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stuff i like

I will update this list as i think of new stuff.
i am overall a very negative person, i think and say negative things, i'm accidentally mean and a downer to people when I don't mean to be.
so i thought i'd try writing nice stuff to remind people I'm human and don't hate everything.

- fantasy dwarves. i envy their work ethic. tolkiens are cool, but the added book of grudges and ancestor worship in warhammer fantasy make them even better. chaos dwarves are my favorite. they're dwarves taken to their most unfortunate conclusion, they utilize slavery and demon worship to build stuff even more efficiently. they have foregone emotion and relationships so that they can focus all of their energy on building and inventing. they're forced by their very DNA to create and manufacture, it's very very cool to me I can't explain it well.
i'm a furry to an extreme degree, but dwarves are by far my favorite fantasy species. furries don't get a lot of good writing to compete.
- rainbow six siege year 3. i think hero shooters could be a great genre if they were more in this realistic direction. Prior to year 4, rainbow six siege did not have any ridiculous cosmetics and was a very straight forward military game. i fear nobody will ever make a game like this ever again, fortnite has ruined FPS forever. this was the final good one and it was eventually ruined by fortnite pandering and overbalancing hell. my favorite operator was maestro (he's long since unplayable thanks to esports balancing).
i mention it here because this was the most fun i ever had in a video game before even if it's been ruined now.
- russians. I'm a bit of a contrarian and seeing people place blame on the entire race due to the actions of putin made me sympathize with them very hard. i can't look at ukraine vs. russia stuff at all because it makes me cry. I can't believe people call russians "orcs". they're human beings and probably don't give a shit about politics. anyway, yes I've taken a great liking to russians.
"i think it's mostly a language barrier with the russians. every rus guy ive interacted with in english was really nice. i like them irl because they think smiling is a sign of weakness or something like that, so they never smile or laugh unless there's something fun happening. i think i would fit perfectly in russia."
- Sopranos, breaking bad, better call saul. only tv i've liked really. i also really love pretty much everything Seth Macfarlane has done. Star Trek TNG
- s. craig zahler is my favorite director and it's very unfortunate he only got a 3 film deal. brawl in cell block 99 is probably my fav but i love all 3. you should watch that movie TONIGHT. by yourself in the dark. it's the scariest movie i've ever watched but it kills its vibes if you watch it with friends. needs to be a solo viewing.
- my favorite film of all time is Soldier 1998.
I fetishize that type of content. my ideal boyfriend, my fantasy boyfriend is like a child soldier. They're the hottest.
not like, as a literal child, but i mean when they become adults and their pscyhe is all fucked up from learning how to snap necks in a government institution instead of going to school. I haven't watched The Boys because it looks too gay, but Homelander went through this i think, maybe you'll get the idea of what i mean.
child soldier struggling to reintegrate into society because the government made him into The Terminator. i like when kurt russell cries and hes confused cause he didnt even know about tears, it was very erotic to me. he's like 40 years old and has never felt intense emotions before because of being on the battlefield all the time.
astartes etc.
I have written my own lore for Eerie from Telemonster and put him through similar circumstances. so that's why you may see a lot of my art shows him like wearing battle jumpsuits and stuff. maybe I will talk about my Eerie OC shit here more some day.
To clarify: i want to save them and take them away from that life and facilitate a union of 2 eccentrics with them.
part of it is i also wish i had that lifestyle for myself.
i wish a mr. miyagi abducted me off the street and forced me to work out and learn how to disembowell people with my barehand and stuff. i'm very incompetent and out of shape. leon the professional is very sexy too for example, hes been a hitman since he was 14 or something, no women no kids and dont shoot the face.
- i like researching psychiatry a lot, I treat the subject like a more advanced form of MBTI personality quizzes. i talk about psychiatry at least twice a day with my fwends. But i despise pills and do not recommend therapy ironically. I'm professionally diagnosed with schizotypal disorder, and I agree with the diagnosis.
- my favorite animals are (in this order): cows, opossums, rats. Everything else I have mixed feelings about but mostly positive.
I don't really want to have a wolf fursona, I made a wolf because of commitment to Eerie. it was complicated.
I'm also gay and don't really know why I made that female cow fursona on my page. I would like to have a bull fursona but I haven't seen any artist that would be able to draw one how I want. I don't want a big buff one, but I don't like boring average builds on furries, either.
- I generally very much dislike japan. https://myanimelist.net/profile/monhunaddict but well i have this MAL from when I was a teenager/young adult and tried out a lot, if you are into that stuff. I get the feeling that I watched every good anime there is, and everything I've tried since I haven't enjoyed. Hokuto no Ken, Rose of Versailles, and Nadia Secret of Blue Water are my 3 favorites and I own them all physically and rewatch them once a while because they've been so impactful on my life.
when anime is good, it is very good.
- my favorite thing in RE: to psychiatry is gambling addiction. I have tried gambling maybe 3 times, all were losses, and I had zero enjoyment doing it. I don't comprehend gambling at all and I think that's part of the allure to me. it's a very confusing disorder. the anime Kaiji was a very fun gambling addict story. I also liked Squid Games, it was overall a very shitty gay show, but the subject of gambling is so rarely touched upon that seeing it anywhere is fun to me. if there's a gambling plot, I will be there.
- the writing stylings and characters of Team Fortress 2 and The Venture Bros. I rarely seen this ever said anywhere, but i believe that Team Fortress 2 directly plagiarized Venture Bros. and i'm completely fine with that and it worked hahahaha. both are very fucking excellent. i love hank venture and scout.
- "humanity against all odds" shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ZGGIdpfEM This trailer made me cry.
warhammer, halo and the recent Invincible amazon series, all very good. i love cecil in invincible, i love Men in Black style government stuff in fiction where they have $80,000,000,000 taxpayer funded secret government high sci-fi tech.
I really hate gadgeteers and inventors archetypes in comic book stuff generally, but it is cool and understandable if it's government-backed. like i just cringe instantly when i see a guy that made a jetpack in his garage in comics, like a Jimmy Neutron style genius is very cringe to me. but i like when it's coming from a government.
I have no opinion on the military IRL, but in fiction I love a properly organized military with the big bucks and a good R&D department.
- Kojima. another japanese i make an exception in liking a lot. i plan on wasting several months replaying metal gear solid 3 and peacewalker soon when they get put on Steam. Death Stranding i suppose would fall into "humanity against all odds" and big government funded operations again.
Death Stranding is the best story game i've ever played before and I also cried for a week upon finishing it.
- that hawaiian steel guitar music is the only genre of music i'd call "relaxing" personally. i love that stuff.
i lied i love japan now wtf
- i love EDM and the Hampster Dance,  Hampton and the Hamsters hahah i love that stuff. is Hampton and the Hamsters a furry band? i love EDM high beats per minute heavy bass
- i love researching random furries. i guess i also just love furries. sometimes when i'm bored, i'll see a random furry in a chat room and just google him and go through all his accounts. i'm too fucked up to make new friends and we probably wouldn't get along anyway, i'm happy just reading about them and stuff. last time i did this, i found this interesting video. https://youtu.be/Bcv3VDrK9Bw?si=ElgrmGyevPhLJwIk
- i like both opposite extremes of grimdark and carefree fun. I love care bears and warhammer 40k at the same time. it just depends on my mood. I could never hurt a furry, i just wouldn't be able to do it. but i never blame soldiers for what they have to do in times of war. I'm not angry at fictional armies for having to kill cute lizards or aliens or anything. I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. If i was teleported into a furry world at war, I guess I would just kill myself because I wouldn't be able to hurt anyone or defend myself. I don't know what I'm trying to say.
sometimes it's a Growing Up With Hello Kitty and Hamtaro kind of peaceful day, sometimes it's a Escape From Tarkov every man for himself, New Vegas independence kind of day. totally bleak hopeless stories are very cool, but so are worlds where only love & kindness exists and nobody has any problems...
- I love genndy tartakovsky, if i ever had a spare billion dollars i would pay him to do a cartoon for me using my violent in nature fursonas and OC's. he's one of the few people i would trust to present my ideas well, i think him and i are very similar.
also on cartoons: I love Teen Titans and Billy and Mandy
- Jesus. Jesus is my friend.
- i read every single stephen king book. The Dark Tower is one of the best things that ever happened to me in the history of my entire life.
Viewed: 17 times
Added: 1 month ago
1 month ago
- more related to my weird child soldier fetish: hybristophilia. The desire to be loved by that which hates all else. Even the redemption based ones are still caught up in being the sole point of light for their dark.
i have this fetish pretty bad i think, and i think sometimes when i fantasize about monsters where rehabilitation and diplomacy is impossible, i imagine it as again a union of two eccentrics situation, where for whatever reason they have accepted me while still despising everyone else.
i also have a more generalized nightingale fetish thing going on (i dont know the accurate term for it) where I'd like to be a caregiver or a provider for my sexual interest. and this is the primary reason i have a fetish for chibis. Chibis are sort of innately severely physically handicapped and would need assistance through the whole process of just getting a cup of juice. and i would want to do that for them.
i think these types of relationships are very beautiful and i try to create them through my art and characters.

i myself have no violent fetishes at all btw, i don't even fap to rough sex or bdsm at all. i would rather die than so much as hurt a furry like i said.
1 month ago
I like these two.
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