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I refuse to collaborate in tracing artworks that are not about my characters (Spanish/English)

Muy buenas a todos, como muchos de ustedes sabrán yo he estado durante todo este tiempo calqueando con permiso Artworks que artistas han hecho en tradicional y que yo se los paso (calqueo) a digital, he pensado en dejar de ya estar haciendo esto y sólo centrarme en el calqueo de las Requests que yo he pedido acerca de mis personajes, esto lo he decidido por cuenta propia, nadie me ha hecho reclamos ni nada parecido lo cual agradezco mucho que esto no me suceda, pero de verdad que ya yo no quiero seguirle calqueando (con permiso claro está) las Artworks suyas con sus personajes, me ha disgustado mucho que hay gente que piensa que yo soy el autor de esas Artworks cuando en realidad son ustedes quienes hicieron ese contenido y que ustedes me han permitido subirlo a mis galerías, los usuarios que ven lo que subo no están leyendo la descripción, más bien la evaden y no es el deber ser. He recibido +FAVEs incluso en Artworks antiguas que yo he calcado con permiso de otros artistas, etc.

Sólo me voy a centrar es en calcar las Artworks que tengan que ver con mis personajes (Requests echas para mí) ya que allí puedo dar doble acreditación ya sea con poner mi nombre en el Artwork seguido del nombre del artista autor quien me haya hecho el Artwork.
Hello everyone, as many of you know I have been during all this time tracing with permission Artworks that artists have made in traditional and that I pass them (tracing) to digital, I have thought to stop doing this and only focus on the tracing of the Requests that I have requested about my characters, this I have decided on my own, nobody has made me claims or anything like that which I am very grateful that this does not happen to me, but I really don't want to continue tracing (with permission of course) your Artworks with your characters, I have been very upset that there are people who think I am the author of those Artworks when in fact it is you who made that content and you have allowed me to upload it to my galleries, users who see what I upload are not reading the description, rather they avoid it and it is not the duty to be. I have received +FAVEs even on older Artworks that I have traced with permission from other artists, etc.

I am only going to focus on tracing Artworks that have to do with my characters (Requests made for me) because there I can give double credit by putting my name on the Artwork followed by the name of the artist author who has made the Artwork for me.
Viewed: 6 times
Added: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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