I was rewatching the best episode of Arthur after he hits DW after his model airplane breaks, I Love Ducks is pure comedy 🤣🤣, after all, who has never been the target of jokes in class watching a program aimed at preschoolers? I was caught by my brothers watching Clifford and Dragon Tales 😁😁, have fun rewatching this classic 🙂 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x37ci57
yes, Arthur went crazy when DW threw his model airplane on the ground and said it couldn't fly, and everyone knows the rest 🤣🤣🤣, and the video that became a meme https://youtu.be/B3-mhLIdfh4?si=VtYJdiuMY1TxOclR
yes, Arthur went crazy when DW threw his model airplane on the ground and said it couldn't fly, and