Once upon a Twitch stream dreary, while I simped hard at goth mommies
Over many quaint and curious dumps of channel lore--
While I nodded, faintly fapping, suddenly there came a rapping
As of someone rizzly dabbing, dabbing at my PMs door.
'Tis some channel mod", I muttered, "dabbing at my PMs door. Only this and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember, it was bio break reminders
as each channel moderator brought their A-game to the floor
Eagerly I wished for solo; time to watch them use the dildo
From Bad Dragon's sale, the Hanzo -- Hanzo to make them really feel a whore.
For the rare and weird VODs of Hanzo in a whore.
On Pornhub for evermore.
And the silken, sad, lubed rustling of my dick, which I'd been fussing
Thrilled me -- filled me with fantastic lewds never felt before;
So that now, my meat still beating, dick in hand it bears repeating
"'Tis some channel mod entreating I drink fluids --some lewd fuck who's also beating, at my PMs door."
"This and nothing more."
Presently my dick grew harder, hesitating then no longer,
"Dude", said I, "Or girl, whichever, your forgiveness I implore;
but the fact is I was fapping and so suddenly you @ me, at my PM door
That I wasn't sure I heard you" and here I click Discord to view;
Dick pics and nothing more.
Deep into that dick pic peering, long I stood there, wondering, leering
Fapping, creaming cream no mortal ever dared to cream before;
But the silence lay unbroken, PM quiet despite poking
And the only words my mind was thinking were,
"Some more"
This I texted and an echo answered back the words,
"Some more?"
Merely dicks and nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my lusts within me burning
Soon again there was a fapping somewhat louder than before.
(A passing thought went through my head a few weeks back, thinking about the 'tapping/rapping at my chamber door' and how if it were written today it would probably be about dabbing. This is the result of about 20 minutes of work. "Work". Looking up Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and sounding out something to fit its rather strange construction. It's an extremely long poem, and I cut it off where I did because I realized just how long it was all getting. It's silly and crude, but it's incredibly fun to do a dramatic reading of; I'll use any excuse when I'm in VR to read it out to people!)
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1 month, 3 weeks ago
15 Jan 2025 19:16 CET