Hey lil ones. Just writting this to keep some ideas about my lore when it came to regression. I do plan do a ffew pictures explaining it too, like a medicla file or a doctor explaining it, but I do need to figure out which ones to add there or i'll end up with a big illustrated book about it xD
Don't get it too serious, it's not written on rock, and things can be edited as long as they want. it's more to give a direction on these stuff. Alert for nerd and technical lecture there. no pictures, yet xD
Feel free to ask or suggest stuff. The regression facility is always up to testing some theories =)
The regression is an experimental method to help citiziens by making them younger again. This way, they can get healed from health issues and injuries acquired by the time.
This method is still a big secret, as it's still being developed, and still isn't a 100% safe method. Only main bases knows and have specialists qualified to make it happen.
While it's a choice, Regression can and will be used as a last resource to save someone's life, even against their will. For that, the regression will happen until the "victim's" body gets out of danger
During some expeditions, one of the rocks used as a fuel produced some waste, and this waste had some interesting properties. At first analyzed, it could recover some areas where it had contact with, such as removing rust, making grass out of unfertilized soil and even as a water filter on rivers.
The first use on it for regressing someone was a risk, but needed. The regression was a success in parts, but it was too strong, turning the subject from a 40yo to a 3 and a half year old, while limiting his growth to the age of 12, before it regress again.
On further tests, the facility could adapt the regression and perform some safe, although not 100% yet regressions from various age ranges, as stated below:
Regressions around the range of 80 to 20 years old are the most safe ones. Users actually get to grow up normally, retaining memories and skills previously acquired, with a small period to practice it.
Regressions to 19 yo and below have a higher risk of what is being called "Mind to Body Adaptation". Which causes a mix of their previous mental aptitudes with their new age, and without further treatment and practice, can lead to some habits on certain growth ages, such as but not limited to:
Teenage and Young Adult years (13 to 19 years old)
- Rebel phase and higher social needs
Kid years (7 to 12 years old)
- Preference for toys and cartoons suitable to their age
- Thinking kids from opposite gender are dumb
- Loss of some knowledge previously acquired. Depending on how much, a reschooling can be necessary
- Bbeing selective on their meals
Toddler and Little Kid years(3 to 6 years old)
- Partial or Full loss of bladder control, requiring potty training from beggining
- Clingy and needy habits
- Loss of some phisical aptitudes, such as coordination and self balance
- Energy spikes
- Drooling and teething habits.
- Complete loss of basic knowledge previously acquired.
- Easy Tantrums.
Rules for Regressers
-20 yo and above
-Must sign up a confidential term about the precedure.
-After post regression training, can either go back to work on their field area (exception for high positions) or start a new course for a different area
-Once employed, can live normally.
-Must go back for testing each 6 months, for a period of 2 years.
-Must have a Guardian that will keep in contact with the facility and help the regressed on their obligations, (drive him for places, keep him away from alcohol and dangerous stuff)
15 and below
-Must have a Caretaker
-Must attend reschooling
Depending on the ammount of lost knowledge, the regressed user can have a tutor for home schooling, but if the ammount is too big, the user must be signed up in a school.
No special privileges will be given on this subject. The school's Principal will be aware that user is a regressee, but no teachers or other employers must know.
If the regressed student isn't ready to advance on re-potty training, his uniform will consit on a shortall, which the teacher or school's nurse can remove for changes.
Regressed users until 8 years old can grow up naturally over time.
It's known that from 7 and below, it may take longer to grow up, from a matter of days, to even years. Each case will be considered individually through exams and checkups.
Important info
Regressed users Have no privileges under the law, so in case they commite a crime, they'll be punished as the law orders. This may reflect on future regressions for behavior adjustments
It's known that baby formulas can have a side effect on Toddler regressers, bringing them to an almost complete toddler mindset.
That's it, thanks for reading this confidential regression file, and remember.. you won't remember anything once you re-learn how to read again
Any questions or suggestions? let me know =D