1. Neddie Hugson Using The Toilet Take 3 2. Boris Lion's Bottom Stuck In The Honey Tree 3. Bela Lioness Playing Football 4. Frank Diggs (Wearing White T-shirt, Blue Pants With belt And Brown Sneakers) Using The Toilet (Sitting Version) 5. Gus (A Troll In Central Park) Using The Toilet 6. Eric (The Little Engine That Could) Using The Toilet 7. Neddie Hugsin Using The Outhouse 8. Young Master (The Brave Little TOaster) Using The Toilet 9. Scarecrow Jr. in Officer Hat 10. Tin Boy Driving Pole Position Car 11. Bela Lioness In Pink Vest And No Pants 12. Boris Lion In Red Vest And No Pants 13. Peter Walker (Care Bears) Using The Toilet 14. Jack Pumpkinhead Jr Playing THe Drums 15. Bela Lioness In Pink Top Hat, Pink Tux ANd No Pants 16. Boris Lion In Red TOp Hat, Red Tux And No Pants 17. Neddie Hugson Gets Wedgied 18. Frank Diggs Holds A Picture Of Andrea