Be warned. This is going to be a rant and its going to be probably also triggering if you have very strong opinions against AI. Prompted by KevinSnowPaw's post:
You know, im old enough to be able to say that i was an adult before the internet came to be, so i got to watch it grow and become what it is today.
And one of the groups i will never really understand as long as i live, are artists.
The FurAffinity type of artists, the DeviantArt type of artists, the commission artists, the imageboard junkies.
The amount of drama i have witnessed from these people makes twitter look like a well adjusted, happy and content place. There have been entire wars over poses, what is tracing and what is not, and even color schemes being used.
If i ever had to name a group of people on the internet who are the most obnoxious, self-centered, infantile and narcissistic breed that has ever existed, well... artists would be easily top 3.
There are plenty of exceptions!
Sure. It needs to be said. I know a lot of artists who are in fact very humble and just wish to do what art is at its core: to create, to express them selves, to give birth to stories and emotions they themselves struggle with whether positively or negatively.
However, in regards of the drama queens: the point is that the entire AI debacle is the exact. Same. Bs as these drama threads were from 20 years ago.
You have a tool that blends art. Meshes. Mixes. Whatever. Yet we are one again taking offense on the behalf of similarities and just the mere notion that somewhere within the algorithm, something you created might have been used as a reference or smthing.
Its not shown in the end product, but heck: How dare you?
Im sorry, nobody in the blue hell has ever taken a problem with the neural network that sits in people's skull, using the drawings of others as a reference or inspiration for learning how to draw.
That was just common sense.
Encouraged even.
A fellow artists wants to learn how to draw? Well naturally they can look at other people's art to learn from.
Its the most obvious thing ever.
So when you copy paste the entire process of that into a software that copies nothing 1:1 just does the exact same thing and takes references, that is suddenly of the devil. The very antichrist that needs to be purged from life along with anyone who dares to use it.
All of this to say:
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with AI and there is no "theft" involved with it.
We have been doing the same thing the AI does for thousands of years.
We learned from each other.
The principle is the same.
Nobody gets to accuse ppl of stealing the concept of drawing just because they are now using digital tools for drawing, but it most assuredly would be the exact same logical gymnastics anti AI clowns use to justify hating on AI: "How dare you use a tool that reduces the amount of skill required for the creation of art?"
Nobody in this space has the spine to stand up and proclaim the actual issue:
Thats it.
Thats all. There is no principle battle here, no moral or ethical issues, there is only monetary interest.
Artists who take anywhere between 100-600$ for a digital image are VERY inconvenienced by an extremely accessible competitor, which for the better part is free.
And you know what?
Its understandable.
That is an understandable discussion to have.
Being put out of business by a software is something that needs some delicate consideration and at a bare minimum some dialogue to happen.
However, thats not what is happening.
What is happening is the same thing from 20 years ago.
Infantile accusations and trying to deflect to makebelieve moral and ethical problems because its rather humbling to admit that those who hate on AI are personally impacted by it's existence. And in 2025 the time and age of narcissism and ego, humbling yourself is something unimaginable.
Being honest about your issues? No way. We gonna instead make a "social issue" out of it. We gonna go all "activist" on it because its communist brain tumor time.
TL;DR: Using AI is not theft OR unethical unless you copy someone's characters and art directly.
The exact same principle as with making your own art by hand.
You copy someone? Thats a bad thing.
You take someone's character? Why yes, that might be an issue.
Using someone's art for reference? No. Thats not theft nor a problem, and anyone who suggests otherwise should be simply thrown out with their nonsensical butthurt narcissistic ideals unless they grow a spine to be honest about their personal problems with AI, which is 99.9% of the time "it takes money away from me".
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1 month, 2 weeks ago
14 Jan 2025 11:07 CET