(i'm still not allowed to name the site or link to it, but it sounds like Pay.meon! lol) --- There is currently a vote happening for my 3+$ supporters! a ranked choice vote of 9 subjects (if you become a new or increased supporter you can still vote, just let me know and i'll get you on the vote roll! :3) ---
Sir Mountington (unicorn) / 3 females (4 original characters)
Female Lopporit WOL / Beast Tribes (ff14) ( moogle (M) > Namazu (M) > Nu Mou (M) > Lopporits (M)
bumblelion/hoppopotamus+butterbear (Wuzzles)
T'ana / Random Gorn (lower Decks)
Kero/Sakura (furrized) (Card Captor Sakura)
Skippy/Slappy (animaniacs)
PinkFong/jeni+nina+chumli (pinkfong wonderstar)
griz+icebear+panpan / chloe (furrized)[we bare bears]