Let me elaborate.
Have I ever made you feel bad? As in, have I ever been rude, mean or disrespectful to you on any way, sort or fashion?
Have I ever given the impression I don't like working with you?
Have you ever been afraid of asking me for corrections to a work we've done?
Have I lacked patience with a customer?
Have I not delivered the quality of work you aimed for when you hired me?
And, the most important question.... does my attitude make you feel afraid or uncomfortable? Am I not polite enough? Am I too grumpy?
Frankly, I think I need to make some changes, apparently, im not being nice enough. So, please, since im not able to pinpoint the troubles on my service to customers , please tell me. ALL ANSWERS WILL BE CONSIDERED, NO GRUDGES OF ANY KIND WILL BE HELD, I AM ASKING YOU TO TELL ME IF I AM TREATING YOU CUSTOMERS AND FOLLOWERS GOOD ENOUGH, AND IF THERE'S ANYTHING I CAN DO SO YOU FEEL BETTTER AND MORE COMFORTABLE WORKING WITH ME. Or simply enjoying the works i post.
I just made a huge drain out of bad energies, getting rid of old baggage, and frankly, i wanna try and be a better commission artist, but i need to know what are the issues I must solve. That's why i ask you for feedback on this, thanks again for tolerating me all these years 😀
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1 day, 1 hr ago
18 Mar 2025 07:24 CET