You guys know when you're just chilling, drinking something and then you see some news that can make you almost spit your drink? Yeah, news like this almost made me do it! I still can't believe it!!
BLAST ZERO did a great job with Jitsu Squad and while I thought the SPC characters being there was awesome I never imagined that was just a taste of what was coming! I hope the game is as great as the trailer makes it look to be and that BLAST ZERO makes more games like this from anime like SPC for sure! x3
I'm very interested in this game for obvious reasons... in case you didn't know my friend
to do that SPC comic which was a great idea as Kaz did such an AWESOME job! So seeing more SPC like this is like a dream coming true. I like to think that our comic helped with that somehow even if just a bit, haha.
See guys that's why we need to join together to commission more pics or comics like that one! :p So, if you do want to see more comics like that and more please contact me and we see what stuff we can commission together! For example, I do have a big pic atm about the male cats of Tail Tale and could use more help with that~
Shame this game is only coming out next's already the game I'm looking forward to the most in 2026!!! I mean, the last time those guys got a game was in 1991, holy shit!!
This really caught me off guard when I saw it. I love how they were able to get the entire original English cast. Plus, the game was made completely with traditional hand-drawn animation. This is purely a love letter to the show and the fans. Definitely picking up day one!
This really caught me off guard when I saw it. I love how they were able to get the entire original