking reason I vote democrat is because they don't try to pull this fucking shit. I'm not a democrat, I'm voting for the fucking lesser evil. Two-party systems are corrupt and abused way too much. Humans can be polarized way too easily when they only have two options. The government needs to be broken down and fixed by the people, not tyrants with money. Money needs to be removed from politics altogether. Australia is trying to push through a bill that would limit donations to only $20,000 maximum.

There are democrats are showing their hands by siding with the republicans to keep their precious money flows from shutting down. They're not doing it because "Think of the workers" because THE WORKERS ARE BEING GUTTED. They're not that fucking stupid. Not to mention shitheads like Fetterman who changed sides and is lying to your face after getting elected.

Politicians are not your bosses, they are not your 'team', they are not your friends. Politicians are social workers who are supposed to work for the people. They are supposed to make LIFE EASIER and help advance our science, military, health, and infrastructure. Instead, they lie to the fucking gullible, who are too fucking egotistical to stop being bigots at this point, to get into power, so they can siphon that sweet cash flow and manipulate markets and corporations.

They will lie about fixing things, create non-issues like the 'trans bathroom' bullshit, and try to ruin lives, all so they can make you 'fear vote' to 'protect yourselves'. But you'll believe them because you're in too deep, you can't just 'fix' your perspective, because then you'd be admitting you were grifted and fooled. So you double down and become as corrupt or bigoted as them.

Republicans are playing their voters like fiddles, and I tell you, they still won't beat the devil when the time comes with all those fiddles.

Even Nazi Germany fell when the time had come. Soviet Russia also fell. Tyrants cannot exist forever. Fear does not control forever.

EDIT: LMAO Bonus points. Hey, you idiots who think you're voting republican for being conservative? Yeah. Kamala and Biden are conservatives. That's how far you fucked up. But you think your media is the only media you should trust. You think your friends and politicians are the only words you need to hear 'truth' from. Their literal fucking shit was keeping 'the status quo' and 'keeping things normal'. They weren't progressive at all, but you fuckers saw 'democrat' and assumed 'oh they must be liberals!' So fucking stupid. And they'll mock me and tell me I'm full of shit for one major reason. They will still refuse to admit they were wrong. That's why I block them. They're fucking idiots.

But at least SOME of you are waking up. Hopefully some of you also stop being fucking transphobic and homophobic bigots too when you wake up. LET PEOPLE LIVE. Fucking assholes.
4 days, 21 hrs ago
Hell Obama even called himself a "Moderate Republican" akin to Regan. And they think he was on the left. Though I think people will understand a bit better if I can pull this graphic off without fucking it up..

     Stalin    |  Hitler/Trump
left ----------|---------- right
     Bernie  |    (I forget his name >.<)

Forget the name of that guy who ran on the Libertarian ticket.. I wanna say with Obama and Romney? Or maybe he was in the Republican primary... But anyway, point is the political spectrum isn't a straight line, it's more like this. I'm in the Bernie quadrant, of course. Personal freedom, but sensible regulation to prevent monopoly and help for the under-class. I don't know how far Trump is up in the Hitler quadrant, but the more his mask slips, the more I wonder... Definitely gained Hitler points from what almost happened to Bastion (and could still happen if the courts don't strike it down).

And Fettermen... *sigh* Yeah he showed a FEW signs of ick near the beginning, but I was hoping it was in good faith. But we got fucked again.

edit: oh of fucking course it didn't show up like I had it in the text box >.<
4 days, 19 hrs ago
LMAO, I know a few dumbfucks who think it's a flat left or right on this very site, and if you tell them how the political chart works, they scream because 'Communism isn't where it should be' or some bullshit. Anything to fit their stupid ass narrative.
4 days, 19 hrs ago
Yeah but communism isn't in just one quadrant. I've seen evidence of both authoritarian and libertarian flavors of communism. It's certainly too complex an issue to put it in any one spot on this grid.

edit: Not to mention communists can theoretically have really right-wing social values.
4 days, 14 hrs ago
That's exactly what I meant by that, Myst. That's why I call them dumbfucks. They think communism is a form of authoritarianism and that conservatism is 'Muh freedoms!'
4 days, 12 hrs ago
That is Putin, ex-KGB but is trying to rebuild it (the Soviet Union), he does so by appealing to Evangelicals.
So a strange marriage of authoritarian left AND right.
Though a simpler translation is that he simply scams & intimidates anyone to do his bidding, has no real moral compass, motive is simply to abuse power.
4 days, 19 hrs ago
I got 2 names lib right Mitt Romney and John McCain
4 days, 19 hrs ago
I'm open to that interpretation, but I'm not entirely sure about that...
4 days, 19 hrs ago
They were the last two that had common sense. Apart of me wishes he beat Obama in 2012. High chance Trump never becomes president if he did and most the crazy shit going on rn doesn't exist either
4 days, 19 hrs ago
Oh no, if Romney beat Obama, we would have likely got Hillary in 2016, then Trump. As for common sense, ehhh! I don't know about that either. They were certainly not as extreme. I kinda forgot everything I learned about Romney except that he was in it to enrich himself just like the rest, and McCain never met a war he didn't like.
4 days, 22 hrs ago
what do you mean? they're winning so much they're gettign tired of it.
4 days, 21 hrs ago
They're "winning", but the trick is making them understand they're not going to be any better off for it. Unless you mean the elected Republicans.
4 days, 21 hrs ago
It always makes me happy that the voters for the current occupant of the white house really affects them. Being fired from their federal jobs, their spouses being deported. Their benefits being cut, to give tax breaks for the billionaires. I have just plain schadenfreude. Elections have consequences.
4 days, 21 hrs ago
Doesn't make me happy. Makes me exhausted, because the leopard has to ACTUALLY EAT THEIR FACE before they learn, and sometimes not even then. All the wasted efforts trying to point the leopard out to them.
4 days, 20 hrs ago
And like, die-hard MAGAs are never gonna turn on him.  They don't mind that leopards are eating their faces.  They're looking to the left of them and seeing a guy whose face is being eaten by two leopards, and they're like, "Fuck that guy.  I hate that guy.  Go leopards!"

I feel bad for the people who voted for Trump because the economy wasn't good (started with inflation, ended with price gouging and bird flu), and now it's worse.  The people who voted for him because they didn't like how the Biden administration was enabling genocide (not realizing or not willing to admit Trump wasn't any better on the issue).  The people who were easily lead to fear what the GOP wants them to fear (transgender people, pet-eating immigrants, etc.).  They voted because they wanted change.  They thought Kamala was going to be just more of the same.  Well, they got change, but not in the direction they wanted.  And as hard as it is, we won't get anywhere by laughing at them and mocking them.  We can take the opportunity to guide them to our side.
4 days, 20 hrs ago
I'm less laughing at them as I am just waving my arms frantically and saying "LEARN, DAMN IT!" But yeah, there's a hardcore MAGA base to whom it's not going to matter whether they have a face or not. It's the general Republican voters I'm worried about. My fear is that Trump is eventually going to throw Musk and DOGE under the bus, NOT ACTUALLY FIX THE DAMAGE THEY DID, and everyone will be "Oh yeah, Musk was the problem, not Trump." Which.. he is a big part of it. I'm exhausted by the people who saw Trump's campaign taking billions from Musk and thought "Trump's on OUR side!" -.- Just... exhausted.
4 days, 19 hrs ago
When I saw shit heads going "WE NEED CHEAPER EGGS" immediately move to "I'll take expensive eggs as long as the [Racist Slur]'s get deported!" and then move to "We deserve a recession/depression, and need tariffs if we're going to be better!" and finally have settled back to "We need to kill/arrest/deport anyone who dares question our god king!" while their family are suffering... I realized they will never notice their own suffering matters, just the suffering of people they consider their enemy. The same people that the politicians tell them are their enemy...
4 days, 19 hrs ago
Inflation wasn't occurring btw, inflation was maybe 4% at most under Biden. Corporate greed is running rampant, and the democrats who are conservative and corporatists who think 'free market' should be allowed while allowing monopolies that line their donation boxes with money. The republicans are worse, since Trump is removing anyone who fights against the corporate greed bullshit, because he wants to benefit even MORE from the bribes he's getting from the big names.
4 days, 17 hrs ago
I mean, there was a bit of inflation for the first year or two of Biden's administration, but it slowed down.

Problem is, the pandemic was a perfect storm for corporate greed and price gouging.  The lockdowns, shortages, supply chain issues, inflation, everything came together to give excuses for raising prices.  Inflation rates have gone back down to normal, but companies still blame that for raising prices.  Same with the supply chain.  It gave plausible reasons to just keep raising prices, because few laymen understand what a supply chain is or how inflation works.

Then the corporate puppets in the media and Congress say "Blame the Democrat president," even though the president can't do anything about that stuff.  At least not without Congress approving federal regulations (which Republicans would oppose, anyway).

Once the bird flu stuff is sorted, does anyone think that egg prices will go back to what they were without any government intervention?  Heck no.  If they lower prices, that means less profit, which means angry stockholders.  And god forbid you anger the stockholders.

Fuck the stock markets.  Those are a blight upon society.

So this rant kind of took a sudden turn...
4 days, 16 hrs ago
The irony is, due to the supply chain issues, Biden DID bring back some manufacturing jobs to the US, which is largely what Trump won on in 2016 and then Trump proceeded to outsource 250,000+ manufacturing jobs. But so few people know this. Our media sucks...
4 days, 14 hrs ago
I saw a key point made by someone who works with chicken farmers. The farmers during the last bird flu (where egg prices were high) found a way to make as many eggs, if not more, with less chickens... But the prices still rose because the corps used the bullshit propaganda of the bird flu as an excuse. The same thing is happening now. Gouging is happening, when the farmers aren't making 'less eggs'. They tested it last time, and they know how much they can exploit people now.
4 days, 17 hrs ago
Some numbers or sources to back up that claim would be nice. The numbers I've seen, ie. voter registrations per state indicate the opposite, never trumper republicans, yeah the current party doesn't represent them so why would they keep voting republican, but the current populist republican party is not loosing numbers from what I'm seeing, only gaining. And the "right track, wrong track" polls indicate among those polled show a inversion of sentiment, at least among the polling base (wrong track is dropping while, right track is going up)
4 days, 16 hrs ago
No numbers yet, except Trump's approval going down, and Musk's in the fucking toilet. As for the rest it COULD be attributed to a new administration's honeymoon phase, even as Trump's is at a record low for this time frame.

But mainly it's nice to see these Republican officials bombarded at town halls by members of their base pissed off at what DOGE is doing and angry they're not doing anything about it. Some of the complaints these people are making are kinda refreshing to hear.
4 days, 16 hrs ago
Seeing a lot less maga hats around these days.

I think we should be open to people who want to change their views. The damage is already done and rubbing it in their faces will only prevent them from coming around
4 days, 16 hrs ago
Oh absolutely. But worth mentioning we're all in the same boat getting screwed by our respective parties. Some harder than others at the moment.
4 days, 15 hrs ago
Yeeeee. I try to tell people all of the major political groups are crooked and we should be uniting against them rather eachother
4 days, 15 hrs ago
Yeah I try that too, but then we end up going back to whatever the BS Republican talking point for the week is. Bleh.
4 days, 14 hrs ago
And tell them that the greater evil they're worshiping is bad, they'll go "You're a stupid liberal commie!" Bitch, I'm not fighting for the democrats either. Almost all the fuckers in charge are corrupt.
4 days, 14 hrs ago
Roarey was ousted, so a lot of them either left or became their own problem children. Many of them got blocked by a ton of people, so they're not seen as often. The horrible shitheads with poor faith arguments who just want to harass others went into hiding or otherwise turned reclusive. Some of them are still around here. They're funny enough the same transphobic shitheads who openly spread misinformation on their journals.

I have seen outside of IB, several rightwing furs on FA have turned on trump finally, I see maybe... 2 of the 40 of them have retained their loyalty... And they're VERY fucking hateful people, who are racist, transphobic, and even homophobic. And I've seen several rightwingers here mocking anyone with trump bumper stickers/signs too.
4 days, 2 hrs ago
Roarey's gone? Didn't know that.
4 days ago
He claims he's left IB for telegram since the moderators actually did something about him and his group openly harassing other users, especially opening debate traps with misinformation and bullshit meant to make people come to his journals to question things, only to get attacked and added to their list off site of people to troll and harassed by their whole group. He may not have directly had that list, but his followers sure as Hell did, and he enabled them instead of telling them to stop. He also allowed bigotry and transphobia to run rampant on his pages.
3 days, 23 hrs ago
ew. Can't help but think of Beavis and Butthead as potential role models.
1 day, 22 hrs ago
The last time mods got involved with him, he "quit IB" because he got an inflammatory journal deleted. Then he showed up again a few months later and didn't learn anything. So I'm not expecting he'll stay gone, he needs the attention.
1 day, 22 hrs ago
If you're talking about Roary, no, he was legit banned for 3 months. He just wasn't permanently banned because he was vouched for allegedly by other mods. But this outraged his righthand goon, pierce, which tried his damnest to undermine and attack the moderators, and ended up getting his account deleted (a 'true ban' deletes their account). The mods rarely ban anyone, so you never see it happen.
Cigarskunk had one journal removed because he was calling for violence (And considers saying democrats deserve to die/suffer in a vat of acid not to be 'violent'...) and freaked out, deleting all of his stuff and moving to Live Journal. He still roams this place looking for likeminded shitheads who spread misinformation and conspiracy.

Oh, and it wasn't just the journal that was the factor. It was that he would bait harassment and play victim. He would put out wild ideas and then didn't want to debate, but attack anyone who would disagree. He would send his followers after people who disagree with him, and would rile them up. He would also never prune or self moderate his comments (The real part of the ban's reasons) which led to a LOT of transphobia, hate, homophobia, and threats hidden in his journals from his followers. Tay Ferret got disciplined for allowing transphobia to run rampant in his comments too.

EDIT: Source, a moderator directly told me what the reasoning was for his removal.
1 day, 20 hrs ago
Ah yes, Cigarskunk.. used to be fun. Then he started screaming communism when someone disagreed with him and just got more and more extreme, and this was before MAGA. Can't imagine how much worse it probably is now.

edit: or it might not have been before MAGA, but it was certainly before they were so openly Nazi.
21 hrs ago
nonono, I absolutely recall that happening, I'm referring to like...a year(?) ago when he again claimed he was quitting IB, then came back on his own volition a few months later.

Also yeah, that Cigarskunk guy is a piece of work, complaining about queer people existing while in a fandom where half of the people in it are some flavor of bisexual
18 hrs, 52 mins ago
Oh yeah, that did happen, I forgot about that one.
4 days, 16 hrs ago
i have never had a politician "represent me"  its always voting for whoever will maybe get some positive things done by mistake 8nbetween fucking everyone over and will do the least damage
4 days, 16 hrs ago
Yeah honestly this is the first time I've voted in a while. Just pissed off so much at how these Dem primaries have gone, and the media's complicity. It's difficult to will myself to the polls to vote for the lesser evil. Marianne Williamson would have CRUSHED Biden in a fair media and DNC environment, and we wouldn't be in this situation.
4 days, 15 hrs ago
Honestly, I can't help but feel like our political situation is entirely hopeless.  Everything is getting worse for standard peaceful freedoms, the Executive's checks have been revealed as imaginary, and we've pissed off every ally we used to have, including our closest neighbors.  It's only going to get worse, and the people that are causing all these problems are in a position where they don't have to care.

It's really, really hard to not be in the constant mindset that we deserve to be nuked, or just be a follower of the Cult of Nyx.
4 days, 1 hr ago
I am.. struggling on the edge of that myself. Especially as there's a bill in congress right now that could cut off my healthcare while I'm in the middle of wound care treatments >.<
4 days, 12 hrs ago
People still clinching to the "But Mah Borders!" sham..
Mexico didn't pay for the wall (US workers are stuck with the bill).
It's far from done.
It didn't work for China - that infamously failed eons ago.
Demonizing immigrants in general is the oldest fascist (team) trick in the book, its purpose is the get resources into place to then begin caging & execute the "disloyal" and the "undesired races", like all the other genocides like Gaza, Yemen, WW2(Germany & USA a few times).

Being here in a rural area, most of the problem is these people are feed Russian propaganda on their phones and streaming TV.
I mean the shit is even worse than Fox "News", the crap they have on is very much the Q-nut lunacy & blatant AI generated footage of fake news events & BS documentaries.
These people are vulnerable to every cheap trick in the book like Weasel-Words and PhotoShopping.

The USA worked best when the system is balanced, checks & balances and of a mix of systems; capitalism checked by some socialism (consumer protection, investment in health & education), taxes but not too damn much, justice but the burden must favor defense else impulsive punishment without proof is just tyranny.
Freedom of or from Religion(but specified Government shall not sponsor or ban(except violators of human rights of course)).

A pity too few remember or were even taught how important this all was to even having civilization at all.

There does need to be a purge of the push-over DC Democrats though too when "if"(scoff) the massive "let them eat cake" revolts happen.
People tire of Republicans that work only for the rich, but also the Democrats that merely complain but then help them do it.

It's not quite so hopeless though, France successfully dealt with a similar oligarch like issue, was the proverbial "let them eat cake" French Revolution thing when the kingdom/government was ignoring a starving populous, they revolted then rounded up the Royals & government then chopped their heads off, then created a new constitution to make such corruption is illegal to start again.
I don't exactly 100% sponsor that method, but if the law won't do its damn job then a massive bloody revolt is inevitable (probably non-partisan by then at least).
4 days, 1 hr ago
I used to scoff at the idea that Russian propaganda was infiltrating our media, I figured it was just oligarchs funding right-wing propaganda that benefits them, but.. kinda was both. Was blown away by just how much Tim Pool was in the pocket of Russia, and his dodge of "I didn't know it was Russia I just thought it was some shady billionaire I was selling my opinions to and doing pro-Russia propaganda for" just confirms what I've suspected about that whole sphere.
4 days, 1 hr ago
What changed?
3 days, 23 hrs ago
Republican voters are showing up in large numbers at Republican town halls and really tearing into them about DOGE and the cuts to the VA. The politicians don't want to speak out against DOGE or Trump, so they tend to abruptly leave and get booed on the way out.
3 days, 22 hrs ago
I agree with you that the administration is screwing things up for everyone, it just seems like people it's not effecting directly are getting numb to everything and don't really care anymore.
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