I'm working on a new theme, this one is gonna quite a bit more extreme then with the previous 2 with more hints of non-con and possibly some goro.
The theme will revolve around a Mystery dungeon with more distorted morals. There since pokemon can respawn from being defeated in battle and pretty much heal from anything, what would be normally taboo like raping and murder are seen as everyday things (most of the time they go hand in hand XD).The problem is that when you are killed in a dungeon you respawn randomly in the dungeon so if you are not strong enough to get out on your own you pretty much get raped and killed contently (most dont mind but mons got places to be) . Thats where the explores come in, because of thier badges they can teleport mons out of the dungeon as long as they find them and when they get defeated they respawn back at base XD
But the wild pokemon know this so they are especially violent with explores cuz they are a rarer treat haha. Because of that not just any pokemon can become explorers and they need to train hard to be able to keep their sanity and be able to complete the mission even when they inevitably get raped and killed multiple times.
Here is a rough draft of a story I got so far so this
- Both on the ground holes gaped, leaking cum, and beaten up. But alive
skunktank - "well a deals a deal slut, you and your new friend there have satisfied us, here is your useless piece of garbage back"
- He tosses the stone hitting her right in the cunt. moans a bit when it hits her cunt.
Chikorita - "ehmm!"
- Team skull leaves
- Chikorita slowly sits up and says with a cheery smile
Chikorita - "Oh! Thanks a bunch pal! I was worried for a second there that is was not gonna be able to satisfy them! You came at the perfect time!"
- Riolu quickly sits up
Riolu - "What! How can you be so calm about this! They just raped us and beat the ever living shit out of too while doing it! (oh god and I got off on it, why?)"
- Chikorita looks in confusion
Chikorita - "What do you mean? they where going easy on us. If they where wild pokemon from the dungeon we would have been fucked even harder and beaten, likely even killed."
- Riolu says in shock
Riolu - "WHAT!!! WE COULD HAVE DIED?!!?"
Chikorita - "Well ya everymon knows what goes on in does dungeons, it's no big deal since we will just respawn anyway."
Riolu - "respawn?"
Chikorita - "Ya but some where random in the dungeon, at that point if you are not strong enough to fight your way out you will need to send out a rescue call"
Chikorita - "But why don't you know all this? Who are you if you don't mind me asking?"
Riolu - "Me? well I'm..I'm, I don't remember, I just woke up in the middle of this beach then I heard you where getting attacked by does tugs!"
Chikorita - " Amnesia? Well that explains a lot, well thanks again for helping me satisfy them!"
- Chikorita pulls the stone out of her cunt
Chikorita - "I don't know what I would do if I did not get my treasure back. And they are not that bad, they did save me from the dungeon I tried exploring, I just had no other way to pay for their services"
- riolu - "Why where exploring a dungeon?"
- Chikorita - "Well it's my dream to be an explorer, but to even apply you needed to have a team of at least 2 and no mon wanted to team up with a weakling like me, so I tried to prove myself by conquering this dungeon! But I could not get past the first floor and got stuck hehe. So I had to send out a rescue request, but didn't have anything to pay them with and you know there rest hehe"
- Riolu - "ohh, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that!"
- Chikorita - "ohh no worries this is like the 10th time this has happened! This is the first time I didn't pass out haha"
- Chikorita gets an idea
Chikorita - "ohh how about you and I form a team?! This is like destiny we met with the 2 of us we can make a team and join the guild!"
Riolu -"wait what? But i don't know anything about that and you saw how weak I was"
Chikorita - "exactly! you are weak as shit and so am I! So we are the only ones who would ever make a team together!"
Riolu - "ok.. ouch"
Chikorita - "The guild provides special training and housing anyway, we just need to be able to contribute to the guild!"
Riolu - "well I guess I don't really got any other options"
Chikorita - "Yay! Lets go now!"
Chikorita drags her way while their cunts are still leaking cum
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1 month, 2 weeks ago
15 Jan 2025 10:19 CET