Recent events have inspired us to rethink our plans for posting AI pervisity to this platform.
On one hand, we were actually grateful that IB allows AI art, because finally we had a place to mass-post the incredibly degenerate sinful slop we create, including both 'stories' and pictures. We have also been organizing many more batches of themed uploads, though we haven't yet gone through the effort to actually post most of them.
On the other, we have recently realized some profound arguments against allowing AI art to co-exist alongside REAL art, art made by humans. It's an ecosystem argument, and an economics argument.
Artists depend entirely on attention and commissions. AI art is literally taking both away. By posting their art to a platform, an artist is hopeful that people will see their artwork. The more AI art gets posted, the less of a chance that people's eyeballs will see the real art. That further reduces the chance that those eyeballs belong to someone who will become a commissioner, paying the artist those meager wages they need to live and keep creating.
We're not even going to touch on the plagiarism. That is a settled argument.
So, as much as what we ourselves have created with AI, we're seeing it in a new light. Every orgasm we've had to what AI has created, is an orgasm that didn't get a chance to occur because of a real human's real effort. It's that many fewer commissions we've bought because of how inexpensive it was for AI to make it instead.
In light of this, we are deleting all AI-generated everything from our accounts. Give real artists your attention and orgasms. AI might give some utterly unique stuff that no artists is willing to draw, but that's an economics issue. Any artist will draw anything an AI could generate, if you pay them enough. But cheap AI art means nobody will want to fork out that much. Taking money out of the mouth of that one artist that WILL draw it.
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4 weeks, 1 day ago
10 Feb 2025 19:07 CET