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Idiots like
https://inkbunny.net/DancingChar want to get mad at me for pointing out that this site whole heartedly, from the owner on down, embraced AI as the future of inkbunny. Well over a YEAR ago. And then get mad at ME for being one of a handful of artists who ever said anything during the transition. It is over. It has been over for a year. It is not changing. Find another website.

Viewed: 338 times
Added: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
This is about as close to inciting harrasment as you can get without straight up saying it, and pretty petty too, I think you need to touch grass
1 month, 1 week ago
i bet i hate AI even more than you do but this is just unreasonable,
for 2 reasons, one is AI is banned on every other furry website so these people have nowhere to go and that's inkbunny's bread and butter, the site thrives off of those controversies. i bet theyre gaining more users than theyre losing (but for the worse, i bet they kind of regret taking this path, although ive heard rumors that the staff is more inactive than usual in general lately, and people were saying in your other journals that theyre so inactive they dont even respond to donation inquiries, i wonder wtf is happening the site is dying or something)
and #2 you get banned from the site if you upload AI art without an AI tag, SO I LITERALLY NEVER SEE AI HERE BECAUSE I HAVE IT BLACKLISTED.
you can press 1 button and never see AI ever again so calm down.
inkbunny is the only big furry site accepting AI, they're literally homeless people and they're (deservedly) oppressed even here because of how easy it is to mass block them and make their accounts invisible.

someone did a bunch of AI porn of my favorite character's peepee and stuff, and instead of having a meltdown about it i was just perplexed.
it looked like total fucking shit i dont know why these people bother.
like its all unfappable and it cant do complex scenarios, its only for vanilla softcore Playboy tards that fap to people standing there doing nothing.
standing there doing nothing while looking ugly as fuck and profoundly retarded.
hey look i fap to ppl standing there doing nothing too once a while, but its also weird to spam it all day theyre tasteless, and how many do you need really?
press that button and get an ugly guy standing there doing nothing, again and again and again and again.
1 month, 1 week ago
That's a lot of text from some idiot I'm just going to block.
1 month, 1 week ago
In that case the site does not do enough to curb the Ai. I have Ai, Ai art. Ai generated, and ai assisted, all as blocked keywords. Guess what: I still see this generated art.

It is annoying, and it can be risky at times. It is not spoken about that often, but this generated content, the kind we see on Inkbunny, can in fact be illegal under several jurisdictions. So a lack of tags is a real concern.
1 month, 1 week ago
who glued their balls to ur butthole again?
1 month, 1 week ago
Common sense.
1 month, 1 week ago
This generated imagery is a real headache. The ethics behind it is questionable at best, and I do not think any of its proponents properly understand the serious implications such generated imagery can have.

I guess only time will tell, but this generated imagery si clogging up the site indeed. I've done my best to blacklist this, as I consider it theft, but even than I still get them in my search results when looking up art and stories.
1 month, 1 week ago
I don't mind AI generated art. Just trying to get the AI program to interpret what you want can be just so frustrating. I enjoy what you are doing.  
1 month, 1 week ago
AI is and will always be crap for two good reasons

1) It requires real art to work there for its always a copy and emulation of images and over all plagerism (that is always crappy) even if its your own drawings "training it"
2) Its just stupid to call it art to begin with, how can you call some thing art if there was no artist to begin with?
and I thought conceptual art crap like putting a banana on a wall with ducktape was the bottom of the barrel, AI generated images constructed a whole new down basement level below, its Dadaism perfected!.

is right the only reason why IB does not band them is cause they feed from that, FA banned cubs so IB allows cubs, SF banned humans, then IB allows them (as long as they are not naked or doing lewd things), FA, SF, even fucking e621!! does not allow AI generated images or edited from them any more, (how fucking bad does it have to be for E621 to ban it?) so IB will allow it as long as they tag it as AI. it is their bred and butter to "let them do what they can't in other places". you see for as good as it is to have freedom of expression Ink bunny does not really care for that nor what art means or what Etics are from an comunity that started with artists, it needs people in here to keep the site relevant and with traffic, so it can charge servers from that as far as I know, also remember the word Expression, that is the key word that put the nail on the coffing on the other sites to ban AI, it has to be an expression of human creativity, some thing YOU express and created! not make a computer interpreted or generate for you, with 6 fingers and a googly eye.

AI is not the future of nothing unless you want to give up on doing what ever a AI "can do", just cause it could do a emulation of what you can. What I found more stupid of this AI softwares is that all that time you spend "training" it to teach it how to "draw" is time and hours spend you could actually could have use to learn how to draw yourself But you got to be darn Lazy!! that's why your "progress" will always feel unearned and stolen if you use AI. unless you are here for the likes.

That's all I got to say don't really care if I get a reply or not, but truth be told AI is not gonna replace us any time soon, it needs us to feed from, stealing our art and blocking our visibility getting and requesting our atention, if there were more people with good taste in the word or art education AI "art" would not be a thing! we killed NFTs we can kill AI. there is till time to pull the plug on this crap to save this particular areas of human expression.
1 month, 1 week ago
I'm simply not going to use a gallery which is fervently replacing real artists with AI.
1 month, 1 week ago
I do support your desertion though I was just giving my two cents... How ever...

Wouldn't that make them win? what we do need to do is not watch them not give them visibility and not putting any of them in our liked ones or favorites either, and outright call all those who do for what they really are, Cheap, Lazy, morrons that don't know nothing about art, have no taste at all, prefer quantity over Quality, want likes as quick as possible for their lazy miserable validation from others like them (or bots) nor know nothing on expression or even how to be human at times.

"when every one is super, then no one will be" Sindrome
when all of this "AI artists" are all "AI generated" then what is gonna be special about them what is gonna be special of IB? not that they where to begin with. I think we kinda still need the AI crap in order to show what a REAL artist is.

some one has to make us look good and actually talented XD, even my crappy drawings have more originality and juice than all those samey looking AI crappy cup cakes.

OH and for any one out there reading this that payed for an AI commission, you are the most stupidest person I would have ever had the dishonor to meet. you have set a new level of stupidity beyond 9000!
1 month, 1 week ago

Just so you all know, I'm literally on Bizy's side here.
I don't want AI here either but because I'm being friendly with the mods and open to compromise he starts giving me shit.
I didn't appreciate that so I banned him. That's as far as it went.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on this.
1 month, 1 week ago
It is just that you are a year late and greenreaper told those of us who didn't want AI to leave already. Talk to me on discord/telegram lmao not on inkbunny comments jesus
1 month, 1 week ago
What I'm trying to do is start a dialogue with the admins and reach a compromise on AI, such as maybe getting a separate ai tab or a "hide ai" button or something.
That might not be good enough for you but it's what my goal is rn and I think it's achievable.
Pushing for total removal like what you tried is clearly not in the cards and antagonizing the admins for 16 months about it won't help; neither will leaving a bunch of cynical-ass replies in my journal telling me to quit. Please stop that btw and I'll unban you.

Anyway, I'm sick of talking about this so I'll pass on that discord inv thanks. The only person I want to talk with now is GreenReaper, who I DM'd an hour or two ago.
I hope we cool now.
1 month, 1 week ago
He is going to tell you that hiding swaths of artwork is against inkbunny's philosophy, there is already a block lists function, and have a good day.
1 month ago
1 month, 1 week ago
I don't know why people are all getting bent out of shape on AI art it's just another tool like an autofill the color in a section or something like that but no one bitched about that this is just an autofill where you put in criteria for people who know how to paint the pretty picture with words it is supposed to fill in the gaps on what you say and with that people like me who are better at writing stories suddenly become able to put into words so the system I'm using can put a part of that story and make it more visible instead of just text but I don't claim any of it's mine and half of it I don't post some of it I make for shits and giggles hell I have some AI art of Godzilla fighting glass Joe from Punch-Out and spoiler glass Joe is not doing too well and I did that because I was bored and thought it would be funny hell for Boxing Day I literally had a picture made using AI or it was just glass Joe and a crater in the Yamcha pose with text I put in afterwards that said happy Boxing Day y'all just as a goofy little thing it was just a tool to make something help artists can sit there and use it if they suck at doing backgrounds to make a force background and overlay their art over it's just a tool and people are getting bent out of shape and I'm sorry for this long diatribe of text but I'm still trying to figure out why people are getting so bent out of shape over a tool I use it for silly shit and shit posting I make no profit out of it I literally profit out off of exactly zero of it other than I make my friends laugh am I taking AI art commissions no not even the closest thing to anything like that is a friend of mine asked me to make a model of one of his characters so he can try out some proof of concept stuff and see how other people would play with it and I did and he thought that it was amazing how it captured the art style and the character even in realism what he didn't even expect would be a thing

Tldr I don't understand why people have a problem with AI as it's just a tool people wouldn't get mad at a new set of box wrenches or something like that or a new kind of VR base 3D modeling then why would we get pissed at this that just lets you bring texts to visual as long as people aren't actually profiting off of it and claiming that they drew this by hand or some shit then no harm no foul is happening I use it for shitposting and Goofy shit
1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 1 week ago
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk next to talk the final boss Ted will actually show up for the TED Talk
1 month ago
Dude, what are you doing? Was a blatant call to violence really necessary here?

DancingChar is actively trying to do something about how this website handles AI images. Even if they are late to the party, it's good that there is an ongoing attempt to influence change.

I understand your hostility towards the pro-AI people as they're actively making this website worse, but why be hostile towards the side you're on, unless you're intentionally trying to make them mad? Your cynicism, although understandable and justified, is not helpful, wanted, or appreciated. Or is there some other unrelated reason you are so angry? It seems like you just want to be mad for being mad's sake.

You claim DancingChar got mad at you, and yet here you are calling them names in a callout post, presumably because you are salty you were blocked.

Get yourself together man. I love your art, but stuff like this makes it really hard to follow you sometimes.
1 month ago
yo shutup
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