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Hello again! Long overdue update!

Heya peeps! Been a long time.

So first of all, no, I’m not dead…beaten down a bit, yes, been a rough couple years, but still kickin. Honestly nothing that insane happened, nothing we all don’t deal with in adult life, no major tragedies really (in case you were worried)…I just finally broke down after so many years of fighting to keep my head above water, and that’s really all that happened. Can only fight to keep the lights on so many times before it breaks you, turns out my limit is about 10 years (and 1 breakup). I checked out, completely stopped drawing, and got myself a new day job, was tired of the struggle and the stress, made a life choice that I desperately needed at the time that largely saved me…but it didn’t come without regrets.

Second, I just wanna say I’m sincerely sorry to a lot of you, namely those I still owe commissions too. I don’t want to make excuses, I failed you guys, I essentially gave up without much word or notice to all of you, left you hanging for a very long time. It was shitty of me to do…scummy even, and if I’ve lost any or all of your respect in that time, then I do deserve that. Either way I gotta make up for that now in any way that I can. I never stopped thinkin about you guys. So that’s largely why I’m writing this update, so those of you still waiting are aware of what I plan to do to make up for the work still owed too you guys.

If you’ve got a sketch or some bit of finished work from me so far, then I do plan to finish, though I haven’t drawn anything in over a year, so it’ll be a bit more time unfortunately as I ease back into things and finish what I can when I’m able. I do want to get back into drawing though…even though I wasn’t sure if I ever would draw this kinda stuff again, honestly. I thought for sure I was done, but then I read a little Sonic comic very recently, and it reminded me of how much I missed these characters, and missed drawing them. Maybe you stumbled on this too https://x.com/all_4sally/status/1879475405993943140?s=6.... It’s a beautiful little comic…brought a lot of old memories and feelings back to the surface that I’d largely forgotten about…which is pretty funny, given the theme of the comic. Reminded me why I draw them in the first place; it was a way of keeping something in my life that made up a huge part of my childhood, kept me tethered to characters that brought me a lot of joy, and essentially raised me in a lot of ways. Makes them worth remembering. But I digress 😅, check it out sometime if you’re an old Archie/Satam fan like me, it goes pretty hard! 🥲

Point is, I do plan to finish the works that I’ve started, so I’ll be working towards that. As well as maybe a few new things just for fun…if and when I can. Been 4 years since my last Sally pinup…isn’t that crazy!? 😅 Gonna ease into it though…it’s been a long time since I picked up that pen, so I hope that’s okay.

For the rest, I’ve given out a few refunds already, I’m afraid to say I have to cut down on the list, or it will just defeat me again. I caved largely because of the age old artist trap of biting off WAY more than I could handle, and thinkin I could keep up. At the time it did seem possible, but I was only kidding myself as it turned out. Your patronage did help me immensely back then…so it’s very hard for me to give you that news, but I do think it would be for the best.

I have a few YCH I’ll probably still do as well (I’ll message you guys on that soon), but everything else I think it might be best that I work towards paying you all back with a refund instead. So if you haven’t received a sketch yet, then I’ll likely be giving you a refund. I know it’s not the best news for some, but I hope it’s enough to make up for things.

On that note, it will take some time still before I can pay everyone back. My current job is seasonal, I’m only part time for the moment, and won’t start full time again until May. So I’m afraid I gotta ask for a little more patience again for everyone I plan to refund, but it’ll be my main goal over this Summer to get everyone paid what they’re owed.

So that’s largely my news for now. I do want to get back into drawing again —even despite all this crazy stupid Ai nonsense happening lately since I’ve been gone 🫠— but first I gotta make it up to a few of you, so that’ll be my goal for the foreseeable future. I’d like to get back into just drawing for fun again I think…I don’t think I was ever really cut out for doing this as a job, as difficult as that has been to admit, but I do love it still and wanna keep at it, so I intend too. I’m doing much better mentally, physically, financially lately…never completely out of them woods it seems, but I think it’ll get better as I finally clear my commissions, and get that weight off my shoulders, so that’s the goal!

Anyway, some of you I’ll contact a bit more directly soon, so keep an eye out. Catch y’all again soon!

I should also mention (because it was a question brought up), for those commissions and YCH I will be finishing, I don’t expect the last half payment from any of them, least I can do for it taking so long. This isn’t my main source of income anymore, so it’s a lot easier now for me to waive payments, so no worries! I just wanna work on art now for the enjoyment of it mostly.

As for the Patreon, idk yet, perhaps I’ll start it up again in the future as merely a tip jar…as it was supposed to be originally. We’ll see what happens.

Lastly, I have a lot of Notes to catch up on and respond too, so if you noted me I’ll get to them sometime soon, just gonna need a day set aside to go through them all.
Viewed: 225 times
Added: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
You rock! You do some of the best Sally art.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thanks Tycloud! Good to see some familiar faces still bein awesome! 😎
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Glad to see you doing better. Art should be fun, not a chore. Just take it slow and have a blast. Always take care of your self first and foremost. Art dose not make much money to live, especially in this demographic and economy so having a stable job is essential. As for the love life, sorry to hear about that. But there are plenty more fish in the sea as they say. And Good luck.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thank ya kindly! Ya, it mostly is fun, I do enjoy drawing for people and this community has always been so awesome…but I bit off way more than I could handle, and it just got to difficult to keep up after awhile. And with everything else happening in my life…it just eventually caught up to me. So lot of changes had to be made, but now I’m doing better, so time to make up for all that time lost. Just wanna draw for fun again, like it used to be, so I’ll start by chipping away at a few old coms, and few new things I’ve been meaning to do for fun! 😄 Good to back anyway.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
You are definitely the #1 Sally artist out there. I'm sorry you've been through such a rough patch in life, but it's good to hear you've been able to get through most of it.

I would have loved to have acquired your services at one point. Always wanted one of your Sally arts as a com.
Would have been cool to see Sally Acorn cosplaying as Sally Whitemane from World of Warcraft in your style. Kath Soucie voiced both being the connection here.

But, alas. Such a thing will remain a mental image. (For now, at least.)

Take care of yourself and wield that pen proudly once more, Sallyhot.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thanks so much! That was the goal…glad it’s been achieved! 🫠 It’s all good, seems many of us have been going through something lately, current chaotic climate I guess. For me, with the whole Ai thing lately, I feel it’s more important than ever to keep going, show some peeps we’re still gonna keep doing what we do, regardless of the current trends! Dust ourselves off, apologize where it’s needed, and get back at it! Thanks for the kind words! Glad to be back! 😊
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Im a silent follower but its nice to see you kind of make a return to play catch up. Always admired your work.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thank ya kindly! Glad to be back. 🫠
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Youve been an inspiration for me for quite some time, so its really nice to see you here again, and its so good to know you're doing okay!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thanks so much! Glad to be an inspiration! And good to see some familiar faces still keeping the community goin! 😊 Hope you’re doing well also!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Stay safe, and keep your head up. Its been a struggle for me too so I get your pain. Hope things will continue to get better for you.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thank you! Yes, to you as well! Glad to see this community is still as rad as ever, always lifts the ol’ spirits. 😎
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Hey man, I'm happy to hear that you're getting back into art for it's own sake! I know you will also feel much better after you clear out that backlog best of luck on that, I know you can do it! You're right about that short comic I saw it a few days ago, hurt my soul but it was FIRE, glad you were inspired by it too! Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future have a great weekend
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Heya Rotalice! Long time bud, hope you’re doing well also! Ya, that little comic really seemed to be exactly what I needed at that moment…funny how life sometimes throws you those little curve balls that hit just right! 🥲
1 month, 2 weeks ago
welcome back SH, we're glad to see u again C:
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thanx! Glad to be back!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
anytime dude, and remember to go easy on yourself :)
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Important is you're well, don't worry about time out. You're back and it's the better notice all. Past is past, today is you here. Be happy being back. ;)
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ya, glad to be back…gettin to old for these self destructive bouts though 😅 but think I’m finally striking a good balance, admitting some faults, adjusting some lifestyle.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
You are more important than art my friend. I just hope you keep doing better and reach out if you need help or some one to talk to.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thanx bud! Well It certainly helps that everyone in the community is pretty rad and understanding! I don’t deserve you all. 😭
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Always warms my heart to hear from you even though you dont know me :3
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Hey I pay attention more than ya might realize! That shirt looks great on you today btw! 😉
1 month, 2 weeks ago
At least you're better now, that's what truly matters. We all love you, and we still look forward to whatever delicious stuff you're cooking.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Aww shucks…🫠 Well glad to be back, just focusing now on bringing the fun back into things, in a better spot in life now so that certainly helps. Thanx for the kind words!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Glad you are doing better now.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Good to see you again

would have been nice to know you are gone at least but yeah
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Good to see you alive and kicking, missed you around here.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I love your art style.^^ I am also excited about this summer.^^ It's about a game coming out for Xbox.^^
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Good to know you're alright, more or less.  And I apologize if I'm a headache to deal with.
1 month, 1 week ago
I remember your stuff like yesterday!
1 month, 1 week ago
Good to have you back sallyhot! And you've certainly improved too!
1 month, 1 week ago
Your personal struggle is understandable and relatable too!
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