Hey there one and all! I am pleased to finally, FINALLY be opening for comms again!
I know that was quite the wait since last time due to my emergency comms bloating my queue to just under FIFTY comms. But I have worked through all but one of those fifty (and the last one is being written as we speak and will likely be completed over the weekend!) which means that I can finally open again.
(Also, the huge backlog is why I've been neglecting uploading new fic to this site... I have a large number of stories to port over!)
These comms will NOT be first-come first-served; I will review each commission request and received over a period of a few days and then select the ones that'll be done afterward. Note, however, that since I'll only be opening 6-8 commission slots this time and that nsfw writing is currently my main job (unlike before) that I expect to work through the ones I DO select extra quick compared to normal; so if you're not chosen, then you should have another option less than a month after I open again!
My rates will be $10 for every 500 words atop a $15 surcharge, with a 1k minimum and a 5k maximum (higher maximums can be negotiated, but it'll be a hard sale if I don't already know you.) Note that I will have a slight price increase for future comms after that as the surcharge will raise to $20 USD.
Thanks to everyone who's expressed interest in getting commissions for their patience, and to past commissioners as well. Please keep an eye out for my announcement of comm openings on Monday the 17th, US time! And if you'd like to support me in other ways (again, very needed since nsfw writing is my only way of paying bills and food right now) you can chip in as little as $3 a month at my SubscribeStar to see stories two weeks early! Link at the bottom of this post. Thanks so much everyone!