I'd just like you all to know that I've posted a new YouTube video! It involves paranormal investigation with a silly spin! I was mostly inspired to do this by another furry: Shawn Keller. You may recognize his pony character Athena from his series Guardians of Pondonia. Look up "Guardians of Pondonia" if you're not sure what I'm talking about. Anyway, I thought, that since I have more followers on FA and IB, I'd spread the word to my profiles on those sites. So, without further adoo, here's the video: https://youtu.be/QYoH2laz5s8
RAWWWW, AWESOME JOB ! So what weird paranormal encounter have you witness in your life and was the legend of the frogman real or made up ? Because you were having fun with it and Guardians of Pondonia sounds like a Brony version of a Dungeons and Dragons role play with my little ponies plus you have a cool name for your brony name t LARYEX THE CHANGELING !
RAWWWW, AWESOME JOB ! So what weird paranormal encounter have you witness in your life and was th